Please complete both sides of this document.
Parent/Guardian must bring any medications to school, prescription and Over the Counter.
Students may not transport medication at any time.
Medications must be in the original container and not expired.
Medications currently stored at school will not be taken on this trip.
Provide only the exact amount of medications your student will need for this trip.
Inhalers/Epipens/Insulin/Diastat may be carried by the student with written physician approval on a school provided Action Plan.
For inhalers, insulin, or Epipens, please fill out this side only. Copies of current 2015-16 school year action plans will be sent with the student’s chaperone.
Prescription medications must have the student’s name and original prescription label on the bottle/box.
Medications will be returned to students as they disembark at school on May 20 th .
Parent/Guardian to complete this section:
Please fill out a separate form for each medication sent in. Extra forms can be picked up in the clinic.
Student’s Name_______________________________________________________________
Medication to be given_________________________________________________________
Dosage and time to be given_____________________________________________________
***Please note morning medications will not be given on May 18th and evening/bedtime medications will not be given on May 20th. Please give those medications at home the morning the students leave and the evening when they return.***
Below to be filled out by the student’s chaperone/teacher/school nurse. Chaperone, in blank, write time
given and initial.
Breakfast Lunch Dinner Bedtime
May 18 th ___XXX___ ________ ________ _________
May 19 th _________ ________ _________ __________
May 20 th _________ ________ ___XXX___ ____XXX___