BYLAWS COUNCIL ON STAFF AFFAIRS VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY (REVISED APRIL 2011) SECTION I: PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY 1. The purpose of The Council on Staff Affairs (COSA) is to advance the mission of the university as a whole and to promote and foster the welfare of university staff, in non-collective bargaining issues, through the combined creativity of staff representatives from university divisions. 2. The Council on Staff Affairs (COSA) will participate in the process of university governance by advising the President regarding matters concerning university staff and the general welfare of the university. In doing so, COSA may consult with and make recommendations to other appropriate organizations of the university. 2.1 COSA will provide a forum for open communication of ideas on staff issues. 2.2 COSA will develop and maintain a university-wide communications network to provide for efficient transmission of relevant information to university staff. SECTION II: MEMBERSHIP Only full time benefited classified employees (as defined by the USG BOR section 8.1.2 Classified Personnel) are eligible for COSA membership. SECTION III: REPRESENTATIVES 1. Voting COSA Representatives: Voting COSA Representatives who have been employed full time for six months will be elected from the vice presidential and unaligned areas as described in the COSA Procedures Manual. Other Representatives will also be elected from each Division (COSA Procedures Manual describes selection process) will be updated to reflect this) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2. Academic Affairs Finance & Administration Student Affairs University Advancement Unaligned Ex-Officio: COSA will also be represented to include the following voting representative: the Director of Human Resources 2.1 COSA will be represented to include the following non-voting representatives: Vice Presidents of: Academic Affairs, Finance and Administration, Student Affairs, and University Advancement, a Student Government Association representative, a Retiree Association representative and the Faculty Senate Executive Secretary. 3. Election and Terms: An election shall be held each year to replace representatives whose terms have expired. Elected representatives will be based upon popular vote. Terms begin July 1 of each fiscal year and generally conclude on June 30 according to the COSA Procedures Manual (Section III 3.3.2). All elections and vacant positions will be held as outlined in the COSA Procedures Manual (Section III 3.3.1). Representatives shall serve a term of four years. Representatives may serve a maximum of two successive terms. Representatives who have served two successive terms may run again after one year out of service to COSA. SECTION IV: MEETINGS Items to be reported or discussed should be included in a word document to the Chairperson of COSA as set forth in the COSA Procedures Manual. Regular meetings will be held monthly throughout the year. 02/15/2011 HSC/Policy Committee BYLAWS COUNCIL ON STAFF AFFAIRS VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY (REVISED APRIL 2011) SECTION V: COSA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE STRUCTURE The COSA Executive Committee will consist of: 1.1 Chair 1.2 Chair-Elect, 1.3 Secretary, 1.4 Parliamentarian, 1.5 Treasurer, 1.6 Public Relations Officer 1.7 Immediate Past Chair 1.8 Ex-Officio Representatives SECTION VI: COSA COMMITTEES These committees are defined as to purpose and authority in the COSA Procedures Manual: 1.1 Budget and Finance Committee 2.1 Policy Committee 3.1 Social and Recognition Committee 4.1 Professional Development Committee 5.1 Ad Hoc Committees SECTION VII: UNIVERSITY SYSTEM OF GEORGIA STAFF COUNCIL The Council on Staff Affairs at Valdosta State University voted on February 21, 1996 to be a charter member of the University System of Georgia Staff Council (USGSC). The intent of the USGSC is to advance the mission of the system as a whole and to promote and foster the welfare of system staff through the collective creativity of representatives from each system institution. Valdosta State University COSA will designate two representatives each year to attend USGSC functions. COSA Chairperson will serve as the primary contact for USGSC at Valdosta State University. COSA Chairperson and Chair-Elect will serve as designated representatives of Valdosta State University to USGSC functions. If the Chairperson and/or the Chair-Elect are unable to attend USGSC functions the COSA Chairperson will appoint alternative representatives from a list of COSA member volunteers. SECTION VIII: ACTIVITY REPORT The COSA Chairperson shall prepare an annual activity report as set forth in the COSA Procedures Manual. SECTION IX: BYLAWS The Parliamentarian shall maintain the Bylaws and the COSA Procedures Manual with the assistance of the Policy Committee and review by the Executive Committee. The Bylaws and COSA Procedures Manual shall be reviewed as needed and no less than once every three years. Any proposed amendments will be read at the next regular COSA monthly meeting, and voted on by the elected representatives at the following regular COSA monthly meeting. Actions are posted on the COSA website. Changes to the Bylaws require a two-thirds vote of the COSA elected representatives. 02/15/2011 HSC/Policy Committee