Welcome to Capstone

Welcome to Capstone
Dr. Tom Fowler – AP Coordinator
 Mrs. Donna Duncan – Assistant AP Coordinator
 Dr. Becky Britten – AP Seminar Instructor
 Ms. Leslie Brunson – AP Research Instructor
History of Capstone at West
Capstone only in its second year as a
College Board Program
 2013 Southeast Regional Forum
 Pitched the idea to principal
 Application in Spring 2014
 Approved in Fall 2014
 Chose teacher for Seminar, Inaugural
Cohort chosen
What is Capstone
An innovative diploma program that helps
students stand out in the college
admissions process
 How? By equipping students with the
independent research, critical thinking
skills, collaborative teamwork, and
communication skills that are increasingly
valued by colleges
Approximately 300 total, non-charter,
public schools (Four BASIS)
 Seven in Georgia (six public)
 High demand - Capstone statement:
“Due to strong interest, we are unable to
accept additional requests for
participation in 2016-17 at this time.”
Pedagogical Framework
Students consider and evaluate multiple
points of view to develop their own
perspectives on complex issues and topics
through inquiry and investigation.
Students use the following framework as
they explore issues and topics:
Question and Explore
Understand and Analyze Arguments
Evaluate Multiple Perspectives
Synthesize Ideas
Team, Transform, and Transmit
Capstone Courses
Capstone Diploma Program is a two
year program that consists of two
courses, a thesis, a culminating oral
presentation of the students’ research,
collaboration skills, two Capstone AP
Capstone Courses
Seminar (11th grade)
The foundational course that engages
students in cross-curricular conversations
that explore the complexities of academic
and real-world topics and issues by
analyzing divergent perspectives. Students
will complete a team project, an individual
paper (app. 2000 words), a presentation,
and a written end-of-course exam
Capstone Courses
Research (12th grade)
Complete an independent research
project, write a thesis paper of
approximately 5,000 words, oral defense
of your findings, exam
Seminar Assessment
AP Seminar Assessment Structure
Students are assessed with two thorough-course performance assessment
tasks and one end-of-course exam. All three assessments are summative and
will be used to calculate a final AP score (using the 1–5 scale) for AP Seminar.
Team Project and Presentation | 25% of AP Score
 Individual Research and Reflection
 Written Team Report
 Team Multimedia Presentation and Defense
Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation | 35% of AP Score
 Individual Written Argument
 Individual Multimedia Presentation
 Oral Defense
End-of-Course Exam (3 Hours) | 40% of AP Score
 Understanding and analyzing an argument (3 short-answer questions)
 Evaluating and comparing the effectiveness of arguments (essay)
 Synthesizing information to develop an evidence-based argument essay
(evidence-based argument essay)
Additional Requirements
Complete a minimum of four additional
AP courses, scoring at least a three (3)
on the exams
 A score of three (3) or higher on both the
Seminar and Research exams
 Concurrent enrollment in AP Language
(11th grade) and AP Literature (12th
Higher Education Support
Close to 300 universities have given
their support of Capstone and many
grant college credit
 https://lp.collegeboard.org/apcapstone/higher-education-support
West Selection Process
Students who have a strong work ethic,
academic success, intellectual curiosity,
and teacher respect are selected to
 Informational session with both students
and their parents
 Application
 Teacher recommendations
 Committee interview
January 31, 2016 – Information Session
 February 5, 2016 –Student applications
due to Dr. Fowler or Mrs. Duncan
 February 8 – Teacher recommendations
due to Dr. Fowler or Mrs. Duncan
 February 10 – 19 – Interviews
 February 26 – Notification of 2016-2017
Capstone Diploma Cohort invitees
Additional Information
Only 50 students will be admitted to the
Diploma Program
 Requires a laptop computer
 Students will not be permitted to drop
the program once they and their parents
have agreed to enter