Lesson 5 School News Day 4

Lesson 5
School News
Day 4
Question of the Day
• Who was your first friend?
• My first friend was _________________.
Read aloud
• What might the purpose be for reading or
listening to a poem again?
• for enjoyment
• to relate the poem to my life
Be a Friend of Mine
• Could you,
• Would you,
• Be a friend of mine?
• I’d like for us
• To find a way
• To be good friends
• On this sunny day.
• We’d share some fun
• And games and such,
• Would that be too much?
• Yes, you could,
• I think you should,
• Be a friend of mine.
Transparency R3
Read Aloud
• What does the speaker want to share with the
new friend?
• Will the two people in the poem become
friends? Why? Why not?
Plurals: -s, -es
How do I make the word bag plural?
Add -s: bags
How do I make the word ranch plural?
Add –es: ranches
Besides words ending in –ch, what other words form plurals
by adding –es?
Words that end in –sh, -x, and –s also take –es.
How do I make the word pony plural?
Y to i and add –es: ponies
Does the word boy follow this rule?
No. Only words with a consonant before the y follow it.
Plurals Practice
• ladies
What are the singular forms of these words?
• How did the spelling of each word change when it
became plural?
• Choose 3 of the following words to change into their
plural forms. Then write a sentence with each word
telling about what you do after school.
clock , drink,
stain, layer, team
Comprehension Strategies
• Scan pages 148 and 149 in your reading books.
• This is a nonfiction selection. That means this story is
about real people and places.
• What do you think this selection is about?
• Your purpose for reading these pages is to learn
more about which text features will help you read
and understand information in a nonfiction selection.
• Read the first 2 paragraphs under Reading Nonfiction
on p. 148. You will likely see the following text
features: title, subheadings, and photographs with
Review Focus Strategies
• With your partner read the two strategies that
we learned in our previous lessons.
• Turn to page 150 and 151. Your purpose for
reading these 2 pages is to use
comprehension strategies and what you now
know about nonfiction to read and
understand the pages.
Focus Skill:
Good readers
understand the
parts of a book.
Most nonfiction books are
organized so that it is easy for
readers to find information.
The “Table of Contents” is a list of
information. It is in the beginning of a
book. It tells us the order in which the
information can be found.
Table of Contents
1........... 4
3........... 20
4........... 38
5........... 57
The “Glossary” is a dictionary of
important words found in a book. The
words are arranged in alphabetical order.
The “Index” is a list of subjects. It is
arranged in alphabetical order with page
numbers. It is usually found in the back of the
Where can you find the
definitions of highlighted
words in your text books?
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
What is a heading?
It is a title that comes before
a new part of the story.
What is a title?
It is the name of a book.
Let’s practice!
Where would you look to find the
meaning of the word
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
If I wanted to know if there was
information about George
Washington in a book, where would I
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
In what part of the book would
you look to find out on what
page a certain chapter begins
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
Table of Contents
Where would I look if I wanted
to know all the pages that were
about the Lincoln Memorial?
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
Where can you find out
what page Chapter 7 begins
A. Table of Contents
B. Glossary
C. Index
Table of Contents
Use a Dictionary
• A dictionary provides useful information about
words. We can use a dictionary to find out…
• how a word is spelled
• what a word means
• if there is more than one meaning
• how a word is pronounced
• whether a word is a noun a verb, or another
part of speech.
Use a Dictionary
• calm (käm) adjective 1 Quiet; peaceful.
noun 2 Lack of wind or motion. verb 3 To
make or become calm.
• Write a sentence using each meaning of
the work calm.
• image: Do you have an image of a sports star,
a musician, or another person on your
bedroom wall? If so, who is the image of?
What is your favorite image in your reading
• popular: What sports activities are popular in
your class? Why do you think they are
popular? What would make a TV show
popular with children?
Vocabulary (continued)
• media: If your teacher asked you to get news
from different media, where would you look?
Do you read, watch, or listen to the media at
• feature: Have you seen a special feature in the
newspaper or on TV? What was it about?
What kind of feature would you expect to see
on a channel called “Animal World”?
• 1. walked dogs need to be
• 2. mari and kyle run and jump together
Compound Subjects/Predicates
• The subject is who or what a sentence is
• A compound subject includes more than one
subject joined with and or or.
• The predicate is what the subject of a
sentence does.
• A compound predicate contains more than
one verb joined with and or or.
Compound Subject/Predicate Practice
• Dora and Miranda have Ms. Elletson for math
• Please find the subject and predicate of this
• Dora and Miranda have Ms. Elletson for math
• Please tell me if the subject and predicate are
simple or compound.
More Practice with Subject/Predicate
• Add a predicate to this subject: The students
in our class
• Work with your partner to combine your
sentences to create a new sentence with a
compound predicate.
• Share.