North Carolina Public Schools Individualized Education Program Related Services Support Description:

North Carolina Public Schools
Individualized Education Program
Related Services Support Description:
1. These support services are a part of an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
The description will be written by an IEP team that includes the related service
provider and attached to the IEP.
2. The purpose of the service is to support the student’s access and participation in
his/her special education program.
3. The related service provider’s service (intervention) notes documenting these
services are available on request.
4. The student needs support from a related service provider rather than skills-based
services in order to acquire specific skills. Therefore, these services do not require
specific IEP goals, benchmarks or progress reports.
5. The service frequency will be documented on the IEP service delivery page (DEC 4)
specifying how often the related service provider will monitor, although
emergencies or unforeseen incidents may require additional visits.
6. The description will specify what the student needs from the related service
provider in order to access his/her educational environment and participate in
his/her special educational program.
7. This description of services must be signed and dated by the related service
provider. The IEP team, which includes the related service provider, must review it
at least annually. It can be modified based on the student’s needs.
8. Related service provider visits and time spent on behalf of the student will be
documented and record maintained in the therapists’ file.
9. This description may be changed to meet your local needs (e.g., add LEA name,
remove SAMPLE from header, add or delete categories as appropriate).
North Carolina Public Schools
Individualized Education Program
Related Services Support Description:
IEP Dates/Effective Dates: ___/___/___ to ___/___/___
Date approved by IEP team and included/attached to IEP: ___/___/___
Student: ___________________________
Grade: ______
School: _________________________________
Service (Check all that apply):
 OT
 PT
Description of student needs (Explanation of why support is needed):
Classroom interventions delegated to classroom staff with related service
provider support/training for teachers and staff: (Program description, logs
Positioning program (e.g., in wheelchair, stander or other equipment)
Walking program with/without assistive device
Assistive technology/augmentative communication, and adapting switches and
toys: _______________________
Check equipment
Feeding program
Sensory processing modifications
Provide staff development/modeling techniques
Active/Passive Range of Motion to Upper/Lower Extremities
Related service provider support:
Instruction for delegated activities, use of equipment
Observation of students in classroom settings
Monitor programs, specifically: _______________________________
Connect IEP goals with NC Standard Course of Study
Adaptation (including assignments and assessments), accommodations, integration of
skills or consultation for participation in and/or with class
Assist in statewide (e.g., EOG, EOC, etc.) and/or districtwide assessments
Analyze and engineer environments, increasing opportunities for communication
Programming assistive technology/augmentative communication, and adapting
switches and toys: _______________________
Check in with bus staff
Equipment maintenance
Prepare classroom materials including home practice/carry over material(s)
Collaborate with other service delivery providers
Communicate and coordinate with outside agencies
Facilitate transitions to job/vocational settings and problem solve issues that arise
Evacuation planning support/consultation
Equipment Needed: (p=personal; c=classroom)
Switches/toys: _______________________________________________
Splints or braces: ___________________________________________
Computer adaptation: ________________________________________
Positioning devices, specifically: _________________________________
Toileting aids, devices or equipment: ______________________________
Mat/mat table
Walker or ambulation aid: _____________________________________
Stander: _________________________________________________
Wheelchair tray
Feeding equipment
Sensory Processing Tools: _____________________________________
Additional Comment or Explanation: ____________________________
Therapist signature: ____________________________Date: __/__/__