Document 17908016

The International Labour Organization
ILO Declaration on Social Justice
for a Fair Globalization
Summary of main provisions and key messages
The Challenge: Globalization
is reshaping the world of work
• On one hand, globalization has helped a number of
– Benefit from high rates of economic growth and employment
– Absorb many of the rural poor
into the modern urban economy
– Advance their
developmental goals
– Foster innovation in
product development and
the circulation of ideas
The Challenge: Globalization
is reshaping the world of work
• On the other hand, globalization has caused…
– Many countries and sectors to face major challenges of income
– Continuing high levels of unemployment and poverty
– Vulnerability of economies to
external shocks
– The growth of both
unprotected work and the
informal economy,
which impacts on the
employment relationship
and the protections it
can offer
Declaration on Social Justice
for a Fair Globalization
• The Declaration and its follow-up were adopted by the
International Labour Conference in June 2008
• Outcome of a long process of
tripartite consultations
– Governments, workers and employers
• Follows on from the
conclusions and
recommendations of the
World Commission on the
Social Dimension of
Globalization (2004)
Declaration on Social Justice
for a Fair Globalization
• Purpose: To strengthen the ILO’s capacity to promote its
Decent Work Agenda and forge an effective response to
the growing challenges of globalization
• Signals major change
towards balanced economic
and social policies
How the Declaration Responds
• Calls for a new strategy to sustain open economies and
open societies based on…
Social justice
Full and productive employment
Sustainable enterprises
Social cohesion
• Acknowledges the benefits of
globalization but calls for
renewed efforts to implement
decent work policies as the
means to achieve improved
and fair outcomes for all
How the Declaration Responds
• Asks the ILO to invite other international and regional
organizations to promote decent work
• Gives ILO constituents a key responsibility to contribute
to the realization of a global and integrated
strategy for the implementation
of the Decent Work Agenda
Key elements of the Declaration
• A renewed commitment to the ILO’s mandate
• Links social justice to fair globalization
• Builds on the ILO’s Declaration of Philadelphia (1944)
and the Declaration on Fundamental Principles and
Rights at Work (1998)
• Confirms the universality of
the Decent Work Agenda
• Contributes to the social
justice agenda in the wider
United Nations
• Includes outreach to
IGOs and NGOs
Declaration scope and principles
• Defines the key role of the ILO to help its members to
face the challenges and take advantage of the
opportunities of globalization
• Identifies the need to strengthen
the ILO’s capacity to assist its members
Declaration scope and principles
• Establishes a new foundation for supporting ILO
constituents in promoting and achieving progress and
social justice through the ILO’s four strategic objectives
and the Decent Work Agenda
Social Protection
Social Dialogue
Rights at Work
Declaration scope and principles
• The added value hinges on the following principles:
– The universality of the ILO objectives
• The recognition that the objectives should be
promoted by all
– The interdependence between the four
strategic objectives
• They are “inseparable, interrelated and
mutually supportive”
• Failure to promote any one of them will hinder
progress towards the others
• International labour standards apply to
all strategic objectives
and are a means to
achieve them
Declaration scope and principles
• Complemented by two equally important principles:
– How the objectives are achieved is a question to be determined
by the members themselves, in relation to their national
circumstances and priorities.
– Solidarity and cooperation among all
members of the ILO are more relevant than
ever for the achievement of the objectives.
Method for implementing the
• Demands an integrated approach by:
– The Organization as a whole
– Members
– The Office (Secretariat)
• Ownership by constituents and
strong commitment by the Office
are key to its successful
What the ILO will do
• Review and adapt its institutional practices
– Recurring items on the ILC agenda on each of the strategic
– Sharing of experiences on the synergies between the strategic
objectives through tripartite discussion
– Strengthening and streamlining technical
cooperation and expert advice
– Assistance to members who promote ILO
objectives in bilateral or multilateral
– New partnerships with non-state
entities and economic actors
The ILC: Recurring
agenda items
• “To better understand its members’ needs”
– Trends and developments relating to each strategic objective
– Review of ILO action
– Strengthen the link between
needs of members and
action taken by the Organization
to respond to those needs
– Set priorities for the Governing
Body and guide the Office
What member States may do
• Subject to national needs and priorities, member States
Adopt national or regional strategies for decent work
Establish indicators or statistics
Promote sustainable enterprises
Review ratification/implementation of
ILO instruments
– Ensure policy coherence in
international forums
– Share national/regional
good practices
– Provide appropriate
support to other members
Annex: Declaration Follow-up
• How “to make the fullest possible use of all the means of
action provided under the Constitution of the ILO to fulfill
its mandate.”
– Coherence, coordination and collaboration
– Efficient and effective use of resources
– Improved competencies and
knowledge base
– Strengthened technical cooperation
– Effective partnerships (UN and
multilateral system)
– Promote and update the ILO
“governance” standards
– Country studies/peer reviews
The way forward
• Implementation plan adopted at March 2009 meeting of
the ILO Governing Body
– A comprehensive overview of all proposed actions
– New working methods across the Office: collaboration and
– Support for constituents’ efforts to achieve the objectives of the
What they say about the
“What we now have is a compass” for the ILO and its members.
It is now up to all of us to shape the future while the Declaration
and the Resolution show us the way to take.”
Jean-Jacques Elmiger,
Chairperson of the Committee on
Strengthening the ILO’s Capacity
“[The Declaration] addresses the big themes that will certainly resonate
with the contemporary concerns of societies, workers, entrepreneurs
and governments, and, we hope, also anticipate the emerging issues of
the future. .”
Ebrahim Patel, Worker Vice Chair of the Committee
“With this Declaration, the Organization is equipped with the best tool it
has ever had to change so as to meet the challenges of globalization.”
Emmanuel Julien, Employer Vice Chair of the Committee
The Declaration:
A response to the challenges of the global crisis and to the
call for a fair globalization