Centre for Professional Learning and Development Title: Approved by: Implementation date: Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy Academic Board April 2015 01 September 2015 Section 1 Purpose, scope and definitions, Page 2 Legislative context, Equality and Diversity 3 2 Policy Statement 4 3 General Principles 4 4 Mandatory Requirements 5 5 Responsibilities 7 6 Governance and document review 8 1|Page Section 1: Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.1.1 The purpose of the Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy is to help support staff development by facilitating appropriate access to the initial and continuing professional development required by those who teach and support learning at NTU. 1.1.2 It forms part of the NTU Teaching Development Framework (NTU TDF), introduced in March 2012. 1.2 Scope 1.2.1 This Policy relates to learning and teaching CPD including professional recognition of practice and qualifications. It replaces the NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy (2012). 1.2.2 The Policy applies to all University academic and professional services staff who teach and/or support learning, in any form and through any media, and at all stages of their career at NTU. 1.2.3 The policy should be read in conjunction with: 1.3 CPLD Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy Guide NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Framework document (NTU TDF) The NTU Academic Workload Framework The NTU Guide to Managing Staff Induction Definitions Word/Term APL/APEL HEA Learning and Teaching CPD NTU Academic Workload Framework Meaning Accreditation of Prior Learning / Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning Higher Education Academy: confers 4 levels of professional recognition aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE (UKPSF): HEA Associate Fellow (D1) HEA Fellow (D2) HEA Senior Fellow (D3) HEA Principal Fellow (D4) Initial and Continuing Professional Development for staff who teach and/or support learning. Opportunities include professional recognition and award-bearing programmes, active participation in mentoring and coaching, external examining, curriculum design, assessment, verification, academic consultancy, quality management of learning programmes, and pedagogic research. The University’s Guidelines for Managing Academic Workloads (MAW) introduced in 2011 2|Page NTU Teaching Development Framework (NTU TDF) UKPSF – outlining guidance for allocating hours to various aspects of academic work. The University’s Teaching Development Framework – it has 5 parts: 1. Descriptors of five phases of professional development for those who teach and/or support learning 2. NTU Professional Standards for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE 3. NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy (this document) 4. Mapping of L&T CPD opportunities at NTU to support each phase of professional development of those who teach and support learning 5. HEA-accredited Framework routes to HEA professional recognition The UK Higher Education Sector’s Professional Standards Framework for Teaching; the HEA are stewards of the UKPSF. 1.4 Policy Context 1.4.1 This policy supports the University’s strategic ambitions to ensure a high quality teaching quality experience for all students underpinned by appropriately qualified staff. 1.5 Equality and Diversity 1.5.1 This Policy has been developed in accordance with the University’s commitment towards supporting, developing and promoting equality and diversity in all of its practices. When using this Policy, the University expects members of staff to conduct themselves with dignity, honesty and integrity to promote an atmosphere of mutual respect, in accordance with the University’s Equality and Diversity Policy. 1.5.2 The Policy has undergone appropriate equality analysis, to comply with the University's legislative responsibilities. 3|Page Section 2: Policy Statement 2.1 All staff who teach and/or support learning at NTU are required to demonstrate explicitly their active engagement in continuing professional development appropriate to their role. In addition to completing any required learning and teaching professional recognition or qualifications, this also applies to the ongoing maintenance of standards and enhancement of practice throughout employment with NTU. 2.2 This policy is designed to ensure that 100% of eligible staff demonstrate achievement of an appropriate level of professional recognition for teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education. 2.3 All lecturers are required to achieve HEA Fellow recognition. For newly appointed colleagues to Lecturer, Senior Lecturer and Principal Lecturer (L/SL/PL) roles this should be achieved within 3 years of appointment, and will be a contractual condition of appointment. 2.4 All new undergraduate and postgraduate course leaders are required to demonstrate their professional teaching standards are in line with those at Level 2 (equivalent to HEA Fellow) either prior to, or within 6 months of appointment to the role. Section 3: General Principles 3.1 This policy version will be operational from the 1 September 2015. It is relevant to all staff who teach and/or support learning, and those who manage learning and teaching at NTU including PVCs, Deans, Associate Deans, academic staff, academic learning support staff, professional services staff, undergraduate student mentors, postgraduate researchers, hourly paid lecturers, demonstrators and technical staff, at all career stages and levels of expertise. 3.2 Guidance will be developed to support the implementation of this Policy. 3.3 All staff covered by the policy will be responsible for working with their line manager to use the NTU Teaching Development Framework to identify and agree a plan for addressing any professional development needs. This includes all staff new to NTU as part of their probation period. 3.4 All staff will be expected to align their practice to the NTU Professional Standards for Teaching and Supporting Learning in HE and to demonstrate achievement of any required professional recognition and/or qualifications. Achievement of these expectations will be managed and reviewed through the PDCR process. Any concerns regarding progress towards agreed standards should be managed through the University’s Improving Performance Policy and Procedure, or the Probation Policy and Procedure as appropriate. 3.5 All academic colleagues will be expected to agree an allocation of professional development time within their Academic Workload Framework plan to address agreed learning and teaching professional development needs. Academic staff will allocate part of their Staff Development Allowance (SDA – NTU Academic Workload Framework Policy Guidelines 2011) to address any agreed learning and teaching professional development plans. 4|Page 3.6 A revised teaching practice review process has been introduced to help contribute to learning and teaching continuing professional development opportunities at NTU, and to help staff generate evidence of their professional practice standards (NTU Teaching Observation Scheme 2014). 3.7 More experienced staff are encouraged to consider applying for Senior and Principal Fellow recognition as appropriate to the scope of their role and contribution to HE teaching and learning. 3.8 All staff who have any level of professional recognition for their professional teaching and learning practice will be expected to continue to engage in a number of emergent opportunities at NTU to keep their practice up to date. This will be planned, supported and monitored via PDCR. PDCR documentation will be adapted to enable this to be undertaken on a more transparent and effective basis. Section 4: Mandatory Requirements New academic appointees 4.1 Newly appointed part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL) who hold no level of HEA professional recognition nor a qualification to teach in HE are required as a contractual condition of appointment to: a) Complete module 1 of the Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (PGCAP) within one year of their start date at NTU and to b) Achieve HEA Fellowship via the NTU accredited scheme within 3 years of their start date at NTU. 4.2 Newly appointed part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL) who already hold HEA Associate Fellowship and/or a qualification to teach in HE that does not also confer HEA Fellowship, are required as a contractual condition of appointment to achieve full HEA Fellowship via the NTU-accredited scheme within 3 years of their start date at NTU. 4.3 Hours from the Staff Development Allowance (SDA) should be allocated as appropriate to enable staff to complete appropriate learning and teaching professional development (including any required induction and orientation activities, and professional recognition and/or qualifications). For those gaining HEA Fellowship through completion of the PGCAP it is recommended that SDA is allocated as follows: 70 hours for module 1 and 65 hours each for modules 2 and 3. There is also the expectation that new lecturers have a teaching load of no more than 400 hours of STD in their first full year of appointment. 4.4 A mentor should be provided to new academic appointees to facilitate their professional practice development whilst they work towards professional recognition. The individual’s line manager will be responsible for monitoring their progress and agreeing the proportion of time to be allocated to these activities. 4.5 New staff appointed to a substantive teaching and/or learning support role and new to teaching and supporting learning in HE will be expected to complete appropriate professional development to orientate them to academic practice at NTU as part of their induction and probation. 5|Page Current academic staff 4.6 Current permanent part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL), who were in post at 31 August 2012 are required to gain HEA Fellow recognition by 31 July 2016. 4.7 Current permanent part-time and full-time lecturers (L/SL/PL), who were in post on or after 1 September 2012, continue to be required to gain HEA Fellow recognition within 3 years of their date of appointment to NTU. Hourly Paid Lecturers 4.8 Current Hourly Paid Lecturers (HPLs) with substantial contracted teaching hours are required to gain HEA Associate Fellow recognition over the two academic years to 31 July 2017. HPLs with substantial teaching hours who start at NTU after the 1 September 2015 are required gain HEA Associate Fellow recognition within a timescale appropriate to their HE teaching experience, and normally within 2 years of starting at NTU. 4.9 All hourly paid lecturers new to teaching in HE (irrespective of the hours they are contracted to teach) are required to complete appropriate professional development to orientate them to teaching and learning at NTU, and in HE generally. Postgraduate Research Students 4.10 All NTU postgraduate research students applying for hourly paid teaching posts at NTU, are required to complete an appropriate professional development programme and demonstrate they hold the ‘NTU Readiness to Teach’ certificate before being appointed as HPLs. The ‘NTU Readiness to Teach’ certificate can also be gained via APEL. Section 5: Responsibilities 5.1 All Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that: Any required learning and teaching qualifications and/or professional recognition (as indicated in the NTU TDF) are accurately specified in the person specification for any vacant post which requires the post holder to teach and/or support learning. The learning and teaching professional development needs of any staff in their team who teach and/or support learning are reviewed, identified, and addressed during the probation period (for staff new to NTU) and through the annual PDCR process (for all staff post-probation). Those colleagues, to whom they delegate the task of conducting PDCRs review, identify and address any relevant learning and teaching professional development needs as part of the PDCR process, and in the academic workload framework plan for each member of staff. Information on learning and teaching professional development needs is collated and acted upon as required. Instigating performance management measures in cases where the requirements of this policy are not being met for reasons which cannot be accounted for reasonably (e.g. sickness absence, maternity leave). 6|Page 5.2 In addition to 5.1, Academic Team Leaders are specifically responsible for ensuring that: 5.3 They have worked with course leaders and other managers as appropriate to make sufficient provision within academic workload planning to enable staff learning and teaching professional development needs to be addressed appropriately. Course Leaders have made appropriate provision for identifying and meeting the learning and teaching professional development needs of hourly-paid lecturers contracted to individual course teams. Course Leaders are responsible for ensuring that: 5.4 They review, identify and agree any learning and teaching professional development needs of any hourly-paid staff they contract (including postgraduate students who teach, academic student mentors, and demonstrators) Participating as required in any information gathering and collation and transfer of information relating to the Learning and Teaching CPD needs identified and addressed. Individual Members of staff are responsible for developing their skills and knowledge to enable them to work to the best of their ability. Staff are expected to: 5.5 participate in the Performance Development and Contribution Review (PDCR) process; identify ongoing professional development needs and seek opportunities to address these in their work and through other appropriate means; take responsibility for their career planning and associated development; support colleagues in their development. Human Resources Teams are responsible for: Ensuring that appropriate processes are in place to facilitate learning and teaching professional development needs to be identified, reviewed and addressed through the HR processes of recruitment and selection, induction, probation, reward and recognition, and performance review and management (PDCR). 7|Page Section 6: Document Governance 6.1 Responsibility Policy Owner 6.2 Version Control and Change History Version Number 1.0 2.0 6.3 Head of Learning and Development Approval Date February 2012 April 2015 Approved by Amendment Senior Management Team Academic Board Amendments to expectations of achievement, particularly focused on HPLs, and introduction of contractual conditions of appointment for all permanent lecturing-grade staff to achieve appropriate level of recognition. Extension of July 2015 deadline for achievement of HEA Fellowship to July 2016. Document Review The policy and its associated procedure will be reviewed by the Head of Learning and Development in association with University Executive Team and managers in response to statutory changes, changes in University procedures or structures or as a result of the monitoring of the application of the policy and procedure. In any event, the policy and procedure will be reviewed periodically. Filename: Document Owner: Version: NTU Learning and Teaching Professional Development Policy July 2015 (FINAL) Centre for Professional Learning and Development 3 8|Page