2013-16 Executive Summary School Improvement Plan School Name: _Otwell Middle School______________ AdvancED Standards FCS Departments Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Academics & Accountability Educational Leadership Facilities and Operations Finance and Operations Food and Nutrition Services Continuous Improvement Goal To increase our CCRPI score from 88.7 to a 93.7 over the next 3 years. Human Resources Public Information and Communications School Safety and Discipline Special Education Student Support Services Superintendent Technology and Information Services Transportation AdvancED Standards Support from FCS Department(s) #3 - Teaching and Assessing for Learning (3.4-3.7) #5 - Using Results for Continuous Improvement (5.3 & 5.4) Continued guidance from Academics & Accountability on the latest instructional strategies & Data resources with opportunities of on-site professional learning designed specifically to meet the needs of OMS staff. A continual push from Human Resources to increase our allotments so we can hire the best out there. Support from Technology and Information Services so we can continue to engage our students with the best we can offer. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. To maintain and improve upon the culture and climate of Otwell Middle School. Purpose and Direction (1.3) Governance and Leadership (2.4-2.6) Continued guidance from Educational Leadership providing supervision in developing, achieving and maintaining the best possible educational systems Our image is so important in our community and we could always use help from Public Information and Communications to promote the positive aspects of being in the Central cluster. The Superintendent should continue to inspire the vision for our system and we will fall in line with that vision – Quality learning and superior performance for ALL – just like our vision at Otwell – Teach, Inspire, Motivate - Every child, every day! © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 70% exceeding to 71% on the CRCT Research and Writing assessment portion. 6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 67% exceeding to 68% on the CRCT Grammar and Sentence assessment portion.__ 7th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 50% exceeding to 54% on the CRCT ELA assessment. School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Indicator 3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations. Indicator 3.4 School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. Indicator 3.5 Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning. Indicator 3.6 Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning. Sixth grade teachers will be placing more emphasis on the writing process which should contribute to our one percent increase. In addition to more writing based lessons, our assessments will be more written response and application as well as CRCT level one, two, and three questions. Many different strategies will be used such as small groups, peer tutoring, differentiation, and project based learning. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) Teachers will meet on a regular basis to review student data and plan for improvement. 2013-2014 Grade Level Teachers School building leadership © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 70% exceeding to 71% on the CRCT Research and Writing assessment portion. 6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 67% exceeding to 68% on the CRCT Grammar and Sentence assessment portion.__ 7th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 50% exceeding to 54% on the CRCT ELA assessment. School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) Seventh grade teacher will be placing more emphasis on the writing process which should contribute to the overall increase of ELA. Teachers will use CRCT formatted questions in their tests as well as open response, application, and short answers. Through the use of the Daily Grammar Practice and other modalities of daily practice, students will have the opportunity to hone in on and refine the skills necessary for common core standards. Many different strategies will be used such as small © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 70% exceeding to 71% on the CRCT Research and Writing assessment portion. 6th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 67% exceeding to 68% on the CRCT Grammar and Sentence assessment portion.__ 7th grade ELA goal is for students to move from 50% exceeding to 54% on the CRCT ELA assessment. School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions AdvancED Standard(s) (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) groups, peer tutoring, differentiation, and project based learning. Students will take ownership for their own learning by tracking their progress to securing the goals. ELA teachers will use close reading strategies to focus not only on reading but also on research and writing. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement AdvancED Standard(s) Indicator 3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations. Indicator 3.4 School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. Indicator 3.5 Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning. Indicator 3.6 Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning. Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _Math - ED students - pushing them to meet goals; ELL students to meet; & our gifted students to exceed across the board___ School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Professional Learning Communities to focus on the following: Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) Teachers will meet on a regular basis to review student data and plan for improvement. 2013-2014 Grade Level Teachers School building leadership 1) To bring all of our ED students up to the meets standard 2) To bring all of our ELL students up to the meets standard 3) To bring all of our gifted students up to the exceeds standard © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement AdvancED Standard(s) Indicator 3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations. Indicator 3.4 School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. Indicator 3.5 Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning. Indicator 3.6 Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning. Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _Shift our SWD & ELL population from DNM up the continuum (see below)_Science___ School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Professional Learning Communities to focus on the following: 1) To lower the science does not meet percentage for students with disabilities from 46.4% to 45%. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) Teachers will meet on a regular basis to review student data and plan for improvement. 2013-2014 Grade Level Teachers School building leadership 2) To bring the science exceeds percentage for students with disabilities up to at least 11% from9.5%. 3) To lower the science does not meet percentage of ELL students from 62.3% to 60%. 4) To bring the science exceeds percentage of ELL students up to at least 6% from 4.9%. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. AdvancED Standards (check all that apply) X Purpose and Direction Governance and Leadership Teaching and Assessing for Learning Resources and Support Systems Using Results for Continuous Improvement AdvancED Standard(s) Indicator 3.3 Teachers engage students in their learning through instructional strategies that ensure achievement of learning expectations. Indicator 3.4 School leaders monitor and support the improvement of instructional practices of teachers to ensure student success. Indicator 3.5 Teachers participate in collaborative learning communities to improve instruction and student learning. Indicator 3.6 Teachers implement the school’s instructional process in support of student learning. Annual School Improvement Plan Continuous Improvement Goal: _Increase CCRPI___________________________________________ SMART Goal: _Shift our SWD & ELL population from DNM up the continuum (see below)_SS___ School Name: _Otwell Middle School________________ School Year: _2013-2014______________ Actions, Strategies and Interventions (Includes Professional Learning Plan) Professional Learning Communities to focus on the following: 1) To lower the social studies does not meet percentage for students with disabilities from 35.7% to 34%. Impact on Student and Adult Behavior Timeline Resources Needed? Who is Responsible? (“If…then...” Statements) Teachers will meet on a regular basis to review student data and plan for improvement. 2013-2014 Grade Level Teachers School building leadership 2) To bring the social studies exceeds percentage for students with disabilities up to at least 23% from 22.6%. 3) To lower the social studies does not meet percentage of ELL students from 45.9% to 44%. 4) To bring the social studies exceeds percentage of ELL students up to at least 14% from 13.1%. © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept. 2013-14 Professional Learning Plan for School Improvement Planning School Name: Otwell MS Connection to Continuous Improvement Goal(s): Professional Learning Goal(s): # Hours Date Description of Learning Activities August 1 Pre-Planning (School) 2 Back to school scheduling and logistics TKES overview with ELA and Math teachers August 2 Pre-Planning (District) 3.5 Teachers attend DCD classes August 5 Pre-Planning 3.5 Grade Level Planning Open House August 6 Pre-Planning 3.5 Content Area Planning/Data Teams Otwell Family Fun Picnic – Building Culture and Community August 7 Pre-Planning 3.5 Code of Ethics Review (Steve) Child Abuse Factors (Amy) Heath and Medication Updates (Nurse ‘Nita) August 28 ER/Prof. Dev. (School) 1.5 School Safety Procedures - Auburn Introduction to Performance-Based Assessments September 18 ER/Prof. Dev. (District) 2 Teachers attends various DCD sessions January 6 Prof. Dev. Day (School) 6 Performance-Based Assessments February 14 Prof. Dev. Day (District a.m.) 6 Teachers attend DCD sessions AM, Performance-Based Assessment focus for PM May 27 Post-Planning 2 Otwell’s successes for the year, looking ahead to next year Content area meetings Faculty luncheon May 28 Post-Planning Total Hours: 33.5 © 2013 FCS Public Information & Communications Dept.