1. Please submit your review in Word format (not pdf).
2. Please begin your review with the book details following this format:
Paul Sillitoe, editor. Local Science vs Global Science. Approaches to Indigenous
Knowledge in International Development. New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books
2007. ISBN 1084545-014-0, Price $85.00 (hardback). x+279 pages, index.
3. Generally reviews should not exceed 1500 words in length (about five pages of
double-spaced 12pt text). If a book seems to warrant a longer review, please consult
with the Book Review Editor.
4. Book reviews should summarize author(s) arguments and place the book within a
broad scholarly context. Please indicate the probable audience for the book and
how useful it might be for this readership.
5. Please follow U.S. English stylistic conventions.
6. If required, please use footnotes NOT endnotes.
8. References should be a separate section at the end of the main text.
9. Reviewers should identify themselves by their name, full institutional postal
address and email address.
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