Advertising Project Packet

Advertising Project Packet
Your Task
The Situation: Your group works for an advertising agency. An already existing company needs a new
ad campaign, either because theirs has been unsuccessful, or needs to be rebooted (suspend reality; this
does not necessarily have to be true of the actual company). Your campaign will need an original slogan
and original symbol. For example, you may want to advertise for Nike. This will be acceptable, but you
cannot use the Nike Swoosh sign, nor can you use the “Just Do It” slogan.
The Campaign: Your group will create an original, unique advertising campaign for the already existing
company. Use persuasive techniques to create effective advertisements that appeal to a specific target
audience. See list of mediums and project rubric for details.
The Pitch: Just because you created a campaign does not mean the company will hire you. You will Your
group will present the components of your campaign to the company (your teacher and classmates). See
rubric for details. You will be required to dress professionally!
As part of your Advertisement Project, you will create a portfolio, in addition to presenting your speech
and panel discussion to the class. Your portfolio must include the following components:
Table of Contents and Checkpoint completion
Detailed summary/outline of your entire speech
Radio Spot
Magazine Ad
Television Commercial
Billboard Display
3D Display
Social Network
Outline for Sales Pitch Speech
MLA Works Cited
Individual Writing
You will meet with your teacher on dates below to officially discuss your progress on this project. On
these dates, you will show your completion of the worksheets at the end of the document and present
any other progress to your teacher.
Thursday 11/14
Monday 12/2
Friday 12/6
Friday 12/20
AD Campaign Mediums
The following advertising mediums will be the format of your advertising campaign:
3 Fold Brochure (20 points)—Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: - Find a 3 fold template on Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, etc.
2) Radio Spot (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: -Exactly 30 or 60 seconds.
-No mistakes or background noise.
-Include script that you will use for the radio spot.
3) Magazine Ad (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: -Traditional size, colorful, shiny, professional.
4) Television Commercial (20 points) —Team Leader:_________________
Requirements: Video, exactly 30 or 60 seconds, no errors, cut well, must have music and slogan.
5) Billboard (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: Poster board, no “curls,” full color, large letters.
6) Website (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: Website must include “For Educational Purposes, not affiliated with company.”
7) 3D Display (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: An in-store display, Life size, large.
8) Social Media (20 points) —Team Leader:_______________________
Requirements: Choose a form of social media and create a promotional event/special.
Company Name:_________________ Group Members:______________________________ Hr:___
Individual Name:________________
Advertising Pitch Presentation Rubric
Pay close attention to the rubric, as it is the outline for your pitch presentation.
*** You may refer to an outline, if you get stuck during your presentation, but you may not read from it to us. This is
about you and your product; you must be able to present to us without reading!
Hand In (Your Preparation)
___/ 5 Presentation outline: Presentation is framed as an argument.
-Claim: “Our campaign appeals to our target audience of _____ because _____”
-Evidence: Your Ad Projects
-Interpretation: Explain how each individual Ad Project appeals to your target audience.
___/5 MLA Works Cited: Your Bridge will include researched information about the company’s past.
-Reliable Sources – No Wikipedia!
-5 sources cited (or one per group member if group size is larger or smaller than 5).
-Use Noodle Bib
Individual Delivery (HOW you present )
__/5 You speak loudly and clearly—no mumbling, and limit filler words (um, like, uh, so….yeah, etc)
You maintain consistent eye contact with everyone in the class—not just with your teacher!
You avoid standing in one place; you move about smoothly and purposefully
__/5 You help your presentation to be creative/imaginative/engaging/authentic.
Group Sales Pitch Presentation 20-25 Minutes (WHAT your group presents)
__/5 Begin with a strong, effective Attention Getter.
__/10 Present information on traditional advertisements for the product and why you want to change it (bridge).
__/10 A clear Claim that establishes why your symbol and slogan will appeal to target audience
__/10 A well-developed Main Points with persuasive evidence to support your claim.
__/5 You transition naturally between the different advertisements.
__/10 Your group is well rounded. Each member makes a valuable contribution to the presentation.
__/10 A strong Conclusion creatively ties together all of your main points (must bring closure to campaign)
__/10 Your overall presentation is creative/imaginative/engaging/authentic.
___/100 Points Possible
Advertising Project Rubric
Company Name:______________________________________________________
Group Members:______________________________________________________
3 Fold
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Persuasion: Uses adequate persuasive appeals needed to sell to your target audience.
Professionalism: Quality of the advertisement (Aesthetic appeal and level of effort).
Total: ____/180
Individual Writing
***This must be in the MLA format***
You will write an argumentative essay proving that your advertising
campaign appeals to your target audience.
-Use 3 pieces of evidence (3 of your Ad Projects).
-Interpret evidence by analyzing persuasive techniques.
Instead of a conclusion paragraph, write a paragraph of self & peer evaluation.
Below are some questions to get you started. You do not have to answer all of them.
Simply work with the ones that apply to you, or come up with your own to answer.
□ What did you contribute to the group? (List the specific components that you
completed to help your group)
□ How well did your group work together?
□ What did you learn about ethos, pathos, logos?
□ Did your perspective about advertising and media change by doing this project?
Advertising Checkpoint Worksheets
Note Sheet
Agency Name: ___________________ Group Members: _______________________
Date: _____________________________Recorder: ___________________________
General Notes/Ideas:
What We Talked About
What We Decided
Who Contributed
Things We Still Need to Work On/Resolve:
Campaign Direction Outline
Agency Name: ___________________ Group Members:________________________
Date: ____________________________Recorder: ______________________________
Product: ______________
What is the tagline for the campaign?
A. Target Audience: ___________________________________________
Why are they your target audience:
b. Do you have a secondary target audience, explain:
B. Theme and Tone: __________________________________________________
Why will this theme be effective in reaching your target audience?
b. Why will this tone be effective in reaching your target audience?
C. Common Links Between Mediums:
D. Symbol (attach draft), explain why this symbol will be effective:____________
E. Slogan/Tagline: ____________________________________________
Notes/Comments: _____________________________________________________
Presentation Ideas for Attention Getters
Suggestions for how to kick off your speech
It’s important that your project be uniquely yours. It also needs some continuity. Below are some
suggestions that may help you achieve both of these goals. BE CREATIVE! You are limited only by
your own imagination.
Object: Select an object as a symbol of your advertisement. In your introduction, tell us (and maybe show
us) about the object to grab our attention. Throughout your speech, continue to relate your points back to
the object.
Activity: This would be along the same lines as the object idea, but you would pick an activity instead
(skiing, sailing, cooking, babysitting, singing, etc.). Explain how the activity metaphorically relates to
your advertisement.
Story: Begin with a great personal story (your own or from someone you know). Use it to connect with
the audience and introduce the essential components of your advertisement. Continue referring to your
story with each point.
Lesson: Open your speech by sharing an important lesson life has taught you. Explain what you learned
and how you learned it. Tie all of your points together with this one lesson and relate it to your
Unexpected Statement: Begin with a line that catches the audience by surprise. Leave them wondering
how you are going to relate the line back to your presentation. Just make sure you DO relate it to your
main idea!
Relevant Quotation: Use a powerful quotation to introduce the audience to your topic. This could be a
quote from someone famous, the person you interviewed, or anyone else you know. Each point will come
back to this quote.