“I look to the diffusion of light and education as the resource most to be relied on for ameliorating the conditions, promoting the virtue and advancing the happiness of man.” Thomas Jefferson to Cornelius Camden Blatchly 1822 Separated at Birth? diffusionoflight.wordpress.com “It is time to bring two national priorities—career January, 2012 preparation and increased access and completion rates—together in a more comprehensive vision with a third national priority: fostering informed, engaged, concerted responsible citizens.” activity “Eusociality underlies the most advanced forms of social organization and the ecologically dominant role of social insects and humans.” Edward O. Wilson Harvard University “The Evolution of Eusociality” August 26, 2010 130,000 B.C. now Neanderthals: 130,000-30,000 B.C. Cro-Magnon: 45,000 B.C. to now “E.O. Wilson’s Theory of Everything” November, 2011 “When humans started having a camp, we know they were heading somewhere. They began to read intentions in each other’s behavior, what each other are doing. They started to learn social connections more solidly.” “The whole thing falls into place in my opinion. Our quarrelsomeness, our intense concentration on groups and rivalries, down to the last junior soccer league game.” The End of History and the Last Man (1992) The Great Disruption: Human Nature and the Reconstitution of Social Order (1999) Francis Fukuyama Stanford University Our Posthuman Future: Consequences of the Biotechnology Revolution (2002) The Origins of Political Order: From Prehistoric Times to the French Revolution (2011) “Human sociability is not a historical or cultural acquisition, but something hardwired into human nature.” “Ant-Based Routing” many members simple rules Marc Szymanski redundancy: many members with functional equivalence many members many members simple rules parsimony: fewestcomplex rules createrules the fewest errors and ambiguities identity: members understand role differentiation within the group few members complex rules accountability: moral codes and consequences for transgression 130,000 B.C. now Neanderthals: 130,000-30,000 B.C. Cro-Magnon: 45,000 B.C. to now AAC&U Annual Meeting, 2012 A.D. Jericho, 8000 B.C. 130,000 B.C. now after now? Neanderthals: 130,000-30,000 B.C. Cro-Magnon: 45,000 B.C. to now nation states 1500 A.D. to now empires and city states 3,500 B.C.-1500 A.D. laws courts citizenship settlements 8000-3500 B.C. Jürgen Habermas Frankfurt, Germany laws courts citizenship “We can take our orientation on the precarious path toward post-national societies from the very historical model we are on the point of superseding.” * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power dispositions and skills: free discourse open communication conflict resolution * unrestrained freedom of communication multiple memberships * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power Lisa García Bedolla UC Berkeley dispositions and skills: free discourse open communication conflict resolution multiple memberships * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power Carolyn de la Peña Jessica Loudermilk UC Davis February, 2010 UC Davis “The Civility Project” LGBT Resource Center (un)civil (dis)obedience February 26, 2010 UC Davis, October 27, 2011 November 18, 2011 * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power Cayuga Terrace Oceanview-Merced-Ingleside (OMI) Excelsior Crocker Amazon New Mission Terrace Outer Mission * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power Thia Wolf Chico Town Hall Meeting The Alamo Colleges Allegany College of Maryland Borough of Manhattan Community College Broome Community College Cabrillo College California Community Colleges Chandler-Gilbert Community College City College of San Francisco Community College of Allegheny County Cuyahoga Community College De Anza College Delta College Long Beach City College Brian Murphy, President Phoenix College Essex County College Los Rios Community College District Rio Salado College Estrella Mountain Community College Macomb Community College Saddleback College Maricopa Community College San Diego Community College District College- and District-Specific Signature Projects San Mateo County Community College Foothill-De Anza Community College District Mesa Community College Student Outcomes Surveys District Miami Dade College GateWay Community College Santa Fe College (Gainesville, FL) Civic Inventory Georgia Perimeter College: Decatur Campus Minneapolis Community and Technical Santa Monica College College Glendale Community College Online Workbook Foothill College Gulf Coast State College Kingsborough Community College Kirkwood Community College LaGuardia Community College Lane Community College Lone Star College--Kingwood Monroe Community College Scottsdale Community College Moraine Valley Community College Sinclair Community College Mount Wachusett Community College Skyline College Mt. San Antonio College South Mountain Community College Paradise Valley Community College Valencia College Wayne County Community College District * unrestrained freedom of communication * democratic process for settling conflicts * constitutional channeling of political power free discourse open communication conflict resolution multiple memberships Civility Project Davis Town Hall Meeting San Francisco Berkeley Chico San José free discourse open communication conflict resolution multiple memberships civic activity commercial activity concerted activity “A trough in business activity occurred in the U.S. economy in June, 2009, [marking] the end of the recession that began in December 2007.” June 30, 2009 National Bureau of Economic Research September 20, 2010 sources of additional labor supply U.S. Population aged 18-64 July 2009 to January 2012 source: U.S. Census Bureau July 2009 193,014,187 January, 2012 195,716,333 sources of additional labor supply U.S. Labor Productivity, 1995 to 2009 source: Conference Board average growth: 2% per year sources of additional U.S. labor supply July, 2009 to January 2012 creation of U.S. jobs Source: Department of Labor productivity population 131,816,000 129,873,000 jobs “The fundamental problem will be represented by the ability of people to make productive use of their time.” Toward the Leisure Society Norman Cousins, 1964 published 1962 English translation 1967 “I hear from many business leaders who want to hire in the United States but can’t find workers with the right skills. Think about that –openings at a time when millions of Americans “Job creation remains are looking for work. It’s inexcusable.” weak because the U.S. economy suffers from inadequate demand for State of the Union what Americans can January 24, 2012 make.” “Men who graft the trees and make the October 6, 2011 Peter Morici seed fertile and big can find no way to let of Maryland theUniversity hungry people eat their produce.” former Chief Economist, U.S. International Trade Commission The Grapes of Wrath Percent change from 2007 to 2010 in California college graduates under 27 years old employed as . . . -15% -20% -30% . . . cashiers, office clerks, retail salespersons, bartenders, secretaries, child care workers, tellers and customer service representatives . . . accountants . . . primary or secondary teachers . . . electrical engineers +40% Source: Sacramento Bee, December 11, 2011 teachers Carol Kiliany IT Project Manager CSU Office of the Chancellor * degree in Child Development, Cal State Fullerton * non-profit management in child welfare * applied skills and coursework in psychology, interpersonal communication “The projects that work best are with people who don’t know each other.” Scope Document Academic Programs Office of the Chancellor Information Technology Student Support Management Systems Honesty & Sincerity A successful team will have a balance of personalities. Work Ethic Charisma Honesty & Sincerity Work Ethic Charisma Technical Ability Teaching Ability Technical Ability Teaching Hustle Ability Ability Grit/Determination Avichal Garg Grit/Determination Google PrepMe Spool Hustle Ability Ranked List of Important Candidate Skills and Qualities October 26, 2011 1. Ability to work in a team structure 2. Ability to verbally communicate with persons inside and outside the organization 3. Ability to make decisions and solve problems 4. Ability to obtain and process information 5. Ability to plan, organize, and prioritize work 6. Ability to analyze quantitative data 7. Technical knowledge related to the job 8. Proficiency with computer software programs 9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports 10. Ability to sell or influence others Job Outlook 2012 Survey National Association of Colleges and Employers Is Leadership Irrelevant? Glenn Llopis September 20, 2011 “Today, clients want thought leadership partners, not order takers.” The Must-Have Leadership Skill Daniel Goleman October 14, 2011 National Association of Colleges and Employers listen The Must-Have communicate -15% Leadership Skill . . . is social intelligence. persuade collaborate Daniel Goleman October 14, 2011 +40% Technical skills and self-mastery alone -20% allow you to be an outstanding individual contributor. But to lead, you need an additional interpersonal skill set: you've got to listen, communicate, listen communicate -30% persuade, collaborate collaborate. persuade Lacking social intelligence, no other combination of competences is likely to get much traction. listen communicate persuade collaborate We are done with the “deep dive” learning in individual subjects. We need systems thinkers, who can integrate what they know across multiple disciplines, and cultures, and ways of knowing. Keith J. Peden Senior Vice President Human Resources, Raytheon Board Member, Massachusetts Dept. of Higher Education listen communicate persuade collaborate connected activity free discourse open communication heightened proximity conflict resolution multiple memberships civic activity listen communicate persuade collaborate commercial activity concerted activity “The non-social individual civic is an abstraction arrived at byactivity imagining what man would be ifCenter all his India Eye Care Findshuman Middle Way To Capitalism qualities were taken away. Selling Health Care In The Developing World Ecuadoran Family Finds Refuge With Society, as a real whole, is Salesians Scientists Grow Parts For Kids With the normal order, and the Urinary Damage mass as an aggregate Ending Homelessness: A Model Thatof Might Work units is the isolated For San Diego's Homeless, One Man fiction.” Offers Hope Money For Mentors Retirees Lend A Hand To Refugees In Fargo Retired Executive Helps Inmates Stay Out Ethics of Democracy Of Jail 1888 Source: NPR commercial activity John Dewey Source: ethisphere.com 1859-1952 “The kind of graduates we need at laws connected this moment in history need to possess a strong propensity for market capitalism activity wading into an intensely interdependent, pluralist world. Cap and Trade “They need to be agile, creative problem solvers who draw their knowledge from multiple perspectives both domestic and global, who approach the world with empathy, and who are ready to act performance funding heightenedwith proximity others totenure improvecommittees the quality of life for all. civic activity commercial activity “Another name for these graduates is democratic citizens.” many members simple rules concerted activity few members complex rules Chico Town Hall Meeting 2010 First-Year Persistence first-time full-time freshmen 86% 84% 91% 93% with Town Hall Meeting 2009 2008 2007 2006 80% 74% 85% 80% white students students of color William Loker Dean, Undergraduate Education Source: Institutional Research, CSU Chico diffusionoflight.wordpress.com “Education is not a personal matter but a sphere of public life on which the existence of society and the state depend. It is the backbone of the existence of society.” Patriarch Kirill I head of the Russian Orthodox Church address to Voronezh University, September, 2011