2014-17 Executive Summary School Name: NFMS AdvancED Standards FCS Departments Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Educational Leadership Facilities and Operations Finance and Operations Food and Nutrition Services Continuous Improvement Goal NFMS will increase its combined Achievement and Progress components of the CCRPI score. Human Resources Public Information and Communications School Safety and Discipline Special Education AdvancED Standards Standard 1 – Purpose and Direction Standard 3 – Teaching and Assessing for Learning Standard 5 – Using Results for Continuous Improvement NFMS will improve organizational structures and processes to ensure that students, families Standard 1 – Purpose and Direction and community partners can receive timely Standard 2 – Governance and Leadership information/communication from the school Standard 4 – Resources and Support Systems while preserving (and growing) our positive collegial working relationships. . Student Support Services Superintendent Teaching and Learning Technology and Information Services Transportation Support from FCS Department(s) T & L – Continued assistance in location and utilization of resources to support this effort (including professional learning) Technology & Info Services – continued assistance in data collection particularly in regards to “lagging” data. T & L – Continued assistance in location and utilization of resources to support this effort. Public Information & Communication – assistance in a multitude of communication related areas. © 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. 2014-15 School Improvement Plan AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X X X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement NFMS Continuous Improvement Goal: NFMS will increase its combined Achievement and Progress components of the CCRPI score. SMART Goal: NFMS academic teachers will complete a Data Teams process on at least one assessment per semester. Assessments will be identified by subject and grade level. More than 80% of students will demonstrate at least a 35% growth from the pre-test to the end of unit assessment, with at least 25% of this group demonstrating at least 60% growth. Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline (“If…then...” Statements) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? AdvancED Standard(s) All Academic staff will implement a formal data teams process on at least two units selected by grade/subject area. NFMS select staff will continue implementation of comprehensive writing plan that is both vertically aligned and inclusive of the wide variety of writing genres our learners will encounter in their continuing education and careers. If teachers implement a data teams process (with particular emphasis on the major units selected), then student achievement rates will improve at a minimum of targeted goal levels. August 2014 – May 2015 If the school has a comprehensive writing plan that all are responsible for delivering with fidelity, then student writing proficiency will improve. August 2014ongoing Professional development in differentiation, IT’s resources (and general LMS utilization). All staff share in responsibility NFMS Admin, curriculum committee, select central office and writing coaches from other schools. © 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. 2014-15 School Improvement Plan AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X X X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement NFMS Continuous Improvement Goal: NFMS will improve organizational structures and process to ensure that students, families and community partners can receive timely information/communication from the school while preserving (and growing) our positive collegial working relationships. SMART Goal: Difficult to articulate a SMART goal as it is more of a culture piece. It certainly will have an impact on achievement and numerous artifacts. Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline (“If…then...” Statements) Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? AdvancED Standard(s) Implement communication and stakeholder involvement improvement initiatives in four areas: 1. Communication, 2. Curriculum, 3. Technology, 4. Extra & Co-curricular. If stakeholder communication/involvement improves, positive perception data will follow. Student achievement will also improve as follow positive community engagement increases. August 2014ongoing NFMS Admin, teacher committee chairs, LSC, PTO executive board, select central office staff for assistance when needed. © 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. 2014-15 Professional Learning Plan NFMS Professional Learning Goal(s): Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): NFMS Strives to fully implement the data teams process across academic disciplines in order to promote individualized learning and instruction, thus improving student achievement. NFMS will use the data teams process to target individual learners for differentiated instruction in order to enhance student learning/achievement # Hours Date Description of Learning Activities July 31 Pre-Planning 8 August 1 Pre-Planning 3 Orientation, Data Review, Grade Level, Assessment Calendar Mapping Session DCD Sessions August 4 Pre-Planning - Open House August 5 Pre-Planning 4 SLO orientation, TKES Pre-Conference, Mandated Reporter Training August 6 Pre-Planning 3 Its Learning Updates, Nuts and Bolts, Safety Procedures, Health Procedures August 27 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (District) 3 Data Teams September 26 Early Release/Prof. Dev. (School) 3 School Improvement Plan goal finalization, GA Milestones update January 5 Prof. Dev. Day (School) 3 Review of Semester 1 Data team results, 2nd semester mapping February 16 Prof. Dev. Day (District and School) 3 Its Learning Recommendation Engine update and personalized learning May 26 Post-Planning 3 Review of internal Academic Data Team Results May 27 Post-Planning 3 Preliminary Goal setting, Nuts and Bolts *Extensive utilization (20+hours) of TLC time (Teaching, Learning, & Total Hours: TBD* Collaboration) sessions which take place during Wednesday planning time. © 2014 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.