Name: ____________________________________________ Biology A Final Exam Review

Name: ____________________________________________
Biology A Final Exam Review
Directions: This review is simply a study tool to understand the basics of each major
concept covered throughout the first semester. You will need to understand each
vocabulary term and the questions on the review in more depth to be successful for
the final exam. Please write down anything that you know or remember from each
particular unit that relates to each question to ensure that you are prepared for the
final exam. Happy studying! 
Independent Variable
Dependent Variable
Cellular Respiration
Carbon Cycle
Nitrogen Cycle
Water Cycle
Food Chain/Food Web
Consumer (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary, Quaternary)Producer
Passive Transport (Diffusion, Osmosis, Facilitated Diffusion)
Active Transport (Sodium-Potassium Pump)
1. What is a controlled experiment? What are the parts of a controlled experiment?
2. What is the difference between a hypothesis and a scientific theory?
3. What is the genus and species of humans? How are the genus and species names
written out so that they are in proper format?
4. Draw and label the structures of a virus.
5. Compare and contrast lytic and lysogenic cycles of viruses.
6. Explain why antibiotics do not work on viruses.
7. Why are viruses considered non-living?
8. What are the five major biological kingdoms? How are they similar and how are
they different? (organizing this information in a chart might be helpful!)
a. What type of cells are those kingdoms? (Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic)
b. How do those organisms get energy? (Autotrophic vs. Heterotrophic vs.
c. How many cells do those organisms have? (Unicellular vs. Multicellular)
Cell Wall?
9. Describe what happens during the carbon cycle.
10. Describe what happens during the nitrogen cycle.
11. Describe what happens during the water cycle.
12. What are the reactants of photosynthesis? The products?
13. What are the reactants of cellular respiration? The products?
14. How do cellular respiration and photosynthesis relate to energy?
15. What is ATP?
16. What are the four major macromolecules?
a. What are their monomers?
b. What are some examples of each?
c. What type of reaction occurs when two monomers are combined?
d. Draw an unsaturated and a saturated fatty acid.
17. What is an isomer? Give an example of 2 macromolecules that are isomers.
18. Which way does energy flow in a food chain? (Producers to Consumers, vice
versa, etc.)
19. What are the major types of symbiotic relationships? Give an example of each.
Show which organism is positively affected and which is negatively affected.
20. What is the 10% rule? How does that relate to an organism’s energy needs?
21. Draw a logistic growth curve and an exponential growth curve.
a. What does each of the curves represent?
22. What does an enzyme do? What are two types of chemical reactions that are
aided by enzymes?
23. Define Acid and Base. What does a buffer do?
24. Draw a water molecule. Illustrate which molecule(s) is positively charged and
which is (are) negatively charged. Explain these charges and the reasoning
behind them.
25. Explain the difference between a covalent bond and a hydrogen bond.
26. Describe adhesion, cohesion, surface tension, and capillarity.
27. Compare and contrast active and passive transport.
a. What are the different types of passive transport?
b. Describe what happens in a hypertonic, hypotonic, and isotonic solution.