AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS will increase the total number of points earned on the CCRPI from 96.1 points to 97.1 points. SMART Goal: Language Arts/Enrichment - Promote student learning by improving instructional strategies to facilitate SGP growth from an overall (Reading and Language) average score of 60 to 62. Math - 80% of RMS students score at the proficient level or above in mathematics. Science – The percentage of students with typical or high growth will increase from 69% to 75%. Social Studies – To increase student’s overall SGP scores from 70.5 to 71.5 int by focusing on grade level specific domains – 6th and 7th grade civics; 8th grade history. School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2014 -2015 Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Language Arts (Includes Professional Learning Plan) (Relate to a TKES Standard) TKES Standard 3 Instructional Strategies Develop and continuously use appropriate instructional strategies to engage students in higher level thinking, authentic leaning opportunities, and reinforce learning through lessons. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) If teachers provide students with a variety of instructional strategies, then students will increase their reading and language skills. Timeline (Provide specific check points for TKES administrator to attend subject area meetings.) If the teachers use a variety of research based instructional strategies then students will acquire key knowledge and skills to increase the overall average from 60-62. Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (Designate requested resources and needs from administration, support staff, or collaborative teams.) Professional Development on identifying and utilizing research based instructional strategies. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS will increase the total number of points earned on the CCRPI from 96.1 points to 97.1 points. SMART Goal: Language Arts/Enrichment - Promote student learning by improving instructional strategies to facilitate SGP growth from an overall (Reading and Language) average score of 60 to 62. Math - 80% of RMS students score at the proficient level or above in mathematics. Science – The percentage of students with typical or high growth will increase from 69% to 75%. Social Studies – To increase student’s overall SGP scores from 70.5 to 71.5 int by focusing on grade level specific domains – 6th and 7th grade civics; 8th grade history. School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2014 -2015 Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Math (Includes Professional Learning Plan) (Relate to a TKES Standard) Add a constructed response (CR) piece to each summative. TKES Standards: Instructional Planning (2) *Aligns and connects lesson objectives to state and local school district curricula and standards, and student learning needs. Instructional Strategies (3) *Develops higher-order thinking through questioning and problem-solving activities. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) If students are given the opportunity to practice constructed response questions and are given thoughtful feedback, then the students will increase their ability to solve complex problems and communicate their solutions. Timeline (Provide specific check points for TKES administrator to attend subject area meetings.) Date 8/27 9/26 10/17 2/16 SY 14 – 15 Level 6th 7th 8th All 6th 7th 8th All 6th 7th 8th All 6th 7th 8th Unit(s) 1, 6 1, 2 2, 4, 5 2, 3 2B, 3A 6, 7 4, 5 3B, 5 1, 3 7 4, 6 8 *Accelerated classes will use the work from the next grade level. Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (Designate requested resources and needs from administration, support staff, or collaborative teams.) Resources: *Collaborative planning time. (Admin.) *Aligned work text (Instructional Coaches) *Teachers will provide and review with students appropriate work samples to communicate expectations. *Teachers will practice “ACE Mathematics” format with students. *Teachers will provide students with timely and specific feedback on their constructed response questions. *”ACE Mathematics” Posters for all math classrooms in the school. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS will increase the total number of points earned on the CCRPI from 96.1 points to 97.1 points. SMART Goal: Language Arts/Enrichment - Promote student learning by improving instructional strategies to facilitate SGP growth from an overall (Reading and Language) average score of 60 to 62. Math - 80% of RMS students score at the proficient level or above in mathematics. Science – The percentage of students with typical or high growth will increase from 69% to 75%. Social Studies – To increase student’s overall SGP scores from 70.5 to 71.5 int by focusing on grade level specific domains – 6th and 7th grade civics; 8th grade history. School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2014 -2015 Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) Social Studies The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student learning. Science The school’s curriculum, instructional design, and assessment practices guide and ensure teacher effectiveness and student (Includes Professional Learning Plan) (Relate to a TKES Standard) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) Timeline (Provide specific check points for TKES administrator to attend subject area meetings.) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (Designate requested resources and needs from administration, support staff, or collaborative teams.) Teachers will analyze data TKES Standard 3 Instructional Students will be better after every common The grade level teachers will be responsible for the Strategies - Evaluate and increase DOK levelsequipped to successfully assessment. analysis. both formative and summative answer higher level questions assessments. After evaluation as the instruction is adjusted and the appropriate teaching strategy is applied. If students are given a graphic organizers to chunk information and assist with their comprehension, then they will master the content at higher levels. Review after the completion of unit and after each assessment. * ITS Learning and Gizmo training *Professional learning time to work on unit plans *PTSA grant for resources © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS will increase the total number of points earned on the CCRPI from 96.1 points to 97.1 points. SMART Goal: Language Arts/Enrichment - Promote student learning by improving instructional strategies to facilitate SGP growth from an overall (Reading and Language) average score of 60 to 62. Math - 80% of RMS students score at the proficient level or above in mathematics. Science – The percentage of students with typical or high growth will increase from 69% to 75%. Social Studies – To increase student’s overall SGP scores from 70.5 to 71.5 int by focusing on grade level specific domains – 6th and 7th grade civics; 8th grade history. School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2014 -2015 Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) (Relate to a TKES Standard) AdvancED Standard(s) learning. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) Timeline (Provide specific check points for TKES administrator to attend subject area meetings.) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (Designate requested resources and needs from administration, support staff, or collaborative teams.) determined needs. TKES Standard: 4 Differentiation Use of flexible groups Modified assessments Provide remediation, enrichment and acceleration as needed. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: RMS will increase the total number of points earned on the CCRPI from 96.1 points to 97.1 points. SMART Goal: Language Arts/Enrichment - Promote student learning by improving instructional strategies to facilitate SGP growth from an overall (Reading and Language) average score of 60 to 62. Math - 80% of RMS students score at the proficient level or above in mathematics. Science – The percentage of students with typical or high growth will increase from 69% to 75%. Social Studies – To increase student’s overall SGP scores from 70.5 to 71.5 int by focusing on grade level specific domains – 6th and 7th grade civics; 8th grade history. School Name: Riverwatch Middle School School Year: 2014 -2015 Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) (Includes Professional Learning Plan) (Relate to a TKES Standard) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior (“If…then...” Statements) Timeline (Provide specific check points for TKES administrator to attend subject area meetings.) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (Designate requested resources and needs from administration, support staff, or collaborative teams.) © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.