April 29, 2016 Dear Parents,

April 29, 2016
Dear Parents,
The students had a super exciting week! On Monday, the students colored Day 19 in their
Egg to Chick journals, and they wrote about how many chicks they thought would hatch this week.
On Tuesday, we had 1 yellow baby chick hatch while the students were at lunch, and a few more of
the eggs had “pips” (small holes pecked in the egg). On Wednesday, the students were very excited
to find 5 more baby chicks in the incubator when they came in to the classroom. During Circle, one
more baby chick hatched, and the students were lucky enough to watch the last baby chick hatch out
of its egg just before PE. All 8 of our eggs hatched (the best hatch we have ever had in our
classroom), and we have 4 black baby chicks and 4 yellow baby chicks. The students were so
excited to hold the baby chicks, and they all had a chance to hold one black chick and one yellow
chick during the day. On Thursday, the students had Library and Art. We were not able to go to the
Library the last two weeks because of the Book Fair and PARCC testing, so the students were happy
to check out new books again! Today, the students completed a chick story sequence with pictures
to match each sentence in the story. In your child’s folder today, you will find his/her Egg to Chick
science journal that the class has been working on for the last 3 weeks. Please review this journal
with your child and ask him/her to explain the vocabulary words, drawings, and read the journal
entries to you this weekend. All of the students have learned so much about the baby chicks this
month, and I am so very proud of all the new vocabulary and concepts that they can explain in their
own words! Please look in the folder for the Chick Birth Announcement that lists the names the
students suggested and voted on this week.
Next week, we will be talking all about Mother’s Day. For show and tell on Friday, please ask
your child to find photos or pictures that show all of Mom’s favorite things, and glue them on the red
paper heart that is in the Friday folder. The students will talk about all of the things that Mom loves
during Show and Tell on Friday afternoon.
During the month of May, we will be finishing our last Science unit. We will be growing plants
in our classroom science table and turn it into a garden that the students will water and take care of
next month. At the end of the unit, your child will also bring home his/her own garden with vegetable
and flower seeds that he/she planted during our unit. The students will be learning about all the
things a plant needs to grow, the planting sequence, and the parts of a plant.
Save The Date! On May 20th at 2:30pm, our class will be performing “The Enormous
Watermelon Play” with Mrs. Sparacio’s Kindergarten class. This is a play based on nursery rhymes,
and each child will have his/her own nursery rhyme character and lines that he/she will learn for the
play. We would love to have all parents, grandparents, and family members join us for this event.
Doors will open at 2:00pm for seating, the play will begin at 2:30pm, and we will have a watermelon
and snack reception after the play at 3:00pm. I hope everyone will join us for this wonderful event! If
you are willing to send in slices of watermelon, juice boxes, or snacks (no peanuts please!) on the
day of the play, please complete the form in the folder and return it to school on Monday. Thank you!
Your child’s class schedule for Exploremore Day is in his/her Friday folder today. Please read
through the note and check to see if your child’s classes require him/her to bring any special supplies
on Exploremore Day.
May 20 – Enormous Watermelon Play
May 27 – Exploremore Day
May 30 – Memorial Day – No School
June 1 – Last Day of School & End of the Year Party 2:30pm
Have a wonderful weekend!
Miss Jen Hottendorf