Title III Quarterly Report

Title III Quarterly Report
Due January 15, April 15, July 15
Please note that you can type of this form
Completed forms should be emailed to etodd@lawsonstate.edu
Name of activity _________________________________________________________________________________________
Activity director__________________________________________ Report period____________________________________
List each objective and provide a brief summary of what you have accomplished during the past 3 months. Include
quantitative measures of progress and baseline data for each objective (add as needed).
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
For each objective indicate the level of accomplishment by percentage as of the end of the quarter.
Objective ___________
Percentage of completion ____________%
Objective ___________
Percentage of completion ____________%
Objective ___________
Percentage of completion ____________%
Please make any notations you deem necessary to explain the above.
When do you anticipate the overall completion of each objective?
Objective 1
Objective 2
Objective 3
What evidence is being collected to document achievement of each identified objective (explain and attach).
Indicate any problems you are having in accomplishing your stated objective(s).