Document 17871261

Nottingham Trent University Teaching Observation Policy
February 2014
1. Introduction
This document sets out the policy for biennial observation of teaching at
Nottingham Trent University.
This policy applies to all those who teach or facilitate student learning in class,
labs, workshops etc., including hourly paid lecturers.
Related policy
This policy relates to the PDCR Policy and the Improving Performance Policy, the
Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy, as well as to the relevant
sections of the Academic Standards and Quality Handbook.
Equality and Diversity
This policy will undergo a comprehensive Equality Impact Assessment to comply
with the University's legislative responsibilities.
Statistical analysis on usage of the procedure will also be used to inform the
University’s Equality policies and procedures. The Equality and Diversity Team
will monitor these statistics on an on-going basis to identify any key areas of
concern and will work with the local line management to mitigate any adverse
impacts of the policy/procedure on potentially vulnerable groups.
2. Policy Statement
To support local academic managers in reviewing and understanding the teaching
strengths and development needs of their teams, all staff who teach students (UG
and PG) will have an iteration of their teaching practice observed at least once
every two academic years. The observer will be an experienced colleague who is
usually the individual who undertakes the staff member’s PDCR. The outcomes of
the observation will be used to inform development of individual and team
practice, contribute to the range of data and evidence available to account for
quality of teaching, and will be reviewed as part of the PDCR process to this end.
This process also aligns with the University’s expectation that all colleagues who
teach should attain professional recognition, providing evidence that can be used
in this endeavour.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic
Policy Owner
Version 1.0 28.02.14
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3. General Principles
Teaching observation is the observation of a teaching session, or part thereof,
such as a lecture, seminar, workshop, or practical by an experienced colleague.
It includes review of any supporting resources such as online and class-based
materials. Teaching observation is required in addition to established
developmental approaches to peer review which may already exist locally (e.g.
peer observation, peer review).
Colleagues who are already having their teaching practice reviewed as part of,
for example, a PGCHE or during their probationary period, should use the
outputs of those processes to inform their development and PDCR. Once these
other processes have been concluded, this policy will then apply.
The outcomes of teaching observation can be used as supporting evidence for
contribution awards, teaching awards and other awards and titles such as the
Vice-Chancellor’s Teaching Award.
Each School will be responsible for maintaining a schedule for biennial teaching
observation and for recording and reporting that this requirement has been
fulfilled via School Academic Standards and Quality Committee.
Teaching observation will be undertaken by an experienced colleague of the
individual, determined by the Dean. This experienced colleague will have
participated in training/professional development on implementing the NTU
observation scheme. Normally this experienced colleague will be the person
who undertakes the individual’s PDCR (the line manager), however where the
reviewing manager has a large team the observation may be delegated to a
Course Leader, Principal Lecturer or other appropriate experienced colleague.
Where the experienced colleague who undertakes the teaching observation is
not the reviewing manager for PDCR, a discussion outlining the outcomes of the
observation will take place between the reviewing manager and the observer to
inform the PDCR discussion.
Guidance on planning, undertaking, providing feedback and responding to the
outcomes of an observation will accompany this policy and will be regularly
Where there is fundamental disagreement regarding the outcomes of the
observation, a second observation may be arranged with a different
experienced colleague.
Where concerns about the effectiveness of an individual’s teaching practice are
highlighted as a result of the observation process, these should be discussed
with the individual and with their line manager, if the observer was not the line
manager. Any concerns should be considered holistically, taking into account
other teaching quality data as relevant. Further observation may be arranged,
and/or development activity required. Should there continue to be performance
issues reference should be made to the Improving Performance Policy.
This policy does not preclude or replace observation of teaching where concerns
have been identified about teaching quality via other routes, or where an
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic
Policy Owner
Version 1.0 28.02.14
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individual requests their teaching to be observed as part of their professional
Members of staff are responsible for:
Managers are responsible for:
Scheduling and undertaking teaching observations.
Recording that these observations have taken place.
Liaising with observers and ensuring that outcomes and development
needs are identified and recorded.
With the individual, determining and supporting any development needs
that arise.
Ensuring that there are opportunities to share good practice with the
course team.
Addressing any performance issues that may be indicated as a result of
the teaching observation.
Observers are responsible for:
Participating in the observation process and identifying suitable
development opportunities with their line manager.
Undertaking any development, or sharing of good practice, as determined
with their line manager.
Discussing the outcomes as part of the PDCR process, alongside other
evidence of teaching practice/quality.
Undertaking appropriate professional development to support them in
their role as observers.
Providing constructive feedback to those they observe, within the context
of the University’s teaching observation framework.
Providing feedback to the PDCR reviewing manager (where the observer is
not the PDCR reviewing manager).
Deans are responsible for:
Identifying observers within the School.
Ensuring that observation schedules are produced, managed and
Reporting via SSQRs on broad enhancements and developments
implemented in response to outcomes of teaching observation.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic
Policy Owner
Version 1.0 28.02.14
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5. Document Governance
Policy Owner
Version Control and Change History
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic
Approved by
Project Board
consultation with School
Employee Information and Consultation
Forum, Heads Negotiating Forum
Document Review
The Policy will be reviewed by the Senior Management Team in association with
the trade unions, employee representatives (where appropriate) and managers in
response to statutory changes, changes in University procedures or structures or
as a result of the monitoring of the application of the Policy. In any event, the
Policy and associated procedures will be reviewed regularly.
Pro Vice-Chancellor Academic
Policy Owner
Version 1.0 28.02.14
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