ADVISER: Mrs. Delacruz (
APPLICATION DUE DATE: MAY 25th End of Day (Turn into room 306)
“Journalism keeps you planted in the Earth” – Ray Bradbury.
Mission Statement of The Falcon Flyer: The Falcon Flyer is a student-generated newspaper that reflects the
timely and sustained interests, experiences, commentaries, and conflicts of the Wheaton North’s student body.
The Falcon Flyer is dedicated to providing space and accurate representations of the voices of the school
NAME OF APPLICANT: _________________________________________________________________
GRADE (2015-2016): _____________________________________________________________________
POSITION OF INTEREST: _______________________________________________________________
Editor positions are reserved for juniors and seniors.
Assistant editor positions are reserved for sophomores.
Staff writer positions are open to all grade levels.
News Editor: The news editor will direct coverage of school, local, domestic, and international news events that impact
Wheaton North school community. The news editor should be a regular reader of a variety of credible news sources and
should have a thorough understanding of the inverted pyramid organization of informative writing. He/she should have a
solid understanding of the mores of interviewing. The news editor will layout the news section in collaboration with the
graphics editor. The editor is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Assistant News Editor: The assistant news editor must have proficient understanding of the inverted pyramid organization
of informative writing. The assistant news editor must also be a reader of a few credible news sources and must be willing to
assist and learn from the news editor. The assistant editor is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Features Editor: The features editor will direct coverage of the timely social, cultural, and extracurricular activities in the
Wheaton North community. The features editor should be a frequent attendant of school and school community events.
He/she should be a regular reader of a variety of credible news sources and should have a thorough understanding of the
inverted pyramid organization of informative writing. He/she should have a solid understanding of the mores of
interviewing. The features editor will layout the features section in collaboration with the graphics editor. The editor is
expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Assistant Features Editor: The assistant features editor understanding of the inverted pyramid organization of informative
writing. The assistant news editor must also be a reader of a few credible news sources and must be willing to assist and
learn from the features editor. The assistant editor is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Opinions Editor: The opinions editor will direct the content of the opinions section so that it reflects meaningful social,
cultural, and ethical conversations relevant to the Wheaton North student body. He/she should be a regular reader of a
variety of credible news sources and professional rhetoricians. He/she should have a strong understanding and interest in
argumentative writing. The opinions editor will layout the opinions section in collaboration with the graphics editor. The
opinions editor is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Assistant Opinions Editor: The assistant opinions editor must be interested and competent in argumentative writing.
He/she should be a regular reader of a variety of credible news sources and professional rhetoricians and must be willing to
assist and learn from the opinions editor. The assistant editor is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Arts, Entertainment, and Tech Editor: The AET editor will determine the content of the AET section so that it reflects
timely events and issues relate to the arts, entertainment, or technology in both local and global contexts. He/she should be a
regular reader of a variety of credible news sources and should have a thorough understanding of the inverted pyramid
organization of informative writing. He/she should also be an attendant to arts and entertainment events and be a user of
different technological tools and social media networks. The AET editor will layout the AET section in collaboration with
the graphics editor. He/she is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Assistant Arts, Entertainment, and Tech Editor: The AET assistant editor should have a thorough understanding of the
inverted pyramid organization of informative writing. He/she should be a regular reader of a variety of credible news
sources and social media. He/she must be willing to assist and learn from the AET editor. The assistant editor is expected to
produce at least one article for every issue.
Sports Editor: The sports editor will direct the content of timely sports events at Wheaton North and the immediate school
community. The sports editor must have a solid understanding of the mores of reporting on sports events. He/she should be
an attendant of pivotal events throughout the year, and should be confident with immediate interview demands of such
events. He/she should also be a consistent reader of sports journalism. The sports editor is expected to produce at least one
article for every issue. The sports editor will layout the sports section in collaboration with the graphics editor.
Assistant Sports Editor: The assistant sports editor must have proficient understanding of the inverted pyramid
organization of informative writing. The assistant sports editor must also be a reader of sports journalism and must be
willing to assist and learn from the sports editor. He/she is expected to produce at least one article for every issue.
Graphics Editor: The graphics editor will determine the major layout design and graphics details of the newspaper. The
graphics editor will collaborate with other editors to determine effective layout of content and graphics of each page. The
graphics editor should have previous education in graphics design and should be willing to teach peer editors the basics of
newspaper layout.
Photography Editor: The photography editor will determine photographs that best support the text of the newspaper.
He/she must communicate with all peer editors to determine what photography is needed and how to best translate this into
appropriate graphic layout for the newspaper. He/she is responsible for assigning photograph assignments and going on
assignments him/herself.
Original Arts Editor: The original arts editor will determine original art pieces that best support the text of the newspaper.
He/she must communicate with all peer editors to determine what original art is needed and how to best translate this
original art into appropriate graphic layout for the newspaper. He/she must also create or direct the creation of a thematic or
story-based cartoon that represents timely interests of Wheaton North.
Public Relations Editor: The public relations editor will decide on how to best promote the Falcon Flyer as a credible,
local publication. The public relations editor should be willing to communicate with the Falcon Weekly to promote issues
on a monthly basis. The PR editor will also communicate with local businesses about opportunities to support the Falcon
Flyer throughout the year.
Staff Writer: Staff writers must be an avid reader and writer. Staff writers must decide upon two sections of the newspaper
that he/she will support throughout the year through timely and polished writing that will be submitted for every issue. Staff
writers must communicate with immediate editors.
REFERENCE: This should be one teacher who could attest to your strengths as a writer and collaborator. You
should ask the teacher if he/she is willing to serve as a reference.
Teacher’s Name: _____________________________ Teacher’s Signature: ____________________________
Please briefly describe why this student would be a dependable candidate for the position of _______________:
WRITING SAMPLE (required for editors and assistant editors only): Please attach a sample of writing that reflects
your writing style. This sample should support your candidacy towards your position of interest.
STAFF CONTRACT: By submitting an application, you are agreeing to the responsibilities detailed for your position. All
editor and assistant editor positions are yearlong commitments that require regular attendance to weekly staff meetings
(Friday mornings at either 6:45 or 7:00), eight monthly layout sessions (dates TBA), and a minimum of two training
workshops (dates TBA). Staff writer positions are also yearlong commitments that require attendance to weekly staff
meetings and communication with your immediate editor. Failure to meet the responsibilities of your position may result in
loss of your position, contingent upon review by your editor-in-chief and sponsor.
I understand the requirements of my positions as described in the staff contract: ___________________________________
(sign here)