Chapter 21 World War I Textbook/Class Notes Instructions:

Chapter 21 World War I
Textbook/Class Notes
Use the Powerpoint presentation, American Nation textbook
pages 640-671, and your class notes to answer these questions.
1. What is nationalism? (Slide 2)
2. What is Imperialism? (Slide 2)
3. What was the Triple Alliance? (Slide 3)
4. What caused the Austria-Hungry to declare war? (Slide 4)
5. What was the name of the war that lasted from 1914-1918?
(Slide 5)
6. Which countries made up the Ottoman or Turkish Empire?
(Slide 6)
7. What was trench warfare? (Slide 8)
8. What countries made up the Central Powers? (Map page 7)
9. What was a weapon soldiers used in World War I? (Slide 9)
10. What did position did President Woodrow Wilson urge the
United States to take? (Slide 10)
11. Who was a war hero of World War I for the Germans?
(Slide 11)
12. What is propaganda? (Slide 12)
13. What is a U-boat? (Slide 12)
14. In the cartoon, what does the woman in the cartoon in the
back represent? (Slide 13)
15. What was the name of the American ship that was sunk by
the German submarine? (Slide 14)
16. What did Henry Ford try to do? (Slide 15)
17. What is a warmonger? (Slide 16)
18. What is submarine warfare? (Slide 16)
19. How did the Zimmerman Telegram cause the United States
to join World War I? (Slide 16)
20. What was the Russian Revolution? (Slide 17)
21. What was the Selective Services Act? (Slide 18)
22. Who wrote the song, “Over There?” (Slide 18)
23. What was the military draft? (Slide 18)
24. What did W.E.B DuBois voice his opinion on? (Slide 20)
25. What is a bureaucracy? (Slide 21)
26. What was Herbert Hoover’s job? (Slide 21)
27. What were Liberty Bonds? (Slide 12)
28. How did women help the war effort? (Slide 23)
29. Describe what is happening in the picture on slide 24.
30. What is a pacifist? (Slide 25)
31. What did the United States send to France? (Slide 26)
32. Who led the Bolsheviks in Russia? (Slide 27)
33. What did the Bolsheviks want to bring to Russia? (Slide 27)
34. Who commanded the American Army? (Slide 28)
35. What was the name of the first African fighting unit in
World War I? (Slide 28)
36. What was the first battle the Americans fought in? (Slide 29)
37. Define the term, abdicate. (Slide 29)
38. What is an armistice? (Slide 29)
39. What is a Republic?
(Open the link on slide 30 or use a textbook glossary)
40. What disease spread in 1918 around the world? (Slide 31)
41. What is an epidemic? (Slide 31)
42. What was President Wilson’s Fourteen Points plan to do?
(Slide 32 See the glossary of the Textbook or open the link on the slide)
43. What is self determination? (Slide 32)
44. What was the job of the League of Nations? (Slide 33)
45. What do you think Wilson meant when he said, “Peace
without victory?” (Slide 43, What are your own feelings?)
46. What are reparations? (Slide 35)
47. What is painted on slide 36?
48. What two countries were created out of the Treaty of
Versailles? (Slide 37)
49. What is an isolationist? (Slide 37)
50. What happened to President Roosevelt in 1919? (Slide 38)