Nottingham Trent University Draft Structure for the Student Dashboard Steering Group Purpose This paper defines the governance structures for normalising the operation of the NTU Student Dashboard. It takes effect from the summer term 2015 and replaces the existing pilot year project (2013-14) and initial institutional implementation groups (2014-15). NTU Student Dashboard The NTU Student Dashboard is a learning analytics resource intended to be used by both students and staff. It has been designed with three goals: 1. To improve student retention 2. To increase students’ sense of belonging to their course and the University 3. To improve student attainment Analysis conducted at the end of the pilot year showed that the underlying methodology worked, effectively identifying a correlation between student engagement measured in the dashboard and student progression and academic attainment. It is recognised that there are still significant developments required if the University is to fully exploit the potential benefits provided by the Dashboard. This governance structure is to support the business as usual management and future developments. Governance Structure The Steering Group will: Meet quarterly Ensure that the Dashboard is aligned to University strategies and integrated appropriately with University systems Provide clear strategic direction, advice and robust governance to ensure the effective on-going delivery of the Student Dashboard Be accountable for, and seek to improve, the Dashboard’s performance Coordinate effective communication to students and staff about the Dashboard Ensure that the Dashboard is used effectively in each Academic School Coordinate developments to the Dashboard and ensure that such developments are properly resourced Advise the University on the ethical and legal considerations of expanding the use of learning analytics Report annually to ASQC Ensure that future developments are properly resourced through the IMSG process. Ensure that there is adequate training and guidance available to ensure that staff can use the Dashboard as effectively as possible Co-ordinate the gathering of user feedback and commission research to ensure that the Dashboard benchmarks best practice across the sector Commission task and finish groups to complete specific projects Nottingham Trent University Student Dashboard Steering Group March 2015 1 A smaller Operations Group will support the Dashboard Steering Group. The Operations Group will: Normally meet twice between each Steering Group meeting Ensure that the Dashboard works effectively alongside other NTU systems and processes Produce reports on progress, potential risks and issues Ensure a high degree of operational agility by being able to commission small developments Support the operation of the Steering Group by co-ordinating the agenda Membership Steering Group Membership 1. Chair & Sponsor Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic 2. Project Lead, Student Engagement Manager, CADQ 3. IS Lead, Head of Business Solutions 4. One representative from ARES 5. One representative from ADBE 6. One representative from A&D 7. One representative from AH 8. One representative from EDU 9. One representative from NBS 10. One representative from NLS 11. One representative from S3 12. One representative from SST 13. One Academic Administration Manager 14. Academic Office, Academic Registry Manager 15. Library, Academic Liaison Team Manager 16. Student Planning, Student Planning Manager 17. Student Support Services, Student Services Manager 18. Students’ Union, VP Education 19. Student’s Union, Student Voice Manager 20. CADQ, Student placement: communications In addition, the group will periodically call upon specialist support and advice from: Information Systems Equality & Diversity Schools Colleges & Community Outreach Legal services CADQ A representative from Solutionpath will be invited onto the Steering Group on the understanding that there may be issues that the group wishes to discuss confidentially and therefore it would not be appropriate for them to attend that part of the meeting. Operations Group Membership Chair, Student Engagement Manager One representative from Information Systems One representative from an Academic School Up to two other members agreed by the Steering Group Nottingham Trent University Student Dashboard Steering Group March 2015 2 APPENDIX This diagram summarises the development from the pilot to the more formal governance structure. Nottingham Trent University Student Dashboard Steering Group March 2015 3