Honors English 4 Ms. Peters Prologue

Honors English 4
Ms. Peters
Discuss Chaucer’s view of the city classes as depicted in the Prologue. How
does he portray them through their actions, beliefs, and appearances?
Which characters do you think Chaucer idealizes? Establish through
evidence the validity of your position.
Chaucer is adept at using physical detail---eyes, hair, complexion, body
type, and clothing—to reveal moral character. Find at least three pilgrims
whose inner natures are uncovered by outer appearances.
Contrast is Chaucer’s chief rhetorical device. He thrives on literary foils,
such as holy vs. profane, worldly vs. devout, gaudy, gluttonous, or greedy vs.
modest and humble, to name a few. Select one of these contrasting pairs
and discuss the differences between two characters from the Prologue.
Analyze the role of the church in medieval society. Include not only all of
the characters that represent the Catholic Church but the parson and
plowman, too.
Compare Chaucer’s portrayals of his two female characters, the nun and
the Wife of Bath City.
Select any three characters from the Prologue and show how they are a
stereotype of one of the following: Envy, Slander, Courtesy, Hypocrisy, or