His/Herstorian: _____________________ Chapter 2 Section 3: Puritan New England

His/Herstorian: _____________________
Chapter 2 Section 3: Puritan New England
1.) What is a Puritan, and how did Puritans view the Anglican Church?
a.) Puritan
b.) Puritan’s view on the Anglican Church
2.) What was the purpose of the Mayflower Compact?
3.) Who was the founder of Rhode Island Colony, and what two principles did
Providence, Rhode Island guarantee that Massachusetts Bay did not?
a.) Founder of Rhode Island colony?
b.) What two principles did Providence guarantee that Massachusetts Bay did
4.) How did Native Americans view land treaties, and how did this view differ from the
5.) What was the lasting effect of King Philip’s War?
Chapter 2 Section 4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies
1.) William Penn had big plans for his colony, he wanted to instill Quakers principles into
the government
2.) How did the Dutch differ from the English in settling their colonies?
a.) Dutch
b.) English
3.) Using the map “Middle Colonies to 1700” on page 56 with a colored pencil shade in
New Netherland
4.) What was the Dutch controlled New Netherland’s eventual fate? According to you,
why were the New Netherlands so important to the English?
A.) Fate of the Dutch
B.) Why the New Netherlands were so important to the English
5.) What were some of the Quakers beliefs?
6.) How did Penn’s attitudes and actions toward the Native Americans differ from those
of the Puritans?
7.) Think for yourself: What if anything can you take from William Penn’s teachings and
how it applies to American’s today?