Mashburn ES 1 2015-18 Executive Summary Continuous Improvement Goal (Schools determine the number of goals) AdvancED Standards (Check all that apply) 1. In order to create a Positive Learning Environment our goals will be to implement: Student Self- Assessments/ Rubrics - Student Checklists - Anchor charts - Schedules - Assignment/ Assessment selfchecks using red, yellow, and green for understanding - Setting small learning goals Kagan Strategies - Strategies that promote cooperation and communication in the classroom in order to boost confidence and interaction in the classroom Morning Meeting - Goal setting for the day - Class chant - Temperature Readings - Greetings - Mashburn 20/ 7 Mindsets - Daily Schedule Purpose and Direction 2. In order to promote and enhance Digital Learning, we will: Master utilization of itslearning student interactive tools and collaborative features. - Discussions - Assignments - Tests - Integration of Google Apps through itslearning. - Create a bank of assessment Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Support from FCS Depts.* (List all that apply) 1. Continued support from the Curriculum Coaches in regards to best practices, modeling instruction and planning using assessment data. 2. Continued support from Student Support Services at the county level with 7 Mindsets. 3. Continued support from Teaching and Learning at the county level in regards to resources, best practices and teacher training. 4. Continued support from administration through the TKES observation tool. 1. Continued support from the Technology Services dept at the county level in regards to training and utilization of technology. 2. Continued support from the ITS. 3. Continued support from administration through the TKES observation tool. Mashburn ES 2 resources. Model use of transformational technology. - Distinguish between Literacy, Adapting, and Transformational. - Build lessons with real world connections. - Implementation and utilization of the Actiwall Demonstrate proficiency in manipulation of data to inform and evaluate instruction. - Develop basic skills in Excel and Google Sheets. 3.In order to increase Student Engagement, we will: Effectively use STEMscopes as a cross-curricular resource Vertically plan across grade levels for science and math (quarterly STEAM projects) Effectively use the Science Lab Implement Project Based Learning Purpose and Direction 4. In order to address the needs of gifted and advanced learners, we will: Use assessment data to identify students who require enrichment activities in order to grow as learners. Intentionally use best practices that address the needs of gifted and advanced learner. Ensure the work is rigorous by using the work of Bloom, Webb, and Hess as a guide. Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement 1. Continued support from Teaching and Learning in regards to training and implementation of best practices. 2. Continued support from the Curriculum Coaches. 3. Continued support from administration through the TKES observation tool. 1. Continued support from the Teaching and Learning dept at the county level. 2. Continued support from the gifted teacher as well as the Curriculum Coaches. 3. Continued support from administration through the TKES observation tool. Mashburn ES 3 * FCS Depts: Educational Leadership Facilities Finance & Operations Food & Nutrition Services Human Resources Public Inf. & Communications School Safety & Discipline Special Education Student Support Services Superintendent Teaching & Learning Technology & Inf. Services Transportation 2015-16 School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: To Increase our CCRPI score in the area of Progress Points. SMART Goal: See Step 3 (DMR): Establish SMART Goals 1. Utilizing the TKES observation system, Mashburn will increase the area of Assessment Uses from 76% level 3 based on self assessments from August 2015 to 86% level 3 based on summative evaluations in May 2016. 2. During the 2015-16 school year, we will move our 1st, 2nd and 4th grade ELL students from 46% expected or high growth to 55% expected or high growth by May 2016 based on the SLO Growth Model. Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Prof. Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) See Step 4 (DMR): Select Specific Strategies Leadership Team Data Digs - The leadership team will analyze different subgroup data, grade level data and assessment data in order to determine instructional needs for students in Tiers 1-4. See Step 5 (DMR): Determine Results Indicators If teachers collaboratively engage in the Data Team process to monitor student progress, then interventions will be supplied with fidelity to students at risk while others will be challenged at appropriate levels. This will result in the development of strategies for our ELL and students at the Tier 2,3 and 4 level. Committee Structure and Professional Learning Plan - Mashburn will utilize 4 committees (Positive School Culture, Digital Learning, Engagement and Gifted and Advanced Learners). All professional learning through the lens of If teachers participate and collaborate in professional learning that is intentional and purposeful for their chosen area then they will then be able to lead their grade levels/areas in this area of focus for instructional purposes. This will result in stronger collaboration with Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? On-going 1. Administrative Team, Leadership Team. On-going 1. Committee Team Leaders Mashburn ES 4 Assessment Uses and Assessment Strategies will be done through committee meetings. Positive Learning Environment: Teachers will conference with students after classroom assessments. Students will be able to set a learning goal based on their areas of growth. Digital Learning: Move toward usages of transformational technology by increasing basic skills in data manipulation and developing resources in ITS Learning that promotes collaboration, creativity, critical thinking and communication. Student Engagement: Teachers at Mashburn Elementary will coordinate a quarterly STEAM project utilizing STEMscopes and the science lab. Gifted and Advanced Learners: Teachers/grade levels will create and utilize with students their own depth and complexity frames. Students will analyze and evaluate topics with deeper levels of understanding with a focus on questioning from Bloom’s, Webb and Hess as a guide. a focus on Assessment Uses and Assessment Strategies. If teachers conference with students after classroom assessments are given, they will be able to assist the students in goal setting. 1. Positive Learning Environment Committee. 1. ITS Learning, standards, time for professional learning and creating resources. Digital Learning Committee members. On-going If teachers increase their basic skills in data manipulation and develop rigorous resources in ITS then students then teachers will better understand how data drives instruction. On-going If teachers collaborate with their grade levels with a focus on STEAM then we will utilize the Science lab and STEMscopes with more fidelity. On-going If teachers utilize depth and complexity frames with students, then students will have a deeper understanding of the learning targets as well as be able to set goals for learning. On-going 2. 1. Student Engagement Committee. 1. Gifted and Advanced Learners Committee. Describe how your SMART Goal will be monitored throughout the year: See Step 6 (DMR): Monitor and Evaluate Results Monthly: Students will be monitored throughout the year based on running records, formative assessments and data team meetings. Monthly: Committee Chairs will monitor their progress through committee meetings. Monthly: Leadership Team meetings will be used to monitor and reexamine the progress of the SIP goals. Ongoing: Assessment Strategies and Uses will be monitored based on TKES walk-throughs and formatives. Mashburn ES 5 2015-16 Professional Learning Plan Professional Learning Goal(s): Assessment Strategies and Assessment Uses (TKES Standards 5 & 6). Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): Increase the CCRPI score through progress points. Date # Hours Description of Learning Activities July 30 Pre-Planning July 31 Pre-Planning (District) August 3 Pre-Planning September 2 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) October 23 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) January 4 Prof. Dev. Day (School) February 16 Prof. Dev. Day (District AM/School PM) 2 Kickoff for the year, Scott Schickler and the 7 Mindsets 4 DCD Day – ITS Learning 5 Gloss training, information for the year (IST, SST, data teams, etc) Data Team Analysis of F&P, Gloss for planning purposes for Bear Necessities groups. Learning Targets May 31 Post-Planning June 1st Post-Planning Leadership Team Learning (8/24, 10/12, 11/16, 1/5, 2/8, 3/14, 3/28, 5/2) Leadership Team Data Digs (8/18, 9/8, 9/22, 10/20, 11/10, 12/1, 1/12, 2/23, 3/22, 5/10) Committee Meetings (8/31, 10/3, 11/9, 12/4, 2/1, 3/7, 4/25, 5/16) New Teacher Trainings 8/17, 9/21, 10/26, 11/30, 1/11, 2/22, 3/21) Faculty Meetings (9/8, 9/14, 11/2, 12/7, 1/25, 2/29, 4/11, 5/9) 4 TOTAL HOURS: 4 4 4 8 4 Grade level and job specific training, data analysis, collaboration and planning for instructional purposes. AM: PM: grade level data analysis and collaborative planning sessions. Analyzing school improvement data, end of year data and instructional practices for 2016-17. End of year procedures and collaborative conversations. 8 Reviewing and making decisions about school improvement processes, data analysis and instructional strategies. 10 Analyze student data, subgroup data and school wide data for instructional practices and determination of student needs. 8 Professional Learning designed specifically for each of the 4 school wide committees. Directionality, RTI processes, SST and IST procedures, 4 step crisis model, using Excel, etc. Child abuse training, TOTY, Milestone assessment training, FAST training, 7 Mindsets training. 7 8 76