American Indian Poetry Gallery Walk Learning Targets: RL.4

American Indian Poetry Gallery Walk
Learning Targets:
 I can identify figurative language (metaphor, simile, analogy, imagery, personification).
 I can recognize choices in diction and analyze their role in the text.
 I can cite imagery and analyze its role in the text.
 I can locate similes and analyze their role in the text.
 I can identify metaphors and critique their role in the text.
 I can detect personification and connect its role in the text.
 I can write a rhetorical analysis
In order to help you more fully appreciate the power of American Indian poetry (and bolster your research skills,
your analytical skills AND your project grade), you are going to research a Native American poet, type up and
illustrate a previously selected poem, and write a brief summary/analysis of the poem all for a gallery walk
presentation that we will have in class
 200 + word paragraph on your poet (20 points).
o You must type up a 200 + word paragraph (include the word count at the bottom of the paragraph
for 1 point) that provides the following background information on your poet: birth (1), ancestry
(1), former and current residences (2), and information about him/her as a poet (3). (8)
o Your paragraph must incorporate at least two sources (4), correctly citing the sources throughout
the paragraph (4). Start your research at (8)
o At the end of your paragraph you must have a properly formatted Works Cited (4).
o Your paragraph must be submitted to (this paragraph will not be graded until it has
been submitted) before midnight the date this is due.
 Present your poem in an aesthetically pleasing way (7 points).
o Type up your poem in a creative (and neat) font (2).
o Illustrate your poem (whether you do this yourself or utilize the computer is up to you) (3).
o Tape or glue your poem (and its illustration) to construction paper, cardboard or some other sturdy
material (2).
 200 + word paragraph that both summarizes and analyzes aspects of your poem (18 points)
o Summarize what you think your poem is about. If you are unsure, feel free to do some research on
your poem, as well as ask my opinion. If you do outside research for the summary, cite this
research in your paragraph and in a Works Cited at the bottom of the paragraph (The summary is
worth 5 points).
o Analyze the use of two literary devices in your poem (i.e. imagery, diction, metaphor,
personification, onomatopoeia, parallelism, and more). For your analysis, complete the following
steps (you will do this twice since you are analyzing two different devices):
a) Lead into a quote from the poem that includes your selected literary device (2 total
points, 1 for each quote)
b) Quote the poem (2 total points, 1 for each quote)
c) Explain what is being said in the quote (2 total points, 1 for each quote)
d) Identify the literary device being used in the quote (2 total points, 1 for each quote)
e) Explain/Analyze how the use of that literary device impacts the overall meaning and/or
feeling of the poem (4 total points, 2 for each quote)
o This paragraph must be 200 + words (include the word count at the bottom of the paragraph for 1
point) and must also be submitted to (this paragraph will not be graded until it has
been submitted) before midnight .
The Grade
This project is worth a total of 45 points. Pay attention to the requirements listed above and their point value,
being sure to complete all of the necessary work. Remember, poetry can be very personal, and therefore very
confusing. Feel free to ask questions.
Note: If you are absent the day we have our Gallery Walk, it is your responsibility to email your work to Ms.
Guzdziol at before midnight on the day the assignment is due. If you do not complete
this step you will lose one complete letter grade off of your score. Also, do not forget that the paragraphs must be
submitted to before midnight the day this is due. You will need to have a hard copy of your work as