DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department Silver City ES 1 2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous Improvement Goal (Schools determine the number of goals) 1. The percentage of k-3 students will meet expected to high growth in reading will increase from 91% to 92% based on SLO data as measured by Fountas and Pinnell at the end of the 2016 school year. AdvancED Standards (Check all that apply) Support from FCS Depts.* (List all that apply) Purpose and Direction Professional learning opportunities for administrators and teacher leaders to promote personal growth and professional knowledge in the area of balanced reading instruction and mathematics. Governance and Leadership X Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement 2. Silver City Elementary will increase our overall CCRPI School Climate Star Rating from 95.5 to 96.5 by 2016. X Purpose and Direction X Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning X Continued collaboration with Special Education to ensure that staff and resources are available to provide the services necessary for students to reach their educational and behavioral goals. Continued training for teachers in F & P administration, interpretation and diagnostics Opportunities for collaboration with other schools to more deeply evaluate our programs, processes, and outcomes relative to student achievement and teacher/leader effectiveness. Opportunities for collaboration with other schools to more deeply evaluate our 7Mindsets program and its effects on school-wide attendance, social skills acquisition and academic gains. Support from FCS Student Support Services in the area of parent education and communication regarding the importance of school attendance Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement * FCS Depts: Educational Leadership Human Resources Student Support Services DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department Silver City ES 2 Facilities Finance & Operations Food & Nutrition Services Public Inf. & Communications School Safety & Discipline Special Education Superintendent Teaching & Learning Technology & Inf. Services Transportation 2015-16 School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: The percentage of k-3 students will meet expected to high growth in reading will increase from 91% to 92% based on SLO data as measured by Fountas and Pinnell at the end of the 2016 school year. SMART Goal: See Step 3 (DMR): Establish SMART Goals Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) See Step 4 (DMR): Select Specific Strategies Implementation of LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention with all special education students 1st-5th See Step 5 (DMR): Determine Results Indicators If educators establish a routine intervention targeting specific skills, then students will make greater gains in reading fluency and comprehension. Provide a daily intervention during Learning Launch Implementation of Daily 5 in grades K-3rd Tracking student progress in F & P through Data Teams led by a trained teacher leader. Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? Timeline Beginning Sept.1st, 2015 through May 27, 2016. If educators establish a routine intervention targeting specific skills, then students will make greater gains in reading fluency and comprehension. Beginning August 6th, 2015 through May 27, 2016. If educators establish a routine intervention targeting specific skills, then students will make greater gains in reading fluency Beginning September 2nd, 2015 meetings scheduled every Administrators set up teacher observation of schools and teachers using the program Monitoring of student progress by teachers, Sped chair and administration Teacher training summer 2015 Continued opportunities for classroom observations for the literacy coach and teachers Continued opportunities to train new staff members or offer DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department Silver City ES 3 and comprehension. month for the school year. refreshers for Fountas and Pinnell Literacy Coach (Amelia Wolfer) grade level leaders Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: See Step 6 (DMR): Monitor and Evaluate Results Monthly data team meetings Weekly administrative meetings EIP and Special Education Team Meetings and Data Review Teacher and Administrative observations Continuous Improvement Goal 2: Silver City Elementary will increase our overall CCRPI School Climate Star Rating from 95.5 to 96.5 by 2016. SMART Goal: See Step 3 (DMR): Establish SMART Goals Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) See Step 4 (DMR): Select Specific Strategies See Step 5 (DMR): Determine Results Indicators If students understand and practice the Comet Attitudes, then student learning will be more positive and productive. If educators deliver instruction that is integrated and rigorous, then students will make meaningful connections and enduring academic gains. Deliver character education instruction (7Mindsets) through the Comet Attitudes. This year we embark on the 3 year journey to STEM certification Timeline Monthly beginning in September 2015 and ending in May 2016. Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? Beginning August 6th, 2015 through May, 2015 Monthly lesson plans supporting the Comet Attitudes Members of the Comet Support Team STEM Planning Days (Spring & Fall) Grade Level Teachers DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department Silver City ES 4 Monitoring of IKAN GloSS and Math Talks in grades K-5. Provide a morning math lab to target 4th and 5th grade students who “Intervention” on fall interim test results Establish an Attendance Committee to review student attendance and provide attendance education and incentives. If educators have a deeper understanding of math instruction, then students will achieve to a higher level in mathematics. If educators establish a routine intervention targeting specific skills, then at-risk students will make greater gains in mathematics. If student attendance improves, then student learning will increase. Beginning Sept.1st, 2015 through May 27, 2016. Beginning July 2015 through May 2016 Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: Pre and post surveys on the 7Mindsets Monitoring of STEM activities and progress by the SCES Admin Team and the STEM Committee. Monthly reports by the Attendance Committee to the Admin Team Continued opportunities to train new staff members or offer refreshers for IKAN GloSS Math Lead Teacher (Julie Auten) and one teacher per grade level The attendance committee will conduct monthly meetings to review student attendance The counselors will have daily attendance reminders on the morning news Our 7Mindsets Team will be giving shuttle points based on attendance this year DUE 10/2/15 to Teaching and Learning Department Silver City ES 5 2015-16 Professional Learning Plan Professional Learning Goal(s): Improve/increase the usage of Itslearning as an instructional technology tool and increase student/parent usage Create engaging on-line learning (digital classroom) opportunities for students. Infuse collaboratively developed learning opportunities for students to participate in STEM activities in the Media Center and classrooms. Expand professional knowledge regarding instructional practices designed to develop higher-order thinking through questioning, increased student specific feedback, and problem solving. Increase professional knowledge of guided reading to improve instructional practices K-5 Implement the 7Mindsets school-wide Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): Goal #1: The percentage of k-3 students will meet expected to high growth in reading will increase from 91% to 92% based on SLO data as measured by Fountas and Pinnell at eh end of the 2016 school year. Goal #2: Silver City Elementary will increase our overall CCRPI School Climate Star Rating from 95.5 to 96.5 by 2016. Date # Hours July 30 Pre-Planning 8 July 31 Pre-Planning (District) August 3 Pre-Planning August 5 Pre-Planning September 2 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) October 23 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) November 2-9 Grade Level STEM Planning January 4 Prof. Dev. Day (School) February 16 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) March 3-9 May 31 Post-Planning June 1 Post-Planning 8 4 TOTAL HOURS: Description of Learning Activities Welcome Back- Our Vision and Three Year Plan for IgnitionInstructional Strategic Plan Implementation, Directionality, and TKES Pre-Meeting DCD- Itslearning /7Mindsets Training Safety training, Mandated Reporter Training, IRR and Support Team Collaborative meeting, Fast Bridge Training 2 Lunch & Learn- School Procedures 4 Data Teams Training- Collaborative data analysis 8 DCD- Differentiation Strategies/Team collaboration 8 Grade Level STEM Planning 5 Learning Carousels- ITS Learning/ STEM 8 DCD- Differentiation Strategies/ Team collaboration 8 3 2 68 Grade Level STEM Planning Celebration luncheon and team activities Team Meetings- Planning for 2016-17