Technology Department 2016-2017 Strategic Plan Goals All students have equitable access to technology and use it to seek knowledge and understanding; and listen, communicate and interact effectively. Strategies ● ● ● ● ● ● Use technology to provide students with innovative learning spaces that allows them to think critically; listen communicate and interact effectively; exhibit strong personal ● ● ● Evidence Work with district departments and schools to develop a system plan to transition to digital instructional resources and assessments. Invest in infrastructure and devices to support the transition to digital resources Continue implementation of students leveraging BYOT and districtprovided equipment Continue to provide digital content for students, along with professional learning resources for staff that supports the integration of technology and development of technology proficiency Develop and implement a plan for next generation teaching strategies to maximize access to all district resources inside and outside of school Work in partnership with parents, business and community agencies to further develop and provide technology resources for student outside of school Technology Department ● Support Capacity ● Infrastructure and access ● Usage and effectiveness of technology resources Better utilize data to help teachers and administrators identify and integrate learner types for all students Create a system that the facilitate the creation of an individualized learner plan for each student Provide the technological tools that will allow students to access content at an accelerated pace while Technology Department ● Usage reports for learning platforms ● Student profile reports mapping learner types to resources ● Data systems that allow for easier access to relevant Who is Responsible ● ● ● ● Board of Education Superintendent Technology Department Finance Department Teaching and Learning Offices Communication Department Finance Department ● Funding sources Teaching and Learning Offices ● Professional Learning opportunities and participants ● Digital content available to staff and students Communications Department ● Partnerships and funding ● ● ● ● ● Board of Education Superintendent Technology Department Teaching and Learning School Administrators and Staff qualities; and engage and compete in a global environment. ● ● ● Ensure that technology is integrated into, and fully supports all district functions (administrative and academic) to ensure that students are better able to seek knowledge and understanding; think critically and solve problems; listen, communicate and interact effectively; exhibit strong personal qualities; and to be able to compete in a global environment. ● ● ● ● ● still meeting their unique instructional needs. Provide professional development to build capacity and enable a more personalized learning environment for students Create collaborative work spaces for teachers and administrators to create and share innovative instructional strategies Create physical and virtual Learning Commons at each school which will serve as the instructional hub of the school Continue to align technology implementations to support the district’s curriculum goals, including workforce development support and online learning Evaluate operational processes to eliminate unnecessary practices, and enact supportive policies to take advantage of existing or emerging technologies Formalize the review and recommendation process for purchased, district created, and “harvested” open resources and assessments Implement online classroom observations tools to measure classroom use Infuse the 6 C’s and Georgia NETS standards with curriculum delivery to evaluate the skills and knowledge of students data,and predictive statistics Teaching and Learning Offices ● CCRPI results ● Digital content availability ● Professional development opportunities (online and face-to-face) ● Policy changes ● School and district improvement plans ● Facilities Plan Teaching and Learning Offices ● GAPSS ● CCRPI results ● Classroom observations Technology Department ● Usage reports for learning platforms ● ● ● Technology Department Teaching and Learning School and District Leadership