Third- and Fourth-Year Curriculum Committee Meeting Julie Byerley, M.D., and Timothy Farrell, M.D., Co-Chairs November 24, 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m., G030 Bondurant In Attendance: Julie Byerley Tim Farrell Deb Bynum Ana Felix Robert Gwyther Christopher Klipstein Tony Lindsey Mike Meyers Cheryl McNeil Frances Smith Beat Steiner Anshu Verma Rebecca Chasnovitz Lydia Efird Georgette Dent Karen Stone James Barrick Joey Woodyard Mindy Roush Lisa Slatt Task Force Reports o Content of Curriculum Total Physician Task Force (Cheryl McNeil) The goals and objectives of the MS3/MS4 courses should include terminology concerning competencies in o Transition course – Informatics. o Advanced Practice Selective – Patient Safety. o Out-Patient Medicine Clerkship - Chronic Care. o MS1 Social Medicine Course – Chronic Care. Integration of Rehabilitative Medicine and Occupational Health needs to be addressed with the PM and R Departments with options to include in MSK block in 2nd year and Neurology Clerkship. The recommendation that end-of-life care be addressed in several ways: o The goals and objectives of the MS1 Social Medicine Course include terminology concerning competencies in end-of life care. o Consideration of either a day back in the third year around these issues or a careful breakup of competencies over the third year curriculum, and then each clerkship would need to include terminology concerning end-of-life care. o There are several opportunities for students to develop end-of-life care competencies in the Critical Care Selective and in Capstone. o The School of Medicine and the Department of Surgery could consider funding and implementing the end-of-life curriculum that Dr. Stafford and her colleagues in the palliative care group proposed a couple of years ago. o Administration of Curriculum Work Hours Measurement. The end of course evaluation form has been updated in one45 to ask students to give their subjective impression of their average duty hours per week in each clerkship. o Clinical Log Update (Beat Steiner) Students have provided a lot of constructive feedback that we can respond to and propose changes to the log. Changes for consideration: o Clerkship directors should shorten the list to the core topics and revert to the list by clerkship. o Simplify the language so it makes sense to teachers and learners. The international classification system language was not helpful. o Shorten data entry fields to bare minimum. Students are frustrated by multiple entries. o Students would like to be able to use different interfaces such as a smart phone or iPhone. o Two types of reporting systems: Clerkships need to get a list for their own clerkship. Advisors need a list across all clerkships. Student Experience of Curriculum Mistreatment Update (Georgette Dent) We are changing the culture and are currently at 2 percentage points above the national average. Next steps: release compiled student comments about mistreatment and learning environment to all clerkship directors with copies to department chairs and Dr. Newton. The report will not be released until clerkship grades are released. Student Advising Update (Georgette Dent) The Advisory College is currently in transition mode because of Dr. Stewart’s departure. Advisors will work with students to complete their Dean’s letter. Active Learning Update (Liz Dreesen) An active learning task force was formed by the Academy of Educators because the students are somewhat disenfranchised during their 3rd and 4th years. Task force came up with recommendations: o MS3s and MS4s need beepers and numbers placed in webexchange. o MS3s and MS4s need long distance access codes in the hospital. o MS3s need checklists for their rotations reflecting content, tasks and procedures (Ob/Gyn as an example). o CC3-4 needs to establish standards for night call (which rotations/how much?). MS3s and MS4s need access to appropriate scrubs on all procedure rotations. o Call rooms need to be available for night call rotations. Some hospitals don’t provide call space for students (not necessarily at UNC). Asheville students take call but sleep in the lounge. Didactics and weighting of SHELF grades should be evaluated in context of our desire for active learning. Comparability Task Force (Deb Bynum) Recommendations: o Have a site director at every AHEC site, a Dean of Students, who can address many issues such as work hours and mistreatment. o Invite more AHEAC faculty to retreats. o Initiate more communication between AHEC faculty and clerkship directors. Survival Guide Update (Anshu Verma): Students met with Claudia Condrey and determined that it will be best to wait until Sharepoint 2010 has been released before designing their website. Course Review o Process and Plan (Alice Chuang) At each CC34 meeting during the year, time will be spent reviewing one 3rd year and one 4th year course. Everyone will serve as a primary and secondary reviewer. Every course review will have a primary and secondary reviewer. Dr. Chuang will send out a chart of courses for clerkship directors to sign up for months and courses for which they would like to be a primary and secondary reviewer. The course director will be responsible for completing the annual course review form and sending it to the primary reviewer one month prior to the course review meeting date. The primary reviewer will meet with the secondary reviewer to discuss the course and the course review form and then summarize their findings in the following format: General course summary. Areas needing improvement. Best practices.