Ingomar Middle School 8 Grade Family and Consumer Sciences

Ingomar Middle School
8 Grade Family and Consumer Sciences
Mrs. Senkoski and Mrs. Gallagher
Welcome to 8th Grade FCS! Let’s make it a GREAT year!
8th grade FCS is a 12 week course. During this time, students will learn about goal setting, money management,
service learning, child development, and nutrition/cooking. The lessons taught in 8th grade will help students
understand the basics of the units listed above. FCS will help them become more knowledgeable and
independent members of their community.
Basic Supplies:
-One subject notebook (this stays in class; can be taken home to study/prepare for class when needed)
-2 Pocket Folder (to keep all worksheets, handouts, etc)
-Poster Board (for Goal Unit-this is our FIRST unit)
-Calculator (during money management unit)
Students will be graded on various activities throughout the 12 weeks. Below are some examples, but
assignments are not limited to this list.
 Notebook Entries
 Unit Activities
 Quizzes/Tests
 Labs
 Projects
 Essays
 Homework
Grades: Please check the online grade book for up to date grades and any missing assignments
Grading Scale
59.4 and below
Late Work:
Non-Absent Students: Students will have 2 days to turn in assignments after their due date. After 2 days, the
assignments will become a zero. For all assignments over 20 points, a missed homework slip will go home
with the student that will need signed by one parent/guardian and brought back with completed work.
Absent Students: Students will have 2 days to turn in assignments after their absences unless prior
arrangements have been made. Students will be given a fair amount of time after their absence (if absent for
a long period of time) to make up anything they missed in class.
Missing Class/Late to Class:
Field Trips: Students are responsible for giving prior notice to the teacher when attending any field trips.
Students must sign out on the classroom calendar and get all work that they will miss. If you do not see me
at least a day before your field trip, you will receive a detention for “skipping” class.
Legal Vacations: Students must complete a blue vacation application form and get necessary teacher
signatures. This form must be signed by me 2 weeks before the scheduled vacation. This is school policy
because it must be turned into the office for approval.
Absences: If you are absent from class it is your responsibility to make up any missed work. If you miss
class, please check the webpage to get any assignments you missed. When you return to school, see me
during morning homeroom (not the middle of class) to discuss what you missed.
Late to Class: All students must have a late pass when coming in late to class. If a student does not have a
pass, he/she will have to go and get one from the teacher/staff member they were with. If a student is late to
class 3 times, a detention will be issued.
8th Grade Student Expectations:
Late and/or Unprepared for Class: You are expected arrive on time for every class and come prepared with
the necessary materials to make your class experiences a success. If you arrive late three (3) times, arrive
without the necessary materials three (3) times, or have any combination of the above totaling three (3),
within a twelve-week period, you will be issued a detention.
Classroom Behavior:
Please refer to the “Rules and Consequences” form on my teacher page for more detailed information about
Classroom Behavior Expectations and Consequences.
Check out my teacher page on the Ingomar Middle School website for up to date information and
helpful links.
Keep track of all assignments on my 8th Grade page (check the page for assignments when you are
****All important worksheets, project outlines, rubrics, study guides, etc can be found on the 8th
grade section of my website- - - you can print these off anytime
If you have any questions/concerns please contact me!
I look forward to a great 12 weeks with you and your students!
Thank you,
Mrs. Diane Senkoski and
Mrs. Elizabeth Gallagher
8th Grade FCS Teachers
8th Grade Student Information
**Parents, please fill out and return. Thank you!**
Student Name: ____________________________________________________________________________
FCS Class Period: _________________________________________________________________________
Student Email (if you have one): ______________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________
Contact #1
Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Contact #2
#2 Parent/Guardian Name: __________________________________________________________________
Cell Phone: ______________________________________________________________________
Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________________________
Preferred Method of Contact:
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Preferred Contact Person:
Contact #1
Contact #2
I love to showcase what we do in class! Please let me know if it is ok to photograph/video your child and post
on North Allegheny Website (I will NOT include names with photos). Please check one.
It is OK to post my child’s photo/video on the North Allegheny Website
It is NOT OK to post my child’s photo/video on the North Allegheny Website
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) and Student: Please sign below to indicate that you have read the classroom syllabus
and understand the requirements for 8th Grade FCS (at least 1 parent/guardian signature is needed). Please
email or call me with any questions.
Contact #1 Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Contact #2 Parent/Guardian Signature: __________________________________________________________
Student Signature: __________________________________________________________________________