Last Term Quiz 1-5 options is probably not A, B, or E)

Last Term Quiz
1-5 options
A. Pathos B. Oxymoron C. Periodic Sentence D. Parody E. Parallelism (Question 3
is probably not A, B, or E)
1. The pairing of contradictory words or terms to suggest a paradOX is a(n)...
2. The grammatical or rhetorical framing of words, phrases and sentences to give
structural similarity is...
3. A work that closely imitates the style or content of another with the specific aim of
comic effect and/or ridicule is called a(n)
4. The appeal to the emotion of the audience is...
5. The main idea comes at the end of the sentence often in the form of a DEPENDENT,
INDEPENDENT clause structure is...
6-10 options
A. Personification B. Symbolism C. Double Entendre D. Repetition E. Pun
6. A form of figurative language in which the author endows ideas or inanimate objects
with human-like characteristics (PERSON-like) is called...
7. The perspective from which the story is told is the...
8. (A figure of speech in which a phrase can be understood in two ways, especially when
one meaning is risqué) often employing puns. (TWO ways, TWICE, D O U B L E) is
referred to as...
9. A unifying property of repeated words, sounds, syllables, and other elements that
appear in a work is called ...
10. A concrete object is used to demonstrate an abstract idea is called...
6-10 options
A. Personification B. Symbolism C. Double Entendre D. Repetition E. Pun