What are the 4 organic compounds? WRAP UP: What is larger, a sugar molecule? Or a starch molecule? The Cell in Its Environment selectively permeable: some substances can pass through the cell membrane while others cannot (oxygen, food INTO CELL; waste OUT OF CELL) Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport MAIN method by which small molecules move across the cell membrane Molecules move from an area of HIGHER concentration to an area of LOWER concentration Molecules are always moving and bump into one another The more molecules, the more collisions Collisions cause molecules to push away And substance spreads out Diffusion of water molecules through a selectively permeable membrane Water molecules move from highly concentrated area to a less concentrated area Moving materials through a cell that do NOT need energy ◦ Diffusion ◦ Osmosis The movement of materials through a cell that requires the cell to use its own energy Lower concentrated area to a higher concentrated area Transport Proteins ◦ Transport proteins in cell membrane “pick up” molecules outside the cell and carry them in Calcium, Potassium, and Sodium Transport by Engulfing Cell membrane surrounds and engulfs a particle, forms a vacuole within the cell As a cell gets larger, it takes longer for a molecule that has entered the cell to reach the middle of the cell