Wood shredder | Fall 2012 Eric Champagne

Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Wood shredder| Fall 2012
Eric Champagne, Horticultural Supervisor
Building Services, Grounds and Event support, University services
Grounds and
A division of University services
Project summary
 With the help of the Sustainability Projects Fund we would like to purchase a
leaves/branches shredder to recycle them for campus usage (Leaves and Branches).
 We would redirect the shredded materials for campus use to become part of the
inputs for compost production in Big Hanna.
 Compost needs a carbon source which is currently purchased but could be partially
replaced with this shredded material.
 Less organic materials would leave Campus Grounds for a dump site and/or
recycling facility.
 Shredded material could also serve as mulch for the many gardens the University
 Michal Bonar and David Morris from Gorilla Composting would find it useful to get
shredded material as a carbon source.
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Project eligibility:
 Shredded material would be made available to the Big Hanna composter.
 Dead Trees and broken branches are presently sent to a dump site, they
would become part of the input for compost .
 An average of 10 trees of different sizes is removed per year.
 Communication and education about the shredder and its impacts would
be provided by the Gorilla composting team, integrating it into their
information tours, workshops, and website (see attached letter of
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Timeframe / Milestone:
 Project could start as soon as the piece of equipment is purchased.
 No end date, it would be an ongoing process linked to what is composted
presently on campus.
 Ongoing repairs and preventive maintenance costs would be covered by
 Performance could be monitored; volume of shredded material would be
evaluated using the bucket of a tractor as a unit of measure. This will be
done as soon as the shredded material is brought to the composting site.
 The wood pellets needed for Big Hanna’s carbon input will be replaced with
the wood chips.
 Compost would be used in flower borders, gardens and landscaped sites
located all over campus.
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Project implementation:
Tasks and Responsibilities
Type of Activity – Task
Estimated Time Required
Group Member in Charge
To shred Leaves and Branches
Grounds dept. McGill
Bring Shredded material to
Grounds dept. McGill
Incorporate materials in
Material added to compost
should be the same as wood
Food Services department
Communication and
Gorilla composting Team and
Composter coordinator
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Expense Description
Estimated Cost
Purchase leaf/branches shredder
Revenue Source
Amount Requested Confirmed?
Sustainability Projects
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Cost and annual needs analysis:
“Big Hanna” composter needs
Format / Size
Cost / quantity
Wood pellets
18kg ( bag)
$ 4.50
Wood pellets
Metric ton (1000kg)
$ 250.00
Delivery fees
Per truck load
$ 500.00
Total cost
$ 2500.00
Cost per kg
Annual needs for composter
7200 kg
Landscape needs
Format / Size
Cost / quantity
Wood chips for landscape
Truck load (19m3, 9500kg)
Total cost for landscape per year
$ 4180.00
Wood chips for landscape
Per kg
Annual needs for landscape
4 truck loads ( minimum)
38,000 kg
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Summary analysis report:
Format / Size
Annual needs for composter
Annual needs for landscape
Cost / quantity
7200 kg
4 truck loads ( minimum)
Total per year
38,000 kg
45,200 kg
Annual operating cost for Wood
Based on 10 years operation
$ 1650.00
Production cost using Wood
Cost per kg
Savings on cost for composter
Savings on cost for landscape needs
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
Wood shredder
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
> Recommendations
Good piece of equipment
1. Safety of use
2. Spare parts availability
Carefully make an assessment of your needs before purchasing this type of
equipment. The size and the power should meet your requirements.
You need to add some features to make this piece of equipment more efficient
during daily operation.
Hauling attachment on vehicle
Protective cab need to be added to the dumper box to collect wood chips
Having your supplier/vendor near by is a good advantage
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
> Conclusion
- Long process that required persistence, commitment and long-term vision;
- Finding the right equipment that matches our needs was not an easy process.
Positive outcomes:
- We’ve received good feedback and support from Gorilla Composting team;
- Positive response from Grounds employees: supportive and cooperating;
- Grounds Department got pride in helping reducing our waste and imprint towards
the environment;
Building Services, Grounds and Event support
A division of University services
> Conclusion
Issues and future requirements for project success implementation:
1. Reviewing the whole process of on-site operation of wood shredder:
a) New procedure to be implemented while doing tree pruning
b) Stocking and managing raw material and finished product .
2. Adapting the current equipment in order to use this new tool efficiently
3. Following issues that stop us to really use the equipment at full capacity:
a) 5 employees were missing this year.
b) Composter was out of order for 6 months.
c) Tree pruning project done by external firm on campus this year. Part of
the project included the removal of raw material.