edTPA Lesson Plan Professional Semester 3 and 4 Guidelines: 7-23-14 1

edTPA Lesson Plan Professional Semester 3 and 4 Guidelines: 7-23-14
Developed by: Shirley Andrews, Carolyn Gish, Jessica Graves, Lynn Minor, Nancy Sartin, and Tonja Root / Approved by ECSE Faculty 8-1-14
Teacher Candidate
School/Grade Level
Printed Name of Mentor Teacher
Estimated Lesson Duration
Mentor Teacher Signature for Approval
PS3 Disclaimer: Due to the anticipated growth of candidates, this lesson plan represents a modified format for Professional Semester
3 candidates. While candidates are not expected to respond to all original guidelines in writing, it is still the expectation of the
department that candidates will address the deleted areas in practice. Candidates will still be evaluated on the deleted areas in the field
using the COEHS designated instrument.
A1 - Central Focus
What is/are the important
understanding(s) and core concept(s)
that you want students to develop within
the learning segment? In other words,
what is the big idea?
M1 - Assessment(s) Description
Name and describe the assessments that
will be used to assess student learning. In
describing the assessment, identify if your
assessment will be used for formative or
summative purposes.
A2 - Standard(s)
List the Common Core Georgia
Performance Standard(s), Georgia
Performance Standard(s), and/or Georgia
Pre-K Content Standard(s) that align(s)
with the learning objective(s)
A3 - Objective(s)
Objectives should include:
(1) a specific goal that has an observable
learning outcome, (2) conditions under
which a learning outcome can be expected
to occur, and (3) criterion level.
Monitoring of Student Learning
M2 - Evaluative Criteria
Describe the degree of behavior required
for the objective(s) to be met. Provide
levels of proficiency. Examples may
include meets, partially meets, and does
not meet.
Explain how your assessment will evidence
that students have met the objective(s)
identified for the lesson.
M3 - Assessment Feedback
Describe how your assessment data will
inform the teacher decision-making
Describe how your assessment will allow
you to provide developmentally
appropriate constructive feedback to
Describe how students will engage in selfassessment and use constructive feedback
provided by the teacher and peers.
Knowledge of Students to Inform and Differentiate Instruction
K2 – Specific Learning Needs
K3 – Supports, Accommodations, and Modifications
Describe the specific learning needs of students as identified in
Describe supports, accommodations, and modifications that will
Individualized Educational Plans (IEPs), 504 plans, and
be made to assessment and instruction in response to student
relevant Response to Intervention (RTI) documents.
information collected.
Describe variations in learning needs of specific student groups
including, but not limited to, English language learners,
gifted/talented, and struggling/underperforming students.
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
Directions: For this section, include what you and the students will be doing by sequentially describing the instructional strategies and
learning tasks that will be included in the lesson. Respond to each of the guidelines below:
 Include enough detail in this lesson plan that it could be taught by another individual.
 Identify formative/summative assessments in the lesson with underlined text.
 The Procedures section must be written in first-person and include teacher script. As appropriate, describe the use of
instructional technologies to support student learning.
ISLT1 Pacing
Provide an estimated time for this section.
* This section must be written in first-person and be aligned to the objective. As appropriate, describe the use of
edTPA Lesson Plan Professional Semester 3 and 4 Guidelines: 7-23-14
Developed by: Shirley Andrews, Carolyn Gish, Jessica Graves, Lynn Minor, Nancy Sartin, and Tonja Root / Approved by ECSE Faculty 8-1-14
instructional technologies to support student learning.
Gaining Attention (Anticipatory Set) – Describe how you will gain the attention and motivate students to engage in
learning. Describe why your students should care or want to know about this topic. As appropriate, address crosscurricular connections.
Informing Learners of the Objective (Objectives and Purpose) – Describe how you will communicate your learning
objectives to students using developmentally appropriate language.
Stimulating Recall of Prerequisite Learning (Review) – Describe the student needs, interests, and prior learning
that will be a foundation for this lesson.
ISLT1 Pacing
ISLT2 Procedures
Provide an estimated time for this section.
* This section must be written in first-person and be aligned to the objective. As appropriate, describe the use of
instructional technologies to support student learning.
Presenting the Content (Input, Modeling) – Sequentially describe the research-based instructional strategies that
you and the students will be using as the content is presented. Address how you will explicitly teach and
model/demonstrate skills, strategies, and/or concepts. Include questions (with answers) or problem-solving
activities to promote higher-order thinking. Include strategies planned to address potential student misconceptions.
Eliciting the Desired Behavior (Checking for Understanding, Guided Practice) – Describe the engaging and
worthwhile learning activities and tasks that your students will complete. Describe specific feedback (i.e., probes,
prompts, affirmation) that you will incorporate to support students in meeting the objective(s) of the lesson.
ISLT1 Pacing
ISLT2 Procedures
Provide an estimated time for this section.
* This section must be written in first-person and be aligned to the objective. As appropriate, describe the use of
instructional technologies to support student learning.
Providing Feedback – Describe how you will bring closure to the lesson by prompting learners to recall,
summarize, paraphrase, and/or problem solve in a non-evaluative way. Describe how you will link present content
to prior and future learning, other content areas, and authentic experiences.
IMR1 – Materials and Resources
List materials/resources needed for this
lesson, including technology.
Attach copies of all materials/resources
used during the lesson.
Instructional Materials and Resources
IMR2 - References
Cite all materials/resources using the current APA format.
Borich, G. (2014). Effective teaching methods: Research based practice (8th
ed.). Boston: Pearson.
The Georgia Department of Education. (2014). Teacher keys effectiveness
system. Retrieved from: http://www.gadoe.org/SchoolImprovement/Teacher-and-Leader-Effectiveness/Pages/Teacher-KeysEffectiveness-System.aspx
Adapted from:
Borich, G. (2014). Effective teaching methods: Research-based practice (8th ed.). Boston: Pearson.
edTPA Lesson Plan Professional Semester 3 and 4 Guidelines: 7-23-14
Developed by: Shirley Andrews, Carolyn Gish, Jessica Graves, Lynn Minor, Nancy Sartin, and Tonja Root / Approved by ECSE Faculty 8-1-14
The Georgia Department of Education. (2012). Teacher keys effectiveness system evaluator training & credentialing
materials. Atlanta: Author.