Chapter 1 Class Assignments Geography, History, and the Social Sciences

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Chapter 1 Class Assignments
Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use your Powerpoint
slides for Chapter 1 to answer the questions.
1. Why study geography? (Slide 2)
2. What is geography? (Slide 3)
3. What does a geographer look at? (Slide 3)
4. What is a natural resource? (Slide 3)
5. Give an example of a natural resource? (Slide 3)
6. What is a map? (Slide 4)
7. What is a globe? (Slide 4)
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
8. What is a map projection? (Slide 5)
9. What is a cartographer? (Slide 5)
11. What are the four types of maps (Slide 6)
12. What does a political map show? (Slide 7)
13. What does a physical map show? (Slide 8)
14. What does a population map show? (Slide 9)
15. What does a natural resource map show? (Slide 10)
16. What are the lines on a map measured in?
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
17. What is a compass rose? (Slide 12)
18. What directions are shown on a compass rose? (Slide 12)
19. What are the lines on a compass rose that measure north to south
called? (Slide 12)
20. The lines on a compass rose that measure east to west are called?
(Slide 13)
21. What is the equator? What does the Equator divide the Earth
into?(Slide 14)
22. What is the Prime Meridian? (Slide15)
23. Why does time differ on the Earth from place to place? (Slide16)
24. What is a standard time zone? What time zone do we live in?
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
25. Define the theme of location? (Slide18)
26. Define the theme of place? (Slide19)
27. How did people adapt their environment? (Slide20)
28. Why did people move throughout the world? (Slide21)
29. What is technology? (Slide21)
30. What is a region? (Slide22)
31. What is the mainland’s western most region called? (Slide23)
32. What islands are found in the Pacific Coast. (Slide23)
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
33. What is a mountain? (Slide24)
34. What is a hill? (Slide25)
35. What is a plain? (Slide26)
36. What is a plateau? (Slide27)
37. Which rivers make up the most important river system in the United
States? (Slide28)
38. What is a tributary (tributaries)? (Slide28)
39. What are the names of the Great Lakes? (Slide 30)
40. What is weather? (Slide31)
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
41. What is climate? (Slide31)
42. What is precipitation? (Slide31)
43. What is history? (Slide 32)
44. What is a primary source? (Slide 33)
45. What is a secondary resource? (Slide 34)
46. What is the cartoonist on slide 34 trying to say? (Slide 35)
47. What is authenticity? (Slide35)
48. What is an artifact? (Slide36)
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences
Name________________________________ Date________________________________
49. What is archeology? (Slide36)
50. What is an archeologist? (Slide36)
51. What is culture? (Slide37)
52. What is economics? (Slide38)
53. What three basic questions do we ask about economics? (Slide38)
54. What is a consumer? (Slide39)
55. What is a cash economy? (Slide39)
56 What is a free enterprise system? (Slide40)
Mr. Zindman
Chapter 1 Geography, History, and the Social Sciences