Large Scale Reform in England – Personalisation and the role of Formative Assessment “Improving Learning through Formative Assessment” OECD International Conference Paris, 4th February 2005 Professor David Hopkins Chief Advisor on School Standards, DfES Brief history of standards in primary schools 11 plus dominated "Formal" Standards and accountability NLNS Professional control "Informal" 2003 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 4 575 550 525 500 475 450 425 400 375 350 325 300 Belize Morocco Kuwait Iran, Islamic Rep of Argentina Colombia Macedonia, Rep of Turkey Moldova, Rep of Cyprus Norway International Avg. Slovenia Israel Romania Iceland Slovak Republic Greece France Hong Kong SAR Russian Federation Singapore Scotland New Zealand Czech Republic Germany Italy United States Hungary Lithuania Canada (Ontario,Quebec) Latvia Bulgaria England Netherlands Sweden Distribution of Reading Achievement in 9-10 year olds in 2001 Source: PIRLS 2001 International Report: IEA’s Study of Reading Literacy Achievement in Primary Schools England showed largest increase of any country in TIMSS 03 maths PRIMARY: TIMSS Maths trend 650 Singapore Hong Kong Japan TEST SCORE 600 550 500 531 England 484 450 400 350 300 TIMSS 1995 TIMSS 2003 0 Morocco Tunisia Philippines Iran Armenia Norway Cyprus Slovenia Moldova Scotland Lithuania Italy Belgium (Flemish) New Zealand Australia Netherlands Russia Hungary Latvia United States England Hong Kong Japan Chinese Taipei Singapore Timss Science (primary) 600 500 400 300 200 100 Policies to Drive School Improvement Intervention in inverse proportion to success Accountability Ambitious Standards High Challenge High Support Access to best practice and quality professional development Devolved responsibility Good data and clear targets Percentage of Pupils Achieving Level 4 or Above in Key Stage 2 Tests 1998-2004 English 80 Maths Percentage 75 70 65 60 55 50 1998 1999 2000 2001 Test changes in 2003 • Major changes to writing test/markscheme • Significant changes to maths papers 2002 2003 2004 Mean performance in reading literacy Towards a High Excellence, High Equity Education System 560 540 High excellence Low equity U.K. 520 High excellence High equity Finland Canada Japan U.S. Korea Belgium 500 • Germany 480 Switzerland Spain Poland 460 Low excellence Low equity 440 Low excellence High equity 420 60 80 100 120 140 • 200 – Variance (variance OECD as a whole = 100) Source: OECD (2001) Knowledge and Skills for Life Achieving the High Excellence, High Equity System National Prescription High Excellence, High Equity Schools Leading Reform a b Personalised Learning c Personalised Learning - Definition • An approach to teaching and learning that focuses on each students’ potential and learning skills • Designing teaching, curriculum and school organisation to address the needs of all pupils • A learning offer to all children that extends beyond the school context into the local community and beyond • A system that is based on co-production and mutual ownership Adding Value to the Learning Journey I know what my learning objectives are and feel in control of my learning I get to learn lots of interesting and different subjects I can get a level 4 in English and Maths before I go to secondary school I know what good work looks like and can help myself to learn I know if I need extra help or to be challenged to do better I will get the right support My parents are involved with the school and I feel I belong here I can work well with and learn from many others as well as my teacher I enjoy using ICT and know how it can help my learning I know how I am being assessed and what I need to do to improve my work I can get the job that I want All these …. whatever my background, whatever my abilities, wherever I start from The Five Components of Personalised Learning Assessment for Learning Inner Core Effective Teaching and Learning Curriculum Entitlement and Choice Personalising the School Experience Organising the School for Personalised Learning Beyond the Classroom “We need to engage parents and pupils in a partnership with professional teachers and support staff to deliver tailor made services – to embrace individual choice within as well as between schools and to make it meaningful through public sector reform that gives citizens voice and professional flexibility” (David Miliband, 18 May 2004) CURRICULUM POWERFUL LEARNING EXPERIENCES TEACHING ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING Assessment for Learning - at the heart of personalised learning • A systematic way of building a picture of each child which sparks a dialogue about their learning needs with others Continuous formative assessment • Uses data and dialogue to diagnose the student’s learning needs • Helps teachers adapt teaching and learning to individual pupil needs • Provides structured and useful feedback, tailored to support and promote individuals’ learning • Develops the skill of peer- and self-assessment so that pupils can take charge of their own learning Assessment for Learning - a recurrent weakness • Assessment and its application to teaching and learning remain comparatively weak areas. • Weaknesses linked to limited subject knowledge • Such knowledge includes a clear view of progress • Good practice often does not spread • Coursework and tasks often leave too little scope for independence and choice and so are insufficiently informative as to pupils’ progress • In the best practice target setting influences planning and alters what teachers, pupils and parents do ‘Standards and Quality 2002/2003 – The Annual Report of Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Schools’ and Primary and secondary subject reviews for 2002/03 The Data Strand • Using data intelligently to inform teaching and move individuals forward • Establishing what data is most helpful to schools, how the data is made available and what tools and guidance are needed, use of the data for teaching and learning. • The Pupil Achievement Tracker (PAT) software helps schools review their performance and analyse pupils’ past and current attainment so that they can tailor lessons and progression to each pupil’s needs. • The Performance Data Framework will bring consistency across LEAs by setting out principles to govern data provided to schools. The Teaching and Learning Strand The practical application of AfL in the classroom includes: • formative assessment of written work, setting personal targets for redrafting • peer and self assessment • collaborative target setting • self evaluation of own work • classroom questioning techniques. It makes pupils partners in their learning, to help them judge their own work, reflect on how they and others learn and set future learning goals. AfL and the National Strategies April to Aug 04 • PNS Management guide (self-evaluation tool linked to Ofsted 04-05 • PNS: Excellence and enjoyment: Planning and assessment for S4) • KS3 generic folder and core training • One of four optional whole school priorities for KS3 with 4 days’ consultancy and £1,000 additional funding (80% schools chosen AfL) learning • Integral to the extended Primary Leadership Programme • Part of the PNS Intensifying Support Programme • KS3 subject development materials • Pedagogy and practice: teaching and learning in secondary schools: self study unit • Higher level teaching assistants guide • New generic modules: Securing progression and Questioning and dialogue The School as a Personalised Learning Organisation PMDU claim that a school effective at Personalised Learning focuses on: • Focus on leadership and management of teaching and • • • • • learning CPD including peer observation and coaching Making full use of the Primary / KS3 Strategies Focusing improvement activity on evidence of performance Making use of workforce reforms and new technologies Networks and collaboration to support school improvement New Relationship with Schools Single Conversation • new School Standards Grant, combining most grants, from April 2006 • bottom-up targets • multi-year, academic year budgets from April 2006 • enables improvement planning and budgetary planning for the medium term Inputs •school’s SEF • school’s development plan •Exceptions report on student attainment and equity gaps •value for money comparisons •Data on pupil attendance •Other data Focus how well is the school performing? what are the key factors? Outputs •report to heads, GB,LEA • self assessment • priority and targets •action and support what are the key priorities? •agreed package of support inc engagement with other schools how is school going to get there? • recommendation on specialist schools resignation head’s performance management •advice to GB on HT appraisal Personalised Learning, Building a New Relationship with Schools “ Giving every single child the chance to be the best they can be, whatever their talent or background, is not the betrayal of excellence; it is the fulfilment of it.” David Miliband, Personalised Learning, Building a New Relationship with Schools North of England Conference, January 2004