MLAB 1227 Coagulation Overview of Hemostasis: Learning Objectives At the end of this unit, the student should be able to: 1. Define hemostasis. 2. List the components of the hemostatic system. 3. Name three types of blood vessels, and explain the general role of the vasculature and the normal endothelial cells in aiding and preventing activation of the hemostatic system. 4. Describe the normal morphology and numbers of platelets on a peripheral blood smear. 5. Name and describe the cell that is the precursor of platelets in the bone marrow. 6. Differentiate between the primary hemostatic plug and the secondary hemostatic plug. 7. Name the four structural zones of platelets. 8. Describe the function of each of the structural zones of platelets 9. Name the major humoral factor which regulates platelet development. 10. Explain how TPO works. 11. Explain the various functions of platelets. 12. Describe the events that take place in primary hemostasis 13. List steps in platelet plug formation. 14. Describe the process of platelet adhesion and activation. 15. Name the product responsible for stabilization of the hemostatic plug. 16. Define agonist. 17. Cite examples of agonists. 7/27/2016