RESEARCH IN THE REAL WORLD Working with students in a river in the bleak midwinter Ecology & Env. Management Biosciences @rstubbington 26 Some background In 2013, BSc H Biological Sciences (Ecology & Environmental Management) was accredited by… We modified the degree to better align it with students’ career goals / aims A new, 20 CP year 2 module was introduced: Aquatic Ecosystems (AqES) AqES (now FrEco) designed / taught by 1 person Copyright © 1999 Eco-Pros 25 Module overview • 20 / 17 EEM students in 2013-4 / 2014-15 • Module dominated by a biomonitoring survey • (Invertebrates used to indicate river health) • Students used different field/analysis methods • Individual assessed poster presentations 24 module ASSESSMENT • 50 % EX, 50 % CWK 50% • Coursework element comprises a single task: A poster presentation delivered at an e-conference • Students consider 1 piece of CWK per module as risky • …so the poster needed to be well-supported 23 Contact hours over 5 weeks Survey planning* 3 h in computer room Guest lecture 1h The survey* 5 h field trip Invertebrate ID* 4 h lab + 2 h seminar Data analysis* 3 h in computer room Drop-in session 2h Presentations* 3h + & *compulsory 21 1.Planning the survey • 3 h session in a seminar room • Students given handout about all sessions 20 The handout introduced the sites and the problem: does Duffield impact the ecological quality of the River Ecclesbourne? Upstream Downstream 19 And this year, does Newthorpe STW impact the ecological quality of Gilt Brook? Upstream Downstream 18 1.Planning the survey • 3 h seminar in computer room • Students given a handout about all related sessions • Split into self-selected groups of 3-4 students • A Mac for each student to do research • Videos / papers shared on screen • Aims: to make decisions / plan survey; submit kit list 17 Decisions, decisions Which sampling method will you use? How many samples will you take? Where will you take samples? Kick Vacuum sampling pumping of of hyporheic bugs? benthic bugs? Kit list needed by the end of the day 16 2. The guest lecture Martin Winter, Senior Environmental Monitoring Officer at the Gave presentation + came on field trip His presentation: • The work of the EA • Invertebrates as biomonitors • Introduced the study sites / rationale 15 3. The Fieldtrip Kick, Surber, vacuum & Bou-Rouch samples were taken… 14 Students could see methods used by other groups; several students took >1 sample type 13 Slightly too much fun was had… 12 4. The lab: invertebrate identification Samples processed & all invertebrates removed • Invertebrates identified using taxonomic keys • Pre-lab seminar using keys – 2 h this year • ID quite time consuming/challenging 11 Data analysis: One more decision How will you analyse your dataset? Choose just one from… 10 2 1.2 12.6 The BMWP index? The WHPT index? Multivariate analysis? LIFE scores? Group IV Group I 10 5. Data analysis 3 h workshop (preceded by formative “SPUR” session this year) Document / screencasts on: • Excel – descriptive statistics formulae for metrics • SPSS – significance tests error bar graphs Small group verbal guidance on BMWP, WHPT, LIFE, multivariate analysis 9 6. The e – C O N F E R E N C E Poster presentation + defence • Students defended posters individually • Poster shown on big screen • Questioning for <10 mins At the same time… • Posters displayed on computer screens • All circulated to see posters • Q sheet completed this year 8 Poster Q U A L I T Y 2013-14 2014-15 Mean +/- 1 SE 63 +/- 7 62 +/- 7 Range 52-74 53-72 1st (%) 15 12 2.1 (%) 45 59 2.2 (%) 40 29 n 20 17 Strengths • Most were professionally presented • Many were well-defended • Complex stats attempted 7 Could do better • Relationship between Results / Discussion • Novel use of significance testing • Phrasing of results esp. p values Raw data Only 1?? P value?? • Data presentation • Graph editing / presentation Tiny text 6 Year 1 feedback: what I got right Letting them get new skills field trips provide valuable skills which add to the value of my CV Letting others get a word in “guest lectures” “good, fun educational field work that links well with lectures - we can apply knowledge to real-life settings” Linked practicals …gave a deeper understanding / improved learning / were stimulating Balancing independence & support identifying invertes by myself was helpful - I remember more the poster project seems well run so far… support and communication were excellent 5 Year 1 feedback: what I got wrong Lab chaos Broken eggs “When identifying invertebrates, more staff would be nice, as …progress is slow” More time needed in the lab (“but the struggle increased my confidence”) Agreed More stats help needed OK OK Maybe More help with the meaning of stats OK More info needs to be given about field trips before hand Really? 50 % is a lot for one piece of coursework 1 comment Trips out There are not enough trips on this module Kind of… 4 Y E A R 2: Things that went better: More lab support: 2 academics, 1 SPUR student More data analysis support – written + SPUR workshop Got more out of the econference: questionnaires But there aren’t the hours for more field trips 3 Year 2 feedback: what I got right Lab chaos Broken eggs Poster seems too heavily weighted 2 comments Data analysis Data analysis workshops v helpful I valued the seminars on statistical analysis Trips out 2 In summary… A real-world question was posed. Students did independent, guided research to answer it. Positive outcomes • Ownership / deep learning • Excellent attendance (77% / 87%) • Engaged students • Robust assessment, easy marking But despite effective additional support, marks aren’t top-notch 1 Acknowledgements Martin Winter Jackie Greef The students