PHOTO PATTERN DATA ELEMENTS: CRATER, VOLCANIC The Alpine-Himalayan-Island Arc System- This system consists of rocks, some as young as the tertiary, which were compressed and folded, with numerous overthrusts. Earthquakes and volcanoes characterize an extensive belt of landscape forming the Islands of Japan. There are massive blocks within the system, the outer belt of folding and volcanic activity having produced craters in the Japanese Volcanic chain; the southern arc of this chain has formed Kyushu Island. (Wet, Subtropic) Form Crater, sharp, knife-edged ridges with the steep slopes of extinct volcano. Drainage Dendritic, fine to annular. Gully Characteristics V-shaped. Special Features Sharp, knife-edged ridges. Color (Photo Gray Tones) Dull; light gray. Land Use Natural cover, forested and grass-covered, scrub growth. Vegetation Some tree and grass cover in low level zones. Source: Terrain analysis procedural guide for surface configuration, US Army engineer topographic laboratories, p. 7-103