Students: Please submit a copy of this form to EACH of your ACADEMIC teachers.
Teachers: Please complete the form below and return to Dr. Fowler or Mrs. Duncan by
Monday, February 8, 2016. Note: Do not return your completed forms to the student or share your evalutation or
comments with the student.
Student Name: ___________________________________________________________
Teacher Name: ___________________________________________________________
Course in which you have taught this student: ______________________________________
Please indicate the number that best corresponds to this student’s performance in your class.
Critical Thinking/Problem Solving Skills: 1- 4
4. Student’s conclusions and related outcomes (consequences and implications) are logical and reflect the student’s
informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in order of priority.
3. Student’s conclusions are logically correlated with a range of information, including opposing viewpoints; related
outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly.
2. Student’s conclusions are logically correlated to information given (information is appropriate for the desired
conclusion); some related outcomes (consequences and implications) are identified clearly.
1. Student’s conclusions are inconsistently correlated some of the information discussed; related outcomes (consequences
and implications) are oversimplified.
SCORE: ________
Participation: 1- 4
4. Student is consistently engaged in the appropriate class discussions each day, asking questions that reflect an
understanding of the material/performance. Student is an active listener who displays creative thought processes and/or
contributes ideas, concepts and proposals that other students may have overlooked.
3. Student is consistently engaged each day, asking questions and adding comments to discussions.
2. Student is sometimes engaged in the class or activity. Student’s questions/comments demonstrate understanding but are
often superficial or tend to “jump off” of someone else’s earlier comment.
1. Student lacks focus and seldom asks questions other than for something to be repeated; comments reflect a limited
understanding of the material and unpreparedness.
SCORE: ________
Team Work/Collaborative Skills: 1- 4
4. Student consistently engages others in thoughtful and insightful dialogue. Student takes initiative and does not require
3. Student is supportive of others and enjoys helping classmates/teammates succeed. Student consistently produces good
work with minimal oversight.
2. Student inconsistently positively influences others. Student needs simple tasks in order to be successful and typically,
requires teacher oversight.
1. Student is consistently inattentive in class and does not contribute to class discussions or group assignments.
SCORE: ________
Communication Skills: 1-4
4. Student is articulate and a compelling/excellent communicator. Oral and written communication is clear and well
organized. Student’s writing always contains an insightful and recognizable thesis, essential details, and valid support.
The student is capable of employing a rich vocabulary and can move people to action when applicable.
3. Student is a strong/above average communicator. Oral and written works are clear and organized and exhibit careful
development of ideas. Overall communication may contain minor grammatical or syntactical errors but remains easily
comprehensible to the reader/audience.
2. Student is a good/average communicator. Oral and written work occasionally lacks unity and detail, and organization of
thought can sometimes be difficult to follow. There is little variation in diction, and sentence structure may occasionally
be awkward.
1. Student struggles either with written or oral communication and is a below average communicator. Development of a
thesis statement and ideas are challenges, and few details are provided. Vocabulary and grammar is limited and often
SCORE: ________
Please include any additional comments/observations that would help us gain insight into this student’s work ethic,
preparedness, intellectual curiosity, ability to think critically, and willingness to collaborate with others on
meaningful and challenging projects.