United States History: Fall 2013

United States History: Fall 2013
Mrs. Debbie Rawski
630.784.7300 ext. 8508
“If you would understand anything, observe its beginning and its development.” Aristotle
This course explores U.S. History from the 1600s to the development of urban America and industrialization in the 1800s
through an interdisciplinary approach that includes literature, music, art, and biographies. Students are encouraged to
integrate information, discover patterns, and develop critical thinking skills in their responses to significant issues and events in
American history. Throughout this course, students are required to use information from the text and related sources to
evaluate causes and explore values in history.
Required Materials: In order to be successful in class, you must come to class with these materials.
Textbook – The Americans
A writing utensil
Three-prong folder or one-inch binder
Absences, Assignments, Behavior and Participation:
Students are responsible for obtaining assignments or lecture notes after an excused absence. If you are absent on
the day of a test, be prepared to take that test when you return to school. If you have questions regarding the
material, please see Mrs. Rawski before or after school.
Homework assignments are designed to help students think more widely, evaluate sources and analyze the impact of
events in history. All homework will be completed by due date. No late work will be accepted for credit.
Respect yourself, your teacher and other students at all times.
Due to the nature of this class, participation is essential. Students: Be ready to learn! Do your job! Challenge
yourself to be productive and to participate in class. Be prepared to explain why you think the way you do. You are
here; use your time wisely.
Evaluation Policies:
All assignments are weighted equally when calculating mid-term grades.
The final exam will count as 20% of the final grade; all other work will make up the remaining 80%.
Your grade is not given; it is earned and will reflect the effort you choose to put into this course. Grades are not
rounded up.
Academic integrity is expected in this classroom. Any student who chooses to be academically dishonest in this class
will receive a zero for the assignment or test. Additional infractions will result in dean referral and parent contact.
Units of Study:
Colonization through Revolution
Creating A New Nation
Sectionalism, Expansion & Nationalism
Civil War and Reconstruction
Wild West Expansion
Populism, Big Business and Urbanization
Classroom Philosophy:
Most importantly, after reading the above information, it is essential to know that my concern is your ultimate academic
success. To achieve this goal, I will challenge you to work at your maximum potential and encourage you to take ownership of
your learning in this course. I am also available before or after school for additional assistance.
Please share this sheet with your parents. Return the information sheet below to indicate your understanding of these
expectations and the best ways to contact your parents if needed.
PARENTS: Please contact me at anytime with questions or concerns but kindly allow 48 hours to return phone messages and 24
hours to return e-mails.
I am truly looking forward to an excellent term investigating the history of our country with you all.
Please detach, fill out the form below, and return it to Mrs. Rawski by Friday, August 23, 2013!
I (Guardian’s Name),
have read and understand the
expectations held by Mrs. Rawski for my student,
I can best be reached at:
Phone Number:
E-Mail Address:
We have read the classroom expectations and will contact Mrs. Rawski with any questions as they may arise.
Guardian(s) Signature(s):
Student Signature: