Twenties Study Guide People 1. Al Capone -

Twenties Study Guide
Identify each of the following.
1. Al Capone 2. George Herman "Babe" Ruth 3. Jack Dempsey 4. Herbert Hoover 5. Warren Harding 6. Calvin Coolidge 7. Al Jolson 8. Amos and Andy 9. Charles Lindbergh 10. Andrew Mellon 11. Harry Daugherty 12. Albert Fall -
13. Alfred Smith 14. Charlie Chaplin 15. Rudolph Valentino 16. Laurel and Hardy 17. Mickey Mouse 18. Red Grange 19. The Ku Klux Klan 20. Sacco and Vanzetti 21. F. Scott Fitzgerald 22. Ernest Hemingway 23. George Gershwin 24. Henry Ford 25. Clara Bow 26. The 1927 Yankees -
Explain the meaning of the following slang terms of
the Twenties.
1. Flappers 2. Bootleggers 3. Talkies 4. Dreammaker 5. Speakeasies 6. Tin Pan Alley 7. Tommy Guns 8. Wets and Drys 9. Tin Lizzie 10. Red Scare 11. Barnstorming 12. Bunyan Derbies 13. Flagpole sitting –
14. Hooch –
Explain the popularity of each of the following
forms of Entertainment related to the 1920's.
1. Motion Pictures (with and without sound) 2. Radio 3. Baseball 4. Jazz 5. Animation Films Give a written description of the effect of the
following inventions
1. Airplane 2. Automobile 3. Typewriters 4. Sewing Machines -
Explain each of the following political happenings.
1. Teapot Dome 2. Isolationism 3. Kellogg/Briand Pact 4.5 Power Naval Treaty 5. Social Darwinism 6. The Rise of Communism in Russia 7. Treaty of Versailles 8. The League of Nations -
Describe the following news events of the 1920's
1. Prohibition 2. The 19th Amendment 3. The Flight of the Spirit of St. Louis 4. The Scopes Trial 5. Crime Wars Write a Paragraph for each on separate pieces of
1. Why did the automobile industry become America's
most important business?
2. Why were the 1920's called "roaring"?
3. Was it wrong to break the laws of Prohibition?
4. Why was America consumed with fear of communism?
5. What caused the stock market crash of 1929?
6. Why was isolationism so popular with most
7. How did radio change America?
8. Should women have been given the right to vote
and did their participation in their first election
make a difference?