TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................... 3 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 3 How the manual was written ..................................................................................................... 3 Contents of the Manual .............................................................................................................. 4 CHAPTER 1 COVERAGE AND CLASSIFICATION OF CAPITAL STOCKS ...................... 6 Coverage .................................................................................................................................... 6 Classification ............................................................................................................................. 8 CHAPTER 2 CAPITAL STOCK AND RELATED FLOWS: CONCEPTS AND USES ........ 12 Valuing capital stocks .............................................................................................................. 12 Gross Fixed Capital Stock ....................................................................................................... 14 Consumption of fixed capital................................................................................................... 15 Net capital stock ...................................................................................................................... 18 Capital services ........................................................................................................................ 20 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 23 CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW OF MEASUREMENT METHODS ............................................. 24 Gross capital stock ................................................................................................................... 24 Net capital stock ...................................................................................................................... 25 Consumption of fixed capital................................................................................................... 25 Capital services ........................................................................................................................ 26 CHAPTER 4 PERPETUAL INVENTORY METHOD ............................................................ 27 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 27 Gross capital stock ................................................................................................................... 27 Consumption of fixed capital................................................................................................... 43 Net capital stock ...................................................................................................................... 43 Alternative application of the PIM .......................................................................................... 43 CHAPTER 5 MEASURING CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL .................................. 46 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 46 Empirical evidence .................................................................................................................. 47 Capital service value profiles, asset prices and depreciation ................................................... 48 Depreciation methods .............................................................................................................. 56 How well do depreciation methods perform in practice? ........................................................ 58 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 61 CHAPTER 6 SURVEYS AND OTHER DIRECT MEASUREMENT METHODS............... 62 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 62 Published company accounts ................................................................................................... 62 1 Balance of Fixed Assets........................................................................................................... 63 Statistical surveys in market economies .................................................................................. 64 Administrative records............................................................................................................. 67 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 67 CHAPTER 7 CAPITAL SERVICES ........................................................................................ 69 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 69 Stocks or flows ........................................................................................................................ 69 Capital services ........................................................................................................................ 70 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 72 LIST OF ANNEXES ................................................................................................................... 74 Annex 1. Glossary of Terms: Capital Stocks and Related Statistics ....................................... 75 Annex 3. Service lives of assets used in four countries .......................................................... 81 Annex 4. Questionnaire forms used by New Zealand and the Netherlands ............................ 91 Annex 5. Graph Showing Impact of Different Service Lives and Interest Rates on Asset Values Implied by Five Capital Service Value Profiles. (Service Lives 15 and 50 Years; Interest rate 5% and 10%) ....................................................................................... 91 Annex 6. Asset prices and depreciation implied by four capital service value profiles. ......... 91 2 INTRODUCTION Purpose 1. This manual serves two complementary purposes: to clarify the conceptual issues concerning stocks and flows of fixed capital in the national accounts and to provide practical guidelines for estimation. 2. The nature of capital and its contribution to production has long been a contentious issue for economists but there is now a good measure of agreement on definitions of the stock of fixed capital assets and capital consumption in the context of the national accounts. The 1993 System of National Accounts (1993 SNA) includes stocks as an integral part of the accounting system and shows how the opening and closing stocks are reconciled by transactions in assets and other changes. The 1993 SNA also provides detailed definitions on the scope of fixed capital formation, stocks of fixed assets and consumption of fixed capital. These guidelines provide the basis for the recommendations in this Manual. 3. Three documents have been produced by international organisations on the estimation of capital stock statistics. The first was published in 1976 by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – “The Measurement of Capital; The Methodology of Capital Stock Estimates in OECD Countries” (Michael Ward, 1976). This dealt with both conceptual and measurement issues and marked the beginning of work in the Organisation to encourage more Member countries to compile capital stock statistics. The second was published in 1979 by the United Nations - “Guidelines on Statistics of Tangible Assets” (United Nations, 1979). While mainly concerned with clarifying the accounting role and classification of stocks in the 1968 SNA, this publication also contains useful suggestions on sources of data and estimation procedures. The third was published by the OECD in 1993 - “Methods Used by OECD countries to Measure Stocks of Fixed Capital” (OECD, 1993). This deals exclusively with the estimation of capital stocks by the “Perpetual Inventory Method” (PIM) and is confined to practices in Member countries of the OECD. This Manual is somewhat broader in both respects because it reflects experience in non-OECD countries and considers methods of estimation other than the PIM. The manual does, however, draw on information in these earlier OECD publications and in the United Nations publication. How the manual was written 4. With encouragement from the United Nations Statistical Commission, the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) organised a meeting on capital stock statistics in Canberra in early 1997. The participants agreed that it would be useful to produce a Manual dealing with conceptual and measurement aspects of capital stock statistics and a Steering Group was appointed to draw up an outline for such a manual. This shaped the agenda for the next meeting of the “Canberra Group on Capital Stock Statistics” which was organised by the ABS at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris in September 1998. The papers presented at these 3 two meetings and the discussions they provoked have provided most of the input for this Manual which was drafted at the OECD during the first half of 1999. The draft Manual was circulated for comment to the Canberra Group participants in mid- 1999 and completed during the Canberra Group's third and final meeting, which was co-hosted by the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) and held in Washington D.C. November 1999. In all, representatives from XXX countries and ZZZ international agencies took part in these meetings and contributed to the production of this Manual. 5. An annotated bibliography at the end of this Manual describes the contributions by members of the Canberra Group. All papers presented at the three meetings of the Canberra Group, together with the reports on those meetings, are available in the electronic version of this Manual. Contents of the Manual 6. Chapter 1, Coverage and Classification of Assets, explains that the manual deals only with stocks of fixed assets as these are defined in the 1993 SNA. Data on inventories and on non-produced assets are also required for the balance sheets of the 1993 SNA but are not covered in this manual. Classifications of both assets and asset owners are given in the 1993 SNA and these should be the starting points for the classification of capital stocks. It is, however, unlikely that any country will be able to apply the full detail of these classifications and suggestions are given for a more aggregated breakdown of assets and asset owners and users. 7. Chapter 2, Capital Stocks and Related Flows;Concepts and Uses, starts by explaining the valuation principles and gives numerical examples of how stocks are valued at historic cost and at current and constant replacement costs. The chapter then gives the basic definitions of the gross and net stocks; consumption of fixed capital and capital services and explains their uses. 8. Chapter 3, Overview of Measurement Methods, reviews the basic data sources that may be used to estimate capital stocks, consumption of fixed capital and capital services. The gross capital stock can be estimated either by surveys of enterprises or by the “perpetual inventory method” (PIM). Company accounts give estimates of both net stocks and consumption of fixed capital but these are not generally suitable for national accounts purposes; both of these need to be estimated by statistical agencies, usually starting with the gross capital stock. Capital services can be directly observed when assets are leased but most assets are owned by their users and capital services have to be estimated indirectly. 9. Chapter 4, Perpetual Inventory Method, describes the basic requirements for the PIM, namely statistics on gross fixed capital formation, price indices for capital assets, and information on average service lives for assets and on how retirements are distributed around these averages. The PIM is essentially used to estimate the gross capital stock; the same methods are used to calculate consumption of fixed capital and the net capital stock whether the gross capital stock is obtained by the PIM or from direct observation through surveys. This chapter also describes an innovative application of the PIM, which has been developed by the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA); this method generates estimates of the net capital stock and consumption of fixed capital without an explicit calculation of the gross stock. 10. Chapter 5, Measuring Consumption of Fixed Capital, reviews the empirical evidence about how assets lose their value over the course of their service lives. It notes that there are many “capital service value profiles” that are consistent with this empirical evidence. Three depreciation methods are then introduced and each is tested to see how well they approximate the depreciation that will 4 theoretically occur for assets that have service value profiles that are consistent with the empirical evidence. 11. Chapter 6, Surveys and Other Direct Measurement Methods, considers other ways of estimating capital stocks that may avoid the uncertainties inherent in the perpetual inventory method. (These relate, in particular, to assumptions about service lives and mortality patterns.) It concludes that there is a case for wider use of direct survey methods. The main impediment to the use of surveys is their high cost but this can be reduced by a “rolling benchmark” survey of the kind that has been introduced in the Netherlands. Another alternative to the PIM is the “ balance of fixed asset” survey that is carried out in several transition economies. 12. Chapter 7, Capital Services, notes that in studying the productivity of capital, a flow rather than a stock measure is required. There is now general agreement that this flow should be measured as: ft = (dt + r) Vt where f is the value of the capital service provided in period t, d is the rate of depreciation, r is the rate of return and V is the capital stock. The chapter then discusses alternative ways of measuring the rate of return and the capital stock. 13. Annex 1 is a glossary of terms used in the literature or the measurement of capital. It includes terms used in the 1993 SNA as well as other terms commonly encountered in the literature. The other 5 annexes are supporting material which are referred to in the text. 5 CHAPTER 1 COVERAGE AND CLASSIFICATION OF CAPITAL STOCKS Coverage 1. The stock and flow measures considered in this manual relate to the physical objects that are included in gross fixed capital formation as defined in the 1993 SNA. Table 1 gives the full listing of non-financial assets recognised in that system, and those which form the subject of this manual are printed in bold. 2. It is clear from Table 1 that a relatively small subset of all non-financial assets is dealt with in this manual. The 1993 SNA requires that stocks of all non-financial assets shown in Table 1 should be included in the Balance Sheets of the system. There are several reasons why this manual is restricted to stocks of fixed assets: In almost all countries fixed assets account for by far the largest part of total stocks of non-financial assets. The only exceptions are countries with a small industrial base and large stocks of sub-soil assets. No consumption of fixed capital is calculated in respect of inventories and valuables or for any of the non-produced assets. This eliminates one of the major problems in calculating stock values for the balance sheets. Fixed assets are usually used as the capital variable in productivity studies. Other non-financial assets such as valuables, sub-soil assets, biological resources and water resources have rarely been suggested as candidates to explain economic growth. On the other hand, both land and inventories have often been included in the capital variable used in productivity studies. Stocks of assets of non-financial assets not covered in this manual generally present either less severe problems of estimation than those that are included or they are estimated by methods that are quite different from those discussed here. For example, the value of stocks of land can usually be obtained directly from administrative sources, although these values will often need major adjustments to bring them to market values; the value of sub-soil assets is usually estimated by calculating the discounted present value of expected income flows, a procedure that is rarely used for fixed assets. 3. In summary, this manual concentrates on the kinds of non-financial assets, the stocks of which are particularly difficult to estimate, which are a very large component of total stocks, which 6 require that estimates be made for consumption of fixed capital in addition to estimates of stocks and which are particularly useful for economic analysis. Table 1. SNA Classification of Non-Financial Assets AN.1 Produced assets AN.11 Fixed assets AN.111 Tangible fixed assets AN.1111 Dwellings AN.1112 Other buildings and structures AN.11121 Non-residential buildings AN.11122 Other structures AN.1113 Machinery and equipment AN.11132 Other machinery and equipment Mineral exploration AN.1122 Computer software AN.1123 Entertainment, literary or artistic originals AN.132 Antiques and other art objects AN.139 Other valuables AN.2 Non-produced assets AN.21 Tangible non-produced assets AN.211 Land1 AN.2119 Other land and associated surface water AN.11142 Vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products AN.1121 Precious metals and stones AN.2113 Recreational land and associated surface water AN.11141 Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. Intangible fixed assets AN.131 AN.2112 Land under cultivation Cultivated assets AN.112 Valuables AN.2111 Land underlying buildings and structures AN.11131 Transport equipment AN.1114 AN.13 AN.212 Subsoil assets AN.2121 Coal, oil and natural gas reserves AN.2122 Metallic mineral reserves AN.2123 Non-metallic mineral reserves AN.213 Non-cultivated biological resources AN.214 Water resources AN.1129 Other intangible fixed assets AN.22 Intangible non-produced assets AN.12 Inventories AN.221 Patented entities AN.121 Materials and supplies AN.222 Leases and other transferable contracts AN.122 Work-in-progress AN.223 Purchased goodwill AN.1221 Work-in-progress on cultivated assets AN.229 Other intangible non-produced assets AN.1222 Other work-in-progress AN.123 Finished goods AN.124 Goods for resale 1. Only “land improvement” is included in the capital stock and not the land itself. Land improvement covers levelling, terracing, fencing, drainage and similar works. 7 Classification 4. This section deals with the classifications used for publishing capital stock statistics. Three 1993 SNA classifications are relevant – the Classification of Assets, the Classification of Institutional Sectors, and the International Standard Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC, Revision 3). These are used in different combinations for the gross capital stock, the net capital stock, consumption of fixed capital and capital services. 5. The net capital stock and consumption of fixed capital appear as entries in the 1993 SNA and this determines the classifications to be used. Both are to be classified by the institutional sector that owns the assets. This is the appropriate classification for the net capital stock, which is needed for the Balance Sheets of the system and for the consumption of fixed capital, which is needed for the nonfinancial accounts i.e. the Distribution and Use of Income Accounts and for the Accumulation Accounts. 6. Capital stock statistics also serve a number of analytic uses, such as calculating capital output ratios and studying capital or “multi-factor” productivity. For these purposes, it is usually preferable to classify assets according to the kind of activity of the owner and by type of asset. This involves a cross-classification by ISIC and by the Classification of Assets. 7. For some purposes it may also be useful to classify assets according to the kind of activity of the user of the asset rather than that of the owner. It should be noted, however, that when assets are classified by user, the statistics cannot be related to other flows in the national accounts because these are compiled on an “ownership” basis. For example, the distribution of value added among different kinds of activities depends on asset ownership rather than on asset use. If assets are rented, the income generated by the asset appears in the value added of the owner and not that of the user. This is because the rental payment is deducted as intermediate consumption from the gross output of the user and appears in the gross output of the owner. 8. In practice, countries that use the perpetual inventory method can usually only classify assets according to the activity of the owner because this is how statistics on capital formation are reported. Assets can only be classified by the activity of the user if the capital stock estimates are based on enterprise surveys in which respondents are required to report both values of assets owned and of assets that are rented. Classification by type of asset 9. The part of the 1993 SNA Classification of Assets covering non-financial assets is given in Table 1 above. At its most detailed level it distinguishes 12 types of assets. Most countries use an asset breakdown that is far less detailed than this. The standard questionnaire that is used by the international organisations to collect annual statistics according to the 1993 SNA uses a three-way breakdown – machinery and equipment, buildings and structures and other assets. Many users would certainly want more detail than this. National publications usually distinguish transport equipment from other types of machinery and equipment and dwellings from other buildings and structures. It is also common for non-residential buildings to be shown separately from other structures. Intangible assets are a new feature of the 1993 SNA, so it would be useful to show these separately to provide comparison with earlier stock data which excluded these assets. 8 10. With these considerations in mind, the following (bold) headings are recommended for classifying assets: Dwellings Non-residential buildings Other structures (including land improvement) Transport equipment Other machinery and equipment Cultivated assets Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. Vineyards, orchards and other plantations of trees yielding repeat products Intangible assets Mineral exploration Computer software Entertainment, literary or artistic originals Other intangible fixed assets Classification by institutional sectors 11. The 1993 SNA identifies five institutional sectors: Non-financial corporations Financial corporations General government Households Non-profit institutions serving households The sixth pseudo-sector “Rest of the World” is not relevant in the present context because all fixed assets are, by convention, considered to belong to the five “domestic” sectors. These sectors are further broken down to give a total of 36 sub-sectors at the most detailed level. 12. The level of detail to be used for classifying the net capital stock and consumption of fixed capital depends entirely on the degree of sector detail that is used in the Balance Sheets (for net stock) and in the non-financial accounts (for capital consumption). The few countries that compile balance 9 sheets at the present time mostly classify stocks according to the five institutional sectors, but with some breakdown of general government by level - central, local, social security funds, for example. A similar breakdown is used by most countries for the non-financial accounts, although the Financial Corporations sector is sometimes broken down to distinguish between depository institutions (i.e. banks) and non-depository institutions. 13. The questionnaire used by the international organisations to collect 1993 SNA statistics calls for the non-financial accounts to be sub-sectored as follows and this determines the institutional sector detail for classifying consumption of fixed capital: Non-financial corporations Financial corporations Central government State government Local government Social security funds Households Non-profit institutions serving households In practice, the above list represents a target classification. Not all member countries of the OECD can yet meet this requirement and for most other countries the five main sectors represent a more realistic target for capital stock statistics. Classification by kind of activity 14. Capital stock and flow statistics classified by kind of activity are used mainly for analytic work. As a general rule, the more detailed the activity breakdown, the more useful will the statistics be for such purposes. On the other hand, practical considerations limit the amount of detail that can be shown. For example, if the PIM is used, the kind of activity breakdown cannot be more detailed that the kind of activity classification used for gross fixed capital formation. If the latter is very detailed, transfers of used assets between producers in different kinds of activities will affect reliability and reduce the amount of detail that can reasonably be shown. 15. The annual 1993 SNA questionnaire calls for capital stock statistics to be broken down by 17 kinds of activities. These are the 17 “tabulation categories” of the ISIC (revision 3). It would be possible to make this list more useful by distinguishing the principal activities within manufacturing (which is a single tabulation category) and by grouping some of the categories covering service activities. A classification that may be useful for countries starting capital stock statistics is given in Table 2. 10 Table 2. Suggested activity classification for capital stock statistics. ISIC tabulation categories Description A+B Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing C Mining and quarrying D Manufacturing, with 4 or 5 important activities separately identified. E Electricity, gas and water supply F Construction G+H Wholesale and retail trade, repair of vehicles and household goods, hotels and restaurants I Transport, storage and communications J+K Financial intermediation, real estate, renting and business activities L Public administration, defence and social security M,N + O Education, health and social work, other community, social and personal service activities 11 CHAPTER 2 CAPITAL STOCK AND RELATED FLOWS: CONCEPTS AND USES 1. This chapter describes the definitions and the main uses of the gross and net capital stocks and of two important flow measures derived from them, namely consumption of fixed capital and capital services. First, however, it is necessary to consider the three different ways in which stocks can be valued. Valuing capital stocks 2. Stocks of capital assets can be valued at three kinds of prices: Historic prices, which means that the value of the stock of assets is obtained by aggregating them at the prices at which each asset was originally (i.e. “historically”) acquired. Current replacement prices, which means that the value of the stock of assets is obtained by aggregating them after each asset has been revalued to the prices of the current year. Constant replacement prices, which means that the value of the stock of assets is obtained by aggregating them after each asset has been revalued to the prices of a selected year. 3. It is important to note that price indices are required for valuation at current replacement prices as well as valuation at constant replacement prices. In the first case, assets have to be revalued each year to bring them to the prices of the current year; in the second case, assets have to be revalued to convert the prices actually paid to those of the selected year. It is only in the case of valuation at historic prices that no price indices are required because the prices at which the assets were originally acquired continue to be used in every year in which the assets remain in the capital stock. 4. Table 1 shows how the stock of a group of assets is valued at each of these three kinds of prices. The assets are assumed to each have a life of five years and to have been acquired in three successive years. In table 1, the stocks of assets are valued “gross” i.e. before deducting consumption of fixed capital or “depreciation” as it is more commonly called. 12 Table 1. Calculation of a capital stock at historic, current and constant prices year 1 6 7 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Stock at historic prices 2 3 4 5 At actual prices paid i.e. at historic prices 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 20.0 5.0 25.0 5.0 5.0 Asset price 100 112 114 118 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Stock at current replacement prices 10.0 At replacement prices of the current year 10.3 10.5 11.0 11.2 20.0 20.4 21.4 21.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 10.0 30.3 35.9 37.6 38.3 22.1 5.4 27.6 5.6 5.6 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Stock at constant replacement prices 10.0 At constant prices of year 1 10.0 10.0 10.0 19.4 19.4 19.4 4.8 4.8 10.0 29.4 34.2 34.2 19.4 4.8 24.2 4.8 4.8 103 105 110 10.0 19.4 4.8 34.2 5. To obtain the stock at historic prices, the assets acquired in years 1, 2 and 3 are valued at the prices prevailing in each of these years and continue to be valued at these same prices during the five years that they remain in the capital stock. 6. Table 1 shows that the asset price has been rising over the period from 100 in year 1 to 118 in year 7. In order to obtain the value of the stock at current replacement prices the assets need to be revalued -- in this case increased in price -- in line with the rise in asset prices. Note that in year 2, the assets acquired in that year (to the value of 20) are already at the prices of year 2 and do not therefore need to be revalued in that year. For subsequent years, however, they must be multiplied by pt /103 where pt is the asset price index in year t; similarly the assets, valued at 5, acquired in year 3 must be multiplied by pt /105 for years 4 through 7. 7. In order to obtain the value of the stock at constant replacement prices -- in this example at the prices of year 1 -- all assets acquired after year 1 must be deflated to bring them down to year 1 prices. Thus the assets acquired in year 2 are multiplied by 100/103 and those acquired in year 3 by 100/105. The assets acquired in year 1 are, by definition, already at year 1 prices. 8. The last line of Table 1 shows the ratio of the asset stock at current prices to the stock at constant prices. It is of course identical to the asset prices given in the table. This indicates that the rather laborious procedure for calculating the capital stock at current prices can be avoided by first estimating the stock at constant prices and inflating with price indices. This is the usual procedure in practice. 9. Valuation at historic prices is the usual procedure in company accounts. This is done because historic prices can be objectively verified by examining the invoices relating to asset purchases, while valuation at either current or constant replacement prices introduces uncertainty into the stock valuation because there are always error margins attached to price indices. Commercial accountants may also prefer historic prices because they give a conservative valuation of assets. These advantages, however, are offset by the fact that assets which have been acquired at different dates are being valued at different prices so that when prices are rising/falling assets acquired more recently are 13 implicitly given a higher/lower weight than those acquired in earlier periods. Capital stocks valued at historic prices cannot be compared with national accounting or other economic statistics which are calculated at either current or constant prices. Nevertheless a few countries calculate and publish stocks and depreciation at historic prices because they believe that many businesses use stock and depreciation estimates at historic cost for management decisions. They may, therefore, be useful in explaining the behaviour of businesses. 10. The adjective “replacement” is conventionally applied to qualify the current and constant prices used to value capital stocks because the objective is to value the asset stock at what it would cost to replace it in the sense of buying an identical set. There are, however, difficulties in the notion of a replacement price. These arise because capital assets may remain in the capital stock for several years and it will often happen that it is impossible to replace assets several years after they were originally installed because the assets concerned are no longer being produced; there are no true “replacement” prices at which they can now be valued. In practice, assets which are no longer being produced have to be revalued to current replacement prices using price indices that are calculated from price changes of assets that are still in production. Gross Fixed Capital Stock 11. The gross fixed capital stock is the value, at a point in time, of assets held by producers with each asset valued at “as new” prices -- i.e. at the prices for new assets of the same type, regardless of the age and actual condition of the assets. It is a “gross” measure of the stock in the sense that it is calculated before deducting consumption of fixed capital. 12. Two points should be noted about the coverage of the assets to be included in the gross capital stock. First the assets included in the stock may be owned by the enterprises that use them in production or they may be rented out to producers by their owners. Certain types of assets, such as commercial and residential buildings, road vehicles and construction equipment are commonly rented in many countries. Second, not all the assets included in the gross stock may actually be in use to produce goods and services. Some assets may have been “moth-balled” or held in reserve to meet unexpected surges in demand. Others may be kept in reserve as insurance against the breakdown of critical pieces of equipment. Assets that are rented to producers may spend idle periods between customers. In order to be counted as part of the capital stock all that is required is that assets are present at production sites and capable of being used in production or they are available for renting by their owners to producers. 13. If the gross stock is valued at historic prices the prices that were actually paid to purchase the assets are used when the assets are added up to obtain the stock. If the gross capital stock is valued at current replacement or constant replacement prices, the assets must be revalued or deflated using asset price indices in the manner shown in Table 1 above. 14. The gross capital stock is not a part of the System of National Accounts and it is not shown in company accounts. Gross capital stocks have sometimes been used to represent capital input in studies of “multi-factor” productivity (or “total factor productivity” as it is also termed) but this is not recommended in this manual because it is argued here that the required measure of capital for productivity studies is the services provided by the stock of assets rather than the stock itself. 14 However, although the gross capital stock has no role in national or company accounts and serves few, if any, analytic purposes it is the conventional starting point for calculating consumption of fixed capital and the net capital stock. Both these latter aggregates have important analytic and accounting roles as explained below. 15. The role of the gross capital stock as the starting point for estimating consumption of fixed capital has an important implication for the way in which “replacement” prices are defined for valuing the gross capital stock. The problem is caused by obsolescence. 16. Obsolescence is the loss in value of an old asset because a newly introduced asset of the same kind contains improvements in productiveness or efficiency or suitability in production. Obsolescence in an old capital asset is closely linked to quality change in newer capital assets of the same kind; a striking example of loss in value due to of obsolescence is provided by computer equipment. Obsolescence may also occur because of changes in relative factor prices; for example an asset that was designed to economise on raw materials by using more labour will fall in value due to obsolescence if labour becomes more costly relative to raw materials. Finally, an asset will suffer obsolescence if there is a fall in demand for the good or service that it was designed to produce. 17. Note that obsolescence does not involve any physical deterioration in the asset itself. The asset may still be functioning as well as when it was first acquired but its value has declined because technical improvements in newer models have rendered the older model less attractive to purchasers, or because of changes in relative prices, or because of shifts in demand for the asset’s output. It is, of course, possible that obsolescence as here defined may actually increase the value of an asset. A rise in demand for an asset’s output or relative price movements could conceivably make an older asset more valuable than its newer rival, but “negative obsolescence” is likely to be a rare event and it is here assumed that obsolescence generally reduces the value of older assets. 18. The question that arises is whether the replacement prices used to value the gross capital stock should reflect declines in the value of older assets due to obsolescence. Specifically, in estimating the replacement price of an asset which is no longer available on the market (but which still remains in the capital stock) should the “as new” price of that asset be reduced to reflect the fact that potential buyers could only be persuaded to buy the older model if the price were reduced? The answer given here is that no reduction should be made in respect of obsolescence. The reason for this is that the gross capital stock is used to derive consumption of fixed capital. If the gross capital stock is valued at replacement costs which have been reduced by obsolescence, it cannot then used to derive a measure of consumption of fixed capital which includes obsolescence as one of its components. In consequence, the estimate of consumption of fixed capital will be too low when estimated at current prices and too high at constant prices. Similar errors, but with opposite signs, will also be carried through to estimates of the net capital stock. Consumption of fixed capital 19. The general definition of consumption of fixed capital is given in the 1993 SNA, paragraph 6.179. [Consumption of fixed capital] may be defined in general terms as the decline, during the course of the accounting period, in the current value of the stock of fixed assets owned and used by a producer as a result of physical deterioration, normal obsolescence or normal accidental damage. It excludes the value of fixed assets destroyed by acts of war or exceptional events 15 such as major natural disasters which occur very infrequently. Such losses are recorded in the System in the account for “Other changes in the volume of assets”. 20. Some clarifications are needed. First, the decline in the current value of the stock of assets must be calculated using inflationadjusted prices to value the opening and closing stocks. Changes in the value of fixed assets arising from changes in the general price level are recorded in the revaluation accounts and do not form part of consumption of fixed capital. Second, “used by a producer” must be interpreted to include situations where assets have been purchased by a producer but which for any reason have not yet been employed in a production process. This clarification is needed because consumption of fixed capital can occur in respect of assets which are available at the producer’s establishment for use in production but which are kept idle for some reason. For example, in some centrally planned economies it was customary for producers to hold a surplus stock of assets for use in the event of unexpected breakdown of working assets, as insurance against interruption in the future supply of particular kinds of assets, or to cannibalise for spare parts. Assets held by producers but which have not been, or may never be, employed for productive purposes may nevertheless fall in value because of obsolescence and these falls in value must be included in consumption of fixed capital. Third, “physical deterioration” refers to wear and tear that is not made good by repairs or by replacing worn components. Some assets may not suffer any physical deterioration because the asset owner makes good all wear and tear through careful maintenance. In such cases the fall in asset value over time measured by consumption of fixed capital will be due only to obsolescence or to normal accidental damage. Fourth, “normal accidental damage” refers to the kinds of accidents which are commonly insured against. Accidental damage includes cases where the asset has been so badly damaged that it has to be prematurely scrapped. Transport equipment is particularly vulnerable to damage of this kind and when service lives are estimated for such assets they must reflect the probability of premature scrapping through accidental losses. Finally, the above definition implies, without explicitly stating so, that abnormal obsolescence is also excluded from consumption of fixed capital. Abnormal obsolescence may occur either because of unexpected technological breakthroughs or because of sudden changes in the relative prices of inputs. The introduction of electronic calculators in the 1960s is an example of an unforeseen technological development, which resulted in a sudden and sharp fall in the existing stock of electro-mechanical calculators. The 1974 oil-shock is an example of a drastic shift in relative input prices, which led to premature replacement of inefficient oil-using equipment by more efficient models or by assets using alternative energy sources. Premature scrapping of assets, which arises from abnormal obsolescence, is treated in the same way as losses of assets due to wars or natural calamities and is shown in the account for “Other changes in the volume of assets”. 21. The definition of consumption of fixed capital -- as the decline during the accounting period in the market value of assets excluding any exceptional losses -- is simple, but measuring consumption of fixed capital in the same way as it is defined is not possible in practice. Some assets are, of course, sold on second hand markets so that market prices become available from time to time. However, to 16 measure consumption of fixed capital using actual market prices for all assets would only be feasible if producers were to sell and buy back all their capital assets at the end of each period of account. In the absence of market prices for most capital assets in the periods following their installation, both national accountants and commercial accountants are forced to assume that assets decline in value in some systematic way over the course of their service lives. Several “depreciation patterns” are used by accountants for this purpose and they are described in a later chapter. For now it is sufficient to note that the two commonest depreciation patterns are “straight-line” and “geometric”; the first assumes that assets decline by a constant amount, namely 1/L (where L is the expected service life of the asset), while geometric depreciation assumes that asset values decline at a constant rate. The calculation of consumption of fixed capital is demonstrated in Table 2 using straight-line depreciation. Table 2. Consumption of fixed capital at historic, current and constant replacement prices year Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at historic prices 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gross capital stock at historic prices (i.e. at prices actually paid) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 25.0 5.0 5.0 CFC on assets purchased in year 1 CFC on assets purchased in year 2 CFC on assets purchased in year 3 Total CFC at historic prices Consumption of fixed capital at historic prices 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 Asset price 100.0 103.0 105.0 110.0 7 2.0 4.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 112.0 114.0 118.0 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at current replacement prices Gross capital stock at replacement prices of the current year 10.0 10.3 10.5 11.0 11.2 20.0 20.4 21.4 21.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 10.0 30.3 35.9 37.6 38.3 22.1 5.4 27.6 5.6 5.6 CFC on assets purchased in year 1 CFC on assets purchased in year 2 CFC on assets purchased in year 3 Total CFC at replacement prices of current year Consumption of fixed capital at replacement prices of current year 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 6.1 7.2 7.5 7.7 5.5 1.1 1.1 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at constant replacement prices of year 1 Gross capital stock at constant replacement prices of year 1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 4.8 4.8 4.8 10.0 29.4 34.2 34.2 34.2 4.8 4.8 CFC on assets purchased in year 1 CFC on assets purchased in year 2 CFC on assets purchased in year 3 Total CFC at constant replacement prices of year 1 Consumption of fixed capital at constant replacement prices of year 1 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 5.9 6.8 6.8 6.8 4.8 19.4 4.8 24.2 22. In Table 2, annual consumption of fixed capital is obtained by dividing the gross capital stock series by 1/5 because straight-line depreciation is being used in this example and because the assets last for five years. When valued at historic prices and at constant replacement cost, consumption of fixed capital is constant for each group of assets throughout their lifetimes. For the calculations at current replacement prices, consumption of fixed capital rises in line with the re-valued prices of the assets. 17 1.0 1.0 23. Table 2 demonstrates why the gross stocks must be valued at prices that are not reduced to reflect obsolescence. If the asset prices were so reduced -- i.e. if the asset price index was growing more slowly than shown here -- the straight-line depreciation factor of 1/5 would have been applied to a base that was too low in the case of the current price estimates and too high in the case of the constant price estimates. The “as new” prices used to calculate gross capital stocks must not reflect any parts of the fall in market values which are to be captured by the depreciation factor. 24. Consumption of fixed capital has three roles in the 1993 SNA: It is deducted from gross measures of product, income and saving to arrive at net measures of these aggregates. In recognition of the difficulties that many countries have in calculating consumption of fixed capital, the SNA provides for all balancing items in the Production Account and in the Distribution and Use of Income Accounts to be recorded on either a gross or net basis. However, SNA para. 6.203 indicates a preference for the net measures: “In general, the gross figure is obviously the easier to estimate and may, therefore, be more reliable, but the net figure is usually the one that is conceptually more appropriate and relevant for analytical purposes.” As the terms are used in economics, saving and income are almost always understood as excluding consumption of fixed capital. Consumption of fixed capital is one of the cost items required to estimate output and valueadded of government and other non-market producers. Some countries at the present time use consumption of fixed capital at historic prices taken from accounting records to estimate government output and value added. This is likely to lead to underestimation of both aggregates. It should also be noted that the 1993 SNA has considerably expanded the scope of consumption of fixed capital for government by transferring some durable military goods from intermediate consumption to capital formation and by requiring that consumption of fixed capital be calculated in respect of roads, dams, bridges and similar structures. Finally, consumption of fixed capital is an entry in the Capital Account. It is one of the transactions that explain the differences between the opening and closing stocks of fixed assets. 25. Consumption of fixed capital is an “imputed” flow. It is not a transaction between two parties which can be measured by observing a monetary transaction. It is an imputed transaction which is internal to the unit; in this sense it is similar to the consumption of food that has been grown by household members. This does not make consumption of fixed capital a less “real” or “genuine” transaction, but it does create practical measurement problems. Net capital stock 26. The net capital stock is the value at a point in time of assets at the prices for new assets of the same type less the cumulative value of consumption of fixed capital accrued up to that point. It is obtained from the gross capital stock and consumption of fixed capital as shown in Table 3. For example, the net capital stock at current replacement prices for year 3 is shown in Table 3 as 20.4. This is derived from the gross capital stock at current replacement prices, i.e. 35.9, by deducting accumulated depreciation on the assets purchased in year 1 (2.1 x 3), plus accumulated depreciation on 18 the assets purchased in year 2 (4.1 x 2) plus accumulated depreciation on the assets purchased in year 3 (1.0 x 1). Observe that accumulated consumption of fixed capital at current replacement prices is calculated using the prices of the year in question; it cannot be obtained by adding up the consumption of fixed capital calculated for earlier years because these amounts are valued at the prices of several different years. Table 3. Net capital stock at historic, current and constant prices. year Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at historic prices 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gross capital stock at historic prices (i.e. at prices actually paid) 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 20.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 10.0 30.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 25.0 5.0 5.0 CFC on assets purchased in year 1 CFC on assets purchased in year 2 CFC on assets purchased in year 3 Total CFC at historic prices Consumption of fixed capital at historic prices 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 2.0 4.0 1.0 7.0 4.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 1.0 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Net capital stock at historic prices Net capital stock at historic prices 8.0 6.0 4.0 16.0 12.0 4.0 8.0 22.0 20.0 2.0 8.0 3.0 13.0 0.0 4.0 2.0 6.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 110.0 112.0 114.0 118.0 Asset price 100.0 103.0 105.0 7 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at replacement prices of the current year Gross capital stock at replacement prices of the current year 10.0 10.3 10.5 11.0 11.2 20.0 20.4 21.4 21.7 5.0 5.2 5.3 10.0 30.3 35.9 37.6 38.3 22.1 5.4 27.6 5.6 5.6 CFC on assets purchased in year 1 CFC on assets purchased in year 2 CFC on assets purchased in year 3 Total CFC at replacement prices of the current year Consumption of fixed capital at replacement prices of current year 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 4.0 4.1 4.3 4.3 4.4 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 2.0 6.1 7.2 7.5 7.7 5.5 1.1 1.1 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Net capital stock at replacement prices of the current year Net capital stock at replacement prices of the current year 8.0 6.2 4.2 2.2 0.0 16.0 12.2 8.5 4.3 4.0 3.1 2.1 8.0 22.2 20.4 13.9 6.5 0.0 1.1 1.1 0.0 0.0 Assets purchased in year 1 Assets purchased in year 2 Assets purchased in year 3 Gross capital stock at replacement prices of year 1 Gross capital stock at replacement prices of year 1 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 19.4 19.4 19.4 19.4 4.8 4.8 4.8 10.0 29.4 34.2 34.2 34.2 19.4 4.8 24.2 4.8 4.8 27. The net stock, at current replacement prices, appears in the opening and closing balance sheets of the 1993 SNA. Table 4 shows the connection between these opening and closing balances in the system. 19 Table 4. Links between opening and closing stocks of fixed assets The net value of the stock of the asset at its current price at the beginning of the period plus gross fixed capital formation, i.e., acquisitions less disposals of the asset in transactions with other units minus consumption of fixed capital incurred during the period plus the total value of other positive or negative changes in the quantity of the asset : i.e., changes which are not attributable to the use of the asset in production or to transactions with other units (e.g. the physical destruction of an asset as a result of a natural disaster or the premature scrapping of assets because of unforeseen obsolescence), plus the total value of the positive or negative holding gains accruing during the period as a result of changes in the price of the asset, equals the net value of the stock of the asset at its current price at the end of the period. 28. The net stock is the market value of fixed assets owned by the different institutional sectors and the nation as a whole. As such, it is a measure of wealth and it is usually the largest part of national net worth in industrialised countries. Ratios of the net stock of fixed assets to value added are used to compare economic efficiency over time and between countries. As will be seen from the next section, the net capital stock is also relevant for measuring capital services. Capital services 29. Producers purchase fixed assets because they expect them to provide a flow of services into the production process. In principle, these capital services can be broken down into quantity components -- such as ton-kilometres provided by a freight truck or cubic feet of storage space provided by a warehouse -- and corresponding price components. Capital services are sometimes traded between asset owners and the producers who need to use them. However, most capital services are produced for own consumption within producers’ establishments. Because the producers own their capital assets there is no explicit market transaction. As a result it is not generally possible to observe quantities and prices of capital services directly. The following paragraphs show how capital services can be measured indirectly. 30. The value of an asset depends on the services which it is expected to provide over its expected working life or “service life”. More specifically, the price of an asset (V) at time (t) is equal to the sum of the capital services (f) that the asset is expected to generate from time (t) up to the end of its expected service life (T) after these service flows have been reduced (or “discounted”) by a rate of interest (r). If the asset is expected to have a scrap value (S) at the end of its service life this must be added (after discounting) to the asset price. The price of an asset at time t can therefore be written as: T Vt t ft 1 r t S (1) 1 r T t 20 31. Equations such as (1) are commonly used by business accountants to determine whether or not their company should purchase an asset. They do this by guessing at the likely pattern of capital service flows (f) over the expected lifetime (T) of the asset and the probable scrap value (S) at the end of its working life. As the market price of the asset (V) is known, equation (1) can be solved to determine r -- the internal rate of return, i.e. the annual profit margin that the asset is likely to earn. If r is higher than the rate of return that the company could earn on alternative investments, such as the purchase of a competing model of the asset or investing in securities, the accountant will conclude that the company should buy the asset. If the calculation suggests that r is very high, i.e. that the investment is likely to be unusually profitable, then provided that markets are relatively open, one or both of two things can be expected to happen. Either demand for the assets will rise and bid up the price (V) or increased investment in the asset, either by existing producers or by new entrants, will raise output supply and force down the value of the capital services (f) that the asset can earn. In general, there will be both a rise in V and a fall in f, but whatever happens the result will be a fall in the rate of return (r) to a normal or average rate for the economy as a whole. If, on the other hand, the solution of equation (1) yields a value of r that is regarded as too low, either the asset price (V) must be reduced in order to persuade investors to buy the asset or the asset will be withdrawn from the market. In practice, the producers of assets will themselves have usually made a calculation such as that in equation (1) before producing the asset and would not have decided to proceed with its production unless the price at which it would have to be sold seems likely to yield a satisfactory rate of return to prospective investors. Equation (1) can therefore be seen as a very plausible explanation of the way in which asset prices are determined under normal market conditions. 32. Vt Following (1), the value of an asset at any time during its service life can be written as: ft f f fT S t 1 2 t 2 3 ....... + T 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r T t (2) And its value in the next period is: Vt 1 f t 1 f fT S t 2 2 ........ + T 1 1 r 1 r 1 r 1 r T t 1 (3) Dividing (3) by 1 r gives: Vt 1 1 r f t 1 1 r 2 f t 2 1 r 3 ......... + fT 1 r T S 1 r T t (4) Subtracting (4) from (2) gives: Vt Vt 1 ft 1 r 1 r (5) Rearranging the terms gives: f t Vt Vt 1 rVt (6) 21 However, since: Vt Vt 1 Dt , (7) where Dt is depreciation in year t, i.e. the fall in the value of the asset between the beginning and end of the year, equation (6) can be rewritten as: f t d t r Vt (8) where d t is the rate of depreciation in period t and dtV= Dt. 33. What (8) shows is that the value of the service rendered by a capital asset (ft ) is equal to consumption of fixed capital (Dt) plus the rate of return (r) times the value of the asset (Vt). In other words the capital service provided by an asset is equal to an amount that will compensate the owner for the fall in the market value of the asset over the accounting period (consumption of fixed capital) and also provide the owner with a net return on the value of the asset. The right hand side of (8) is variously referred to as “ the cost of capital”, the “user cost of capital” and “asset rental values”. In this Manual it is referred to as “capital services”. 34. It was noted above that capital services are, in general, not directly observable, but equation (8) provides a practical, though indirect, method of measuring them. Several points should be noted: First, the Vt in equation (8) is the depreciated value of the asset -- or the net capital stock if equations (2) through (8) are aggregated across all assets. Some practitioners have preferred to use an alternative measure of the stock in (8) which is obtained from the gross capital stock by adjusting the “as new” prices of assets by factors which reflect the decline with age in their productive efficiency. This alternative way of using (8) is discussed in Chapter 7. Second, when each Vt is multiplied by the appropriate d t r and then added to obtain a total, that total can be described in either of two ways -- as the capital stock weighted by the gross return on each asset or as the total capital services provided by the assets during the period. In the first case, the gross rate of return, i.e. the rate of depreciation plus the rate of return, is being regarded as the weight; in the second case, the asset values are taken as the weights. The preference in the United States seems to be for the stock terminology. This manual uses the alternative term and refers to “capital services” because this is more consistent with the flow versus stock distinction made in the System of national Accounts. Third, the principal difficulty in applying (8) to measure capital services is to determine the rate of return (r). There seem to be two choices -- either to use national accounts statistics on property income flows as a ratio of the capital stock or to base it on market interest rates that appear to be relevant for investment decisions. This issue is discussed in Chapter 7. Finally, the rate of depreciation (d) in (8) is shown as varying over time. This would be the case if, for example, straight-line depreciation is used but consumption of fixed capital can also be calculated at a constant rate in which case the time subscript is superfluous. 22 Summary 35. This chapter has presented a framework linking capital stocks with consumption of fixed capital and capital services. Note that this is a perfectly general framework and is not linked to any particular method of estimation, such as the perpetual inventory method or a direct survey approach. In summary: Capital assets held in producers’ establishments are valued at “as new” prices to obtain the gross capital stock. The gross capital stock is multiplied by a “depreciation factor” to estimate consumption of fixed capital. Consumption of fixed capital is accumulated over the years that each asset has been in use and deducted from the gross capital stock to obtain the net capital stock. Capital services -- defined as the periodic (e.g. annual) contribution of capital assets to the production process is calculated by applying a gross rate of return to either the net or the “productive” capital stock. 23 CHAPTER 3 OVERVIEW OF MEASUREMENT METHODS 1. This chapter reviews the methods that are available for measuring gross and net capital stocks, consumption of fixed capital and capital services. Gross capital stock 2. The gross capital stock can be estimated in at least three ways. By far the commonest is the “perpetual inventory method” (PIM) which involves accumulating past capital formation and deducting assets that have reached the end of their estimated service lives. Both capital formation and discards are revalued either to the replacement prices of the current year (current replacement prices) or to the prices of a single year (constant replacement prices). 3. Survey methods can also be used. Enterprises are asked to report the historic values of all assets still in use and the dates when they were installed or constructed. The assets are then revalued to current or constant replacement prices either by the statistical agency or by the respondents themselves using revaluation coefficients supplied by the statistical agency. 4. A method that lies between the PIM and survey methods is the “balance of fixed assets”. In many centrally-planned economies, enterprises were required to keep a running inventory of their fixed capital assets, tracking outflows as well as inflows. The results of these calculations were reported regularly to the central statistical agency which obtained the total capital stock by simple addition. Although they have moved away from central planning, several of these countries have continued to calculate the balance of fixed assets. Correctly applied, this method can be seen as an ideal form of the PIM; ideal because it substitutes actual retirements for the assumed retirements used in the conventional PIM. 5. Finally, the gross stocks of certain kinds of assets can be estimated using administrative records on the numbers of assets together with price information obtained by the statistical agency. Assets for which administrative records are often available include road vehicles and dwellings 6. The gross capital stock is essentially a statistical artefact which has no value in the commercial world. It does not appear in business accounts and is compiled only by statistical agencies which use it as the starting point for estimating the net capital stock and related flows. 24 Net capital stock 7. By contrast, the net capital stock is a concept familiar to commercial accountants and company balance sheets invariably record the value of assets on a net basis. Unfortunately company accounts use a number of conventions in calculating net asset values which render them unsuitable for national accounts purposes; the main problem is the use of historic valuation which means that the stock of assets is valued at a mixture of prices. 8. For use in national accounts, the net stock is usually derived from the gross stock (obtained either by the PIM or from a survey) by deducting accumulated consumption of fixed capital. Note that while the gross capital stock may be derived from a survey, survey methods are not suitable for obtaining the net capital stock. This is because a consistent method must be used to estimate consumption of fixed capital, but companies’ accounts may use a variety of depreciation methods. 9. There are two other possible sources for net stock estimates. First, insurance companies record the current replacement costs of commercial properties insured against damage by fire or other catastrophes. However, properties are sometimes under-insured so that insurance values will understate the net stock. Under-insurance is less likely to happen with assets exposed to a high risk of loss, such as road vehicles and ships. Insurance values for assets of this kind may provide a realistic estimate of net stocks and could be used as a cross-check on net asset stocks estimated by other methods. 10. Second, an estimate of the market values of a company can be obtained by multiplying the number of shares outstanding by the share price. To obtain the net value of the tangible fixed assets owned by the company, both the value of financial assets (less liabilities) and the market value of land, valuables and intangible assets must be deducted. This method is only applicable for companies with publicly quoted shares and such companies may cover only a small part of the capital stock in some countries. Another problem is that share prices can be heavily influenced by future profit expectations. For these reasons, this is not likely to be a very useful approach. Consumption of fixed capital 11. As noted, company accounts routinely report consumption of fixed capital, or depreciation as it is usually called. Unfortunately, in almost all countries it is calculated by reference to the historic cost of assets and so is effectively calculated using a mixture of prices and when there is inflation use of historic prices will lead to substantial understatement of depreciation. Another problem is that most countries allow companies to use a variety of depreciation methods so they cannot properly be aggregated across companies. Finally many countries have used “accelerated depreciation” schemes as a means of encouraging investment, with the result that reported depreciation bears no relation to the actual decilnes in asset values. Despite these problems, several countries use depreciation reported by companies in their national accounts. Such estimates cannot even be justifies as crude approximation to consumption of fixed capital as defined in the SNA. 12. For the national accounts, consumption of fixed capital can only be obtained by applying depreciation factors to the estimated gross values of assets; gross here means the “as new” values obtained by revaluing the historic cost of assets to current or constant replacement costs. The gross value of assets may have been obtained either through a survey or by the PIM. The various ways of calculating consumption of fixed capital are explained in Chapter 5. 25 Capital services 13. The contribution of capital to production is here referred to as capital services. Transactions in capital services occur when assets are leased by their owners to other producers. (Capital service transactions occur only in the case of “operational leasing”; in the case of a “financial lease” the asset is treated as being owned by the user.) Operational leasing is quite common for certain kinds of assets – road vehicles, aircraft, buildings and some types of construction equipment are examples. The price of a lease will include other costs in addition to the pure price of the capital service, such as insurance and the cost of storing equipment in a convenient location and transporting the assets to and from the producer’s site. These costs could of course be estimated so that, in principle, capital services for several types of assets could be obtained by direct observation. In practice, national statistical offices have not used this approach. Chapter 2 has described an indirect approach using the value of the asset stock, consumption of fixed capital and the estimated rate of return and this is further developed in Chapter 7. It could, however, be useful to compare capital services estimated by indirect methods with capital services that have been directly observed. 26 CHAPTER 4 PERPETUAL INVENTORY METHOD Introduction 1. The Perpetual Inventory Method (PIM) generates an estimate of the capital stock by accumulating past purchases of assets over their estimated service lives. The standard procedure is to use the PIM to estimate the gross capital stock, apply to it depreciation factors to calculate consumption of fixed capital and obtain the net capital stock by subtracting accumulated capital consumption from the gross capital stock. This chapter follows this sequence but it has a final section which describes an alternative way of applying the PIM that has been devised by the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). This method moves directly to the measurement of consumption of fixed capital without first estimating the gross capital stock. Gross capital stock 2. The basic requirements to apply the PIM to estimate the Gross Capital Stock are: An initial bench-mark estimate of the capital stock. Statistics on gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) extending back to the bench-mark, or, if no bench-mark is available, back over the life of longest-lived asset. Asset price indices. Information on the average service lives of different assets. Information on how assets are retired around the average service life. Initial estimate of the capital stock 3. Provided the capital stock series go back as many years as the longest-lived asset, it is possible to estimate the capital stock without having an initial bench-mark estimate. However, as the longest lived assets, usually structures, may have service lives in excess of 100 years, most countries need to start their PIM estimates with a bench-mark estimate, at least for structures and other assets with long lives. Possible sources for bench-mark estimates include: 27 Population censuses. Fire insurance records. Company accounts. Administrative property records. Share valuations. None of these sources will give an accurate estimate of precisely what is required -- namely the “as new” values of assets in place at a point in time. 4. Population census records usually provide information on the numbers of dwellings of different types. Estimated values will have to be assigned to the various types of dwellings identified in the Census records. Fire insurance records normally refer to the net values of assets at current prices and will have to be adjusted to gross valuation. They are usually incomplete because small companies may not insure their assets at all and very large enterprises and government bodies often prefer to bear the risks themselves and so will also be excluded from fire insurance records. Company accounts give asset values at depreciated historic costs and will need adjusting both to bring them up to gross values and to “as new” replacement prices. An additional problem is that they are only available for the corporate sector. Administrative property records typically record residential and commercial buildings at values which purport to be current market prices but which are actually historic prices periodically revalued to current prices. An additional problem is that they are only available for the corporate sector. The share valuation of a company’s fixed assets can be obtained by multiplying the number of shares issued by a company by the share price and subtracting financial assets net of liabilities. The resulting values should reflect the current market values of the company’s fixed capital assets but the valuation will also be affected by various unquantifiable factors such as “good-will”, differences in entrepreneurial skill and the general business climate. In addition, this approach can only be used in countries with active stock markets and then will only provide valuations for corporate enterprises. 5. It is clear that a bench-mark estimate based on any of these sources will be highly approximate but the importance of any error introduced into the stock figures will diminish over time as the base period is left further behind. Gross fixed capital formation 6. Gross fixed capital formation is defined as the acquisition, less disposals, of tangible and intangible fixed assets plus land improvement. These are the assets denoted in bold in Table 1 of the Chapter 1. The assets acquired may be new or they may be used assets that are traded on second-hand markets; the assets disposed of may be sold for continued use by another producer or they may be sold as scrap-- i.e. to be broken down into reusable components, into recoverable materials, or into waste products. 7. Assets acquired are valued at prices which include installation costs and transfer fees. Disposals are valued at the amounts received by the sellers before deducting any costs born by the sellers to dismantle the equipment or remove it from their property. (These latter costs are treated as negative capital formation and not as current production expenses.) 28 8. The fact that GFCF involves transactions in used assets, which are valued at less than the prices of new assets, causes problems for PIM estimates of the gross capital stock. Suppose, for example, that enterprise A sells a used asset to enterprise B. Enterprise A will report the sale of the asset at its current market value and not at the “as new” price which is required for valuation of the gross capital stock. This means that the GFCF reported by Enterprise A (its acquisitions less disposals of assets) will be too large for use in the PIM because its disposals are valued at (low) market prices instead of at (high) “as new” prices. At the same time, Enterprise B will report its acquisition of the used asset from A at the current market price which is lower than the “as new” price required for the gross capital stock. B’s reported GFCF (its acquisitions less disposals) will be too small for use in the PIM. 9. The errors caused by the way that A and B report transactions in a used asset will cancel out if the records for the two enterprises are consolidated because the overstatement of A’s reported GFCF is exactly matched by the understatement in B’s reported GFCF. There are, however, circumstances in which there will be no compensating errors of this kind: Capital stock statistics need to be classified by institutional sector and by kind of activity. If transactions in used assets occur between units that are classified to different institutional sectors or activities, errors will be introduced into the sectoral or activity distribution of the capital stock. Second, used assets may move into and out of the domestic economy via imports and exports. If a used asset is imported, the acquisition will be recorded at the current market value of the asset and GFCF will be understated (for PIM purposes); if a used asset is exported, the disposal will be valued at current market value and GFCF will be overstated (for PIM purposes). In neither case are there any offsetting errors because the other partners to the transactions are outside the domestic economy. Finally, used assets may move from productive to non-productive uses. In particular, they may move between the government or corporate sectors and the household sector. Perhaps the commonest example is the sale of used vehicles by car-hire companies to households. In this case there is no offsetting entry to the overstatement of GFCF by the car-hire companies because the purchase of the used cars by households does not count as capital formation. 10. How important are the errors that may be introduced into the gross stock estimates because of transactions in used assets? And what can be done about them? 11. As regards errors in the distribution of the stock by sector and activity, the importance of the problem depends partly on the degree of detail in the sectoral or activity breakdowns that are used. This suggests that countries should be modest in the amount of activity detail given in their stock estimates, at least in the initial stages of developing these statistics. The importance of the problem also depends on the extent to which assets can be used in different industries. Most plant and machinery is probably industry-specific but buildings may often move between sectors and activities; a shop may become a bank, a factory may be used for different types of manufacturing or a railway station may become a museum. Annex 1 describes two methods of dealing with this problem that have been devised by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. They depend on identifying transactions in used assets separately from transactions in new assets. 12. Imports and exports of used assets may be quite significant for some countries but they do not cause problems additional to those mentioned above. Whether a producer sells a used asset to 29 another domestic producer or to abroad, all that is required is to identify the sale as that of a used asset and make whatever upward adjustment is required to the disposal value. Similarly, if a producer purchases a used asset from abroad exactly the same kind of adjustment is required as when the asset is acquired from a domestic source. 13. As regards movement of assets from producers to households, it seems likely that in most countries, the only significant transactions are in used vehicles sold by producers to households. A reasonable assumption that could be made here is that all sales of used passenger cars by producers are to households. Provided that sales of used cars can be identified in the records of producers it should be possible to adjust disposal values to “as new” prices and eliminate this source of error. Asset price indices 14. The problems of separating value changes into price and volume components are generally agreed to be more difficult for capital goods than for other goods and services because many capital goods are unique. This is the case, for example, with most buildings, construction work, special purpose industrial plant, aircraft and ships. The errors that may be introduced into capital stock estimates through incorrect price deflators may be as large as errors caused by the use of incorrect service lives and mortality functions. (Note, too, that direct survey methods are equally affected by errors in price deflators because these have to be used to move from historic to current and constant prices.) However, these are here regarded as problems of price statistics in general. They are not peculiar to capital stock statistics and are not discussed in this manual. One special problem does, however, need to be addressed - namely the estimation of prices for capital assets which are no longer available on the market in a new condition but which still remain in the capital stock. 15. The objective in estimating the gross capital stock at replacement prices is to value all assets in the stock at prices that would have to be paid to purchase them in their new condition. For estimates at current replacement prices the prices will refer to the current period and for estimates at constant replacement prices the prices will refer to those of the base year. However, the “as new” prices used for the gross capital stock estimates must not be reduced for any element of depreciation because depreciation is to be calculated only after the gross capital stock has been estimated. In particular this means that assets in the stock which are no longer available in a new condition in the market must not be written down by valuing them at prices reflecting their partial obsolescence. 16. The “as new” prices which are to be used to value assets that are no longer in production are, of curse, fictitious prices; they are the prices at which they would be sold in a new condition if the technical progress or other events which have rendered them obsolete had not occurred. They are neither hypothetical producers prices - what producers would still be willing to produce them for - nor hypothetical purchasers prices - what purchasers would still be willing to pay for them new. They are the prices at which they would be traded if the world had stood still. The fact that a large part of the gross capital stock is being valued at these fictitious prices simply underlines the artificial nature of the gross capital stock. It is a statistical artefact that is used only to obtain depreciation and the net capital stock. 17. Asset price indices are necessarily based on the prices of the goods that are entering the capital stock in the current period and they cannot include prices for goods which are no longer available. In constructing price indices, the standard practice is to replace items which are no longer available on the market by newer items in the same product group. This means that the prices of the discontinued models are assumed to change, in the years after they cease to be available, in the same way as the prices of similar assets that are still available. In general, therefore, the standard procedures 30 for constructing price indices seem to be consistent with the requirement noted above that the prices of assets that are no longer available on the market should not be written down to reflect their partial obsolescence. The qualification “in general” is required because there are certainly many differences between countries in the ways in which replacements are handled and how prices of newer models are linked with those of discontinued models. Service lives of assets 18. The accuracy of capital stock estimates derived from a PIM are crucially dependent on “service lives” -- i.e. on the length of time that assets are retained in the capital stock. The first section below looks at the sources that are available to estimate service lives; the next section considers evidence that service lives may be changing over time, and a final section looks at how errors in service life assumptions may affect reliability of capital stock estimates. Annex 2 gives detailed estimates of service lives used by four countries which have investigated service lives with particular care. These are the United States, Canada, the Netherlands and the Czech Republic. Sources for estimating service lives 19. The main sources for estimating service lives are asset lives prescribed by tax authorities, company accounts, statistical surveys, administrative records, expert advice and other countries’ estimates. Tax-lives 20. In most countries, the tax authorities specify the number of years over which the depreciation of various types of assets may, under normal circumstances, be deducted from profits before charging taxes. Many countries -- including Australia, United States, Germany and the United Kingdom for example -- make some use of them, either to estimate the service lives of assets for which no other source is available, or to provide a general credibility check on service life estimates obtained by other methods. 21. The interesting question is what sources are used to estimate tax-lives in the first place. In general, it appears that tax-lives are based on a variety of sources of differing reliability including expert opinion, ad hoc surveys of particular assets in particular industries and advice from trade organisations. In general, the accuracy of tax-lives will depend on the extent to which they are actually applied in tax calculations. Some governments use various systems of accelerated depreciation to encourage investment with the result that tax-lives become irrelevant to the calculation of tax liabilities, and neither tax collectors nor tax payers have any incentive to see that they are accurate and kept up-to-date. In many countries, however, tax-lives are based on periodic investigations by the tax authorities and can be assumed to be realistic. 22. In some cases, the statisticians have concluded that the pattern of tax lives across industries or asset types are fairly realistic but that there is a tendency for an overall bias in one direction or the other. They therefore systematically apply an upward or downward correction factor before using them for their PIM estimates. 31 Company accounts 23. Company accounts often include information on the expected service lives that they are using to depreciate assets. Singapore and Australia have both made use of service lives reported in company accounts. The International Accounting Standards Committee (ICAS) has for some years been encouraging member countries to adopt common standards for company accounting and ICAS rules require companies to report asset service lives used to calculate depreciation in their accounts. Company accounts could, therefore, become a better source of information in the future. 24. Company accounts almost always record stocks of assets at historic (or ‘‘acquisition’’) values, and while this is a disadvantage for many purposes, it does not necessarily prevent them from being used to estimate asset lives. Current price estimates of GFCF are, by definition, also valued at acquisition prices and are therefore consistent with stock estimates in company accounts. If the latter can be converted to a gross basis by adding back depreciation (which is also recorded at historic prices in company accounts) service lives can be estimated by comparing the gross stock in each year with the sum of investments during a varying number of previous years until finding how many years’ cumulated investments most nearly equal each year’s capital stock. This technique has been used in France, Italy and the United States. Statistical surveys 25. Two kinds of surveys are relevant to the estimation of asset service lives -- those which ask producers about discards of assets during some previous accounting period and those which ask respondents to give the purchase dates and expected remaining lives of assets currently in use. The Netherlands has been carrying out a discards survey (“desinvestments” in their terminology) for some years and the Czech Republic has recently added questions about discards to its annual capital expenditure survey. The United Kingdom, on the other hand, recently investigated the feasibility of a discards survey but concluded that very few respondents would be able to provide reliable information about assets that had already been discarded from the stock. 26. The results of the Netherlands discards survey have been used directly to estimate asset survey lives, but Statistics Netherlands now prefers to use an indirect approach. The value, at “as new” prices, of reported discards of a given type of asset installed in a given year are divided by each year’s gross stock of assets each year of that same asset and same vintage. This gives an estimate of the “hazard rate” defined as the risk that an asset of that particular type and “vintage” (i.e. year of installation) will be discarded in each year following its installation. The hazard rates are then used to estimate the parameters of a Weibull probability function which is assumed to give a good approximation to the way in which a group of assets installed in a given year are discarded. The average service life of the assets is determined from the estimated Weibull parameters. 27. Several countries carry out surveys of the second kind -- i.e. those asking respondents about expected lifetimes. Korea and Japan have carried out large-scale investigations of capital stocks and asset service lives covering most kinds of activities. Canada, Italy and Spain have added questions about expected service lives to ongoing surveys of capital investment or industrial production. The United States carried out a number of industry-specific surveys in the 1970s with a view to updating the service lives used for tax purposes. A recent survey carried out in New Zealand on behalf of the tax authorities concentrated on 250 specified types of plant, machinery, transport and other types of 32 equipment. For each asset type, a target group of producers was identified which could be expected to use that particular type of equipment and respondents were asked to report the year of purchase and expected remaining life of one individual asset of that type. By confining the investigation to a single asset the survey achieved a good response rate; an example of the questionnaire used for this survey is attached in Annex 3. 28. Producers of capital goods need to know the age structure of the asset stock in order to forecast future demand. For this reason, trade associations and publishers of technical journals sometimes carry out surveys which may provide information on service lives. For example the trade journal American Machinist has carried out several surveys of the age distribution of metal working machines in each of the principal user industries, and the journal Metalworking Production publishes the results of a similar survey for the United Kingdom. Information from these sources does not seem to have been widely used by statistical agencies but it may well be that similar information on particular kinds of assets is available from trade and technical publications in other countries. Administrative records 29. For some assets, government agencies maintain administrative records that can be used to estimate service lives. In many countries vehicle registration records track the service lives of road vehicles. Aircraft and ships are often subject to similar controls. Regulatory bodies in power industries, railways and telecommunications are also a possible data source. Expert advice 30. Most countries appear to base at least some of their asset lives on ‘‘expert advice’’. The term is ambiguous. At its best, the use of ‘‘expert advice’’ may involve seeking advice from a panel of production engineers familiar with conditions in a representative cross-section of industries, or asking firms that produce capital assets for the expected or normal service lives of different sorts of equipment. At the other extreme, ‘‘expert advice’’ may be no more than a euphemism for pure guesswork by the statisticians responsible for the capital stock series. Other countries’ estimates 31. It is probable that most countries periodically review estimates used by other countries to ensure that their own estimates are not too far out of line with those of neighbouring or similar countries. Certainly, when countries first estimate capital stocks, they invariably search the literature or contact other statistical offices directly to find out the service lives used elsewhere. Changes in service lives 32. Estimates of service lives are rarely updated in most countries. The “fixity” of service lives has been criticised because it is alleged that service lives are tending to fall over time. Two main reasons are given for this: It is argued that “product cycles” are becoming shorter. Consumer tastes in many countries may be changing more rapidly than in the past so that manufacturers are forced to introduce new versions and models more quickly and to bring new products onto the 33 market more often than before. This could require producers to retool their production lines more frequently. It is also argued that capital goods prices are rising less rapidly than in the past and in some cases are actually falling. This is certainly the case with computers and related equipment and may also be true for the increasing range of assets that incorporate computer technology; numerically-controlled machines, communications equipment, and robotised production systems are examples. If the price of an asset rises more slowly than the prices of the goods and services it is producing, the initial investment can be recouped over a shorter period than before and service lives will fall. 33. As against this, some assets are certainly becoming more durable. Road vehicles and commercial aircraft are two examples. In addition, there has been considerable progress in recent year in the development of “flexible” production systems which allow manufacturers to rapidly switch between alternative models without the need to retool. Shorter production cycles do not, therefore, necessarily imply shorter asset lives. 34. There appear to be very few empirical studies relevant to the question of changes in asset lives. In Germany the Federal Ministry of Finance first began to publish tables of service lives to be used for tax purposes in 1957 and they have been regularly updated since then. The German Statistisches Bundesamt notes that officials of the Ministry of Finance are in regular contact with firms about changes in asset lives. The information obtained by the officials may be impressionistic rather than scientifically-based, but the Statistisches Bundesamt considers that it is nevertheless sufficiently well-founded to detect the direction of changes in service lives and the approximate size of such changes. A number of changes to tax lives are reported in these tables and, with the exception of commercial aircraft, all are reductions. Examples include farm-buildings (from 50 to 25 years), woodworking machinery (reduced by one or two years), machines in the precision industries (reduced from 10 to 8 years), and machines in the optical industries (reduced from 8 to 7 years). 35. Most countries appear to keep asset lives fixed for their PIM estimates, but there are some exceptions. In the capital stock estimates of Australia and the United Kingdom, the lives of most assets are assumed to have been gradually declining since the 1950’s. In the PIM estimates for Australia, service lives are assumed to be declining by about 5% each decade, while in the United Kingdom’s estimates, service lives of most types of long-life assets are reduced by just over 1% each year. The German Statistisches Bundesamt uses falling service lives for housing, farm buildings, motor vehicles and certain types of industrial equipment. Finland assumes that service lives for machinery and equipment were falling by 0.8% to 1% per year from 1960 to 1989 and at about half that rate since 1990. 36. It seems probable that these reductions in asset lives are introduced not because the statisticians believe that service lives of particular kinds of assets are falling but rather that the asset groups identified in their PIM models are thought to contain increasing shares of shorter life assets. In particular, assets containing computerised components are generally assumed to have shorter lives than other types of equipment and the share of such assets in some asset groups is almost certainly rising in all countries. Thus, even in the absence of information about asset lives of specific assets, it may be right to assume declining service lives for groups of assets. Clearly the importance of this “composition” effect will depend on the degree of detail in the asset classification that is being used. 37. The United States uses a rather detailed asset classification for stock estimates and certain changes in the service lives of specific assets lives are incorporated in its current PIM model. For example the Bureau of Labor Statistics assumes the following reductions in service lives for office 34 computer and accounting equipment. (The changes are discrete, rather than continuous as the examples given above.) Mainframe computers: Printers: years before 1970 8 years before 1976 10 1970 - 1979 7 1976-1980 8 1980 and after 5 1981-1985 6 1986 and after 4 Direct access storage devices: years before 1981 8 1981-1985 7 1986 and after 5 Terminals: years before 1981 9 Tape drives: 1981-1985 8 1986 and after 6 years before 1981 8 1981 and after 7 38. There are fewer examples of increasing service lives. In Germany the service lives of commercial aircraft are assumed to have been between 5 to 8 prior to 1976 and 12 years for aircraft purchased since then. In the United States electric light and power equipment was assigned a service life of 40 years before 1946 and 45 years for all later years. Commercial aircraft are also assigned longer lives in later years -- 12 or 16 years prior to 1960 and 15 or 20 years since then. Effect of errors in service life estimates 39. Ideally, what is required for accurate implementation of the PIM is a set of service lives for narrowly-defined asset groups that are used in different sectors and kinds of activity. Moreover, this set of service lives should be updated regularly to reflect cyclical or longer term changes in the lengths of time that assets remain in the stock. From the review of the sources above it is clear that the information actually available falls far short of this ideal. Service life estimates are generally available only for broad asset groups, there is limited information available on differences in lives of asset groups between sectors and kinds of activity and service lives are updated at rare intervals in most countries. This section considers how errors in service lives may affect levels and growth rates of capital stocks derived from the PIM. 40. The effect of errors in the average service lives used in the PIM can be gauged through “sensitivity studies” by running the PIM model with alternative estimates of service lives. Results of recent sensitivity studies for Canada and the Netherlands are described below. 41. Statistics Canada has estimated the gross capital stock in manufacturing with its standard PIM model but using service lives that increased from 0.5L to 1.5L, with L the average service life presently being used in Canada. The tests were run for the period 1950 to 1998. Predictably, changing service lives changes the level of the capital stock in the same direction. Using the shortest lives (0.5L) 35 reduced the level of the stocks by up to 50% and using the longest lives (1.5L) increased the level by up to 40%. With less extreme changes -- 0.9L and 1.1L -- the size of the stock is reduced by about 8% and raised by about 7%; assuming that service lives used for PIM estimates are not usually wrong by more than 10%, the Canadian study therefore suggests that stock levels may have error margins of +/-8%. 42. Analytic studies often use growth rates rather than stock levels. The effect of changing service lives has an unpredictable effect on growth rates because service lives act like weights. An upward revision to the service life of a particular asset increases the share of that asset in the total stock. An upward revision to a faster (slower) growing component of the stock will raise (lower) the growth rate of the capital stock as a whole. In the Canadian study, reducing service lives generally increased capital stock growth rates during the period 1950 to 1970 but decreased them from 1971 to 1998. 43. The study carried out by Statistics Netherlands focused on stocks of machinery in the chemical industry and covered the period 1978 to 1995. Five different service lives were used -- 10, 15, 20, and 25 years (the average service life actually used is 19 years). While the Canadian study deals only with estimates of the gross capital stock, the Netherlands study looked at the effects on both gross and net stocks and on consumption of fixed capital. 44. The level of the gross stock again changes in the same direction as the changes to service lives. Consumption of fixed capital, however, generally changed in the opposite direction; that is, increasing the service lives reduced the amount of consumption of fixed capital. This happened because, with longer service lives, each asset is written off over a longer period and this outweighs the increase due to the fact that longer service lives mean that there are more assets in the stock. In some years, however, the increase in the number of assets in the stock due to the use of longer service lives outweighed the reduction in the amounts of consumption of fixed capital charged to each asset and total consumption of fixed capital increased with longer service lives. 45. Net capital stock is obtained by deducting accumulated consumption of fixed capital from the gross stock. Since longer service lives will always increase the gross capital stock and will usually decrease consumption of fixed capital, the net capital stock will tend to increase when longer service lives are used. Moreover, the increase in net capital stock as service lives are lengthened will be relatively larger than in the case of the gross capital stock. 46. A final conclusion from the Netherlands study is that growth rates of gross and net stocks and of consumption of fixed capital becomes less volatile as service lives are lengthened. With longer service lives any lumpiness in investment flows into and out of the stock tends to be dampened by the larger size of the stock. 47. To summarise the results of these two sensitivity studies: Longer service lives always increases the size of the gross capital stock. Longer service lives usually reduce consumption of fixed capital. Longer service lives usually increase the size of the net capital stock and by relatively more than in the case of the gross capital stock. Longer service lives have an unpredictable effect on growth rates. 36 Longer service lives reduce the volatility over time in the growth of stocks and capital consumption. Mortality patterns 48. This section looks at the assumptions made about the distribution of retirements around the average service life. “Retirements” and “discards” are here used interchangeably to mean the removal of an asset from the capital stock, with the asset being exported, sold for scrap, dismantled, pulled down or simply abandoned. As used here retirements and discards are distinguished from “disposals” which may includes sales of assets as second-hand goods for continued use in production. 49. Four types of mortality patterns are discussed -- simultaneous exit, linear, delayed linear, and bell-shaped. The mortality functions and survival functions corresponding to these four patters are displayed in Figure 1. The mortality functions (first column) show rates of retirement over the lifetimes of the longest-lived member of a group of assets of a particular type that were installed in a given year. They are probability density functions with the area under each curve equal to unity. The survival functions (in the second column) show what proportion of the original members of the group of assets are still in service at each point during the lifetime of the longest-lived member of the group. 50. The simultaneous exit mortality function assumes that all assets are retired from the capital stock at the moment when they reach the average service life for the type of asset concerned. The survival function therefore shows that all assets of a given type and vintage remain in the stock until time L, at which point they are all retired together. This retirement pattern is sometimes referred to as ‘‘sudden exit’’ but this term is ambiguous. Whatever mortality pattern is used, individual assets are always retired suddenly; the distinguishing feature of this mortality function is that all assets of a given type and vintage are retired simultaneously. Linear 51. With a linear retirement pattern, assets are assumed to be discarded at the same rate each year from the time of installation until twice the average service life. The mortality function is a rectangle whose height -- the rate of retirement -- equals 1/2L where L is the average service life: the survival function shows that the surviving assets are reduced by a constant amount each year, equal to 50/L% of the original group of assets. A linear retirement pattern assumes that retirements start immediately after they are installed and this is generally regarded as an unrealistic assumption. Delayed linear 52. A delayed linear retirement pattern makes the more realistic assumption that discards occur over some period shorter than 2L. Retirements start later and finish sooner than in the simple linear case. Suppose for example that it is assumed that the assets are retired over the period from 80% to 120% of their average service life. The rate of retirement in the mortality function is then equal to 1/L (1.2-0.8) or 250/L% per year during the period when the retirements are assumed to occur. 37 Chart A. Four Mortality and Survival Functions Mortality Functions Survival Functions 1. Linear R - rate of retirement Percent surviving 100% L - average service life L - average service life 2. Delayed linear R 100% L L 3. Bell shaped R 100% L L 4. Simultaneous exit R 100% L L 38 Bell-shaped 53. With a bell-shaped mortality pattern, retirements start gradually some time after the year of installation, build up to a peak around the average service life and then taper off in a similar gradual fashion some years after the average. Various mathematical functions are available to produce bellshaped retirement patterns and most provide considerable flexibility as regards skewness and peakedness (or “kurtosis”). They include gamma, lognormal, quadratic, Weiull and Winfrey functions. The last two are probably most widely used in PIM models and deserve special mention. Winfrey curves 54. Winfrey curves are named after Robley Winfrey, a research engineer who worked at the Iowa Engineering Experimentation Station during the 1930s. Winfrey collected information on dates of installation and retirement of 176 groups of industrial assets and calculated 18 ”type” curves that gave good approximations to their observed retirement patterns (see box). The 18 Winfrey curves give a range of options for skewness and kurtosis and remain the only retirement patterns that are based on an extensive empirical study of asset discards. They are used in PIM models by several countries. 55. The Winfrey symmetrical curves are written as: x2 y x yo 1 2 a m (1) where y x ordinate to the frequency curve at age x (origin at the mean age), y o = ordinate to the frequency curve at its mode, and a and m are parameters ranging from, respectively, 10 to 7 and 0.7 to 40.0, which determine the peakedness (kurtosis) and the skewness of each curve. 56. The skewed curves are considerably more complicated and use up to 12 parameters. The more peaked of these curves are obtained by superimposing a “minor” curve on a “major” curve. 39 WINFREY MORTALITY FUNCTIONS During the 1920s and 1930s, Robley Winfrey assembled information on retirements of 176 different kinds of assets. Data were “accumulated from many sources, representing the following industries: gas, electric light and power, railway, telephone, telegraph, water supply, agricultural implement, motor vehicle and street pavement” (Statistical Analyses of Industrial Property Retirements, Robley Winfrey, page 59). His data sources included many of the major companies of the time -- the American Telephone and Telegraph Company, the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe Railway and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. He also used information from the Chicago Water Works System and other municipal enterprises and he examined Iowa State vehicle registration records covering a wide range of “motor trucks” and “motor cars” -- the latter including over 6 000 Model-T Fords and 5 000 cars of other makes. His interest was in the ways in which a group of assets -- e.g. creosoted cross-ties (sleepers), motor cars, waterworks boilers, asphalt pavements -- that had been installed or constructed in a given year were retired over their total life-span. Winfrey plotted the 176 individual mortality functions showing when each member of each “cohort” (group of assets installed in a given year) was retired from the capital stock and concluded that they could be grouped into 18 ”type” curves which he denoted by L, S and R for left-modal, symmetrical and right-modal and by the numbers 0 through 6 for the flattest to the most peaked curves. The table below shows how the 176 different kinds of assets were assigned to his 18 type curves. The assets were fairly evenly spread between the L, S and R curves but slightly more assets were assigned to the left-modal group -- i.e. mode to the left of the mean. Over half of them had rather peaked mortality functions (numbers 3 to 6) indicating that most retirements happen within a short space of each other ALLOCATION OF 176 ASSETS TO THE 18 WINFREY “TYPE CURVES Left modal Symmetric Right modal LO 7 SO 6 L1 15 S1 13 R1 L2 17 S2 13 L3 15 S3 L4 8 L5 3 .... Total 65 (37%) Total .... 3 (7%) 5 33 (19%) R2 5 35 (20%) 7 R3 19 41 (23%) S4 9 R4 24 41 (23%) S5 3 R5 6 12 (7%) S6 1 .... 1 (1%) Total 59 (33%) 176 (100%) Total 52 (30%) 57. When Winfrey curves are used in a PIM model, the usual procedure is to calculate the percentage of assets of a given vintage that are discarded at different ages defined as percentages of the average service life. Table 1 below shows how a Winfrey curve was used by the BEA for discards of most types of plant and machinery. This is a truncated version of the Winfrey S-3 curve. Discards start at 45% of the average age and continue to 155% of the average, by which time all the assets of a given vintage have been discarded. 40 Table 1. Example of a Winfrey Retirement Pattern Percent of Cumulative Percent of Cumulative Percent of Cumulative average percent of average percent of average percent of service life original service life original service life original expenditures expenditures expenditures discarded discarded discarded Less than 45 0.0 80 24.6 120 81.3 45 1.2 85 31.2 125 86.3 50 2.4 90 38.4 130 90.3 55 4.1 95 46.1 135 93.5 60 6.5 100 53.9 140 95.9 65 9.7 105 61.6 145 97.6 70 13.7 110 68.8 150 98.8 75 18.7 115 75.4 155 100.0 Weibull distribution 58. The Weibull function has been widely used in studies of mortality in natural populations. It is a flexible function that can adopt shapes similar to those designed by Winfrey and it is used by several countries for PIM estimates. The Weibull frequency function is written as: f w x . x 1 . e x (2) where x is the number of years since the asset was installed, and and are parameters which jointly determine kurtosis and skewness. 59. The frequency function at (2) can be used to calculate the percentage of assets of a given vintage that are discarded at different ages as shown in Table 1 above for the Winfrey mortality pattern. 60. Statistics Netherlands has used data from surveys of discards to estimate Weibull discard patterns for a wide range of assets. They report values of ranging from 0.015 to 0.033. The parameter can be interpreted as a measure of changes in the risk of an asset being discarded. 0 < <1 indicates that the risk of discard decreases over time, 1 indicates that the risk of discard remains constant through the lifetime of the asset, 1<<2 indicates that the risk of discard increases with age but at a decreasing rate, 2 indicates a linearly increasing risk of discard, and >2 indicates a progressively increasing risk of discard. 61. Most of the values reported by Statistics Netherlands lay between 1 and 2 except for computers where values just over 2 were reported. The older the computer, the higher the risk that it will be obsolete and have a high risk of being discarded. 41 Which mortality pattern is the best? 62. Of the four discard patterns considered above, the first two -- simultaneous exit and linear decline -- are clearly unrealistic. It is simply not plausible to assume that all assets of a given vintage will all be withdrawn from the stock at the precise moment when they reach the average service life for that asset type. Like people, some assets will be discarded before they reach the average age because they are overworked, poorly maintained or fall victim to accidents, while others will continue to provide good service several year beyond their average life expectancy. Simultaneous exit must be regarded as an inappropriate retirement pattern. 63. It is almost as implausible to assume that an equal number of assets of a given vintage are discarded each year beginning in the first year that they are installed. Assets are by definition expected to remain in use for several years and discards in the years immediately after installation are likely to be rare for most assets. Linear retirement also fails the test of plausibility. 64. The remaining discard patterns -- delayed linear and bell-shaped -- are clearly more realistic models. Delayed linear assumes that once retirements begin, equal parts are discarded until the entire vintage has disappeared and this may be less plausible than the assumption of a gradual build-up of discards in the early years and a gradual slowdown in later years, which is implied by bell shaped distributions. 65. Winfrey curves were specifically developed to reflect the way that assets are discarded and they are used by several countries in their PIM models. Winfrey’s research is, however, more than 60 years old and his 176 asset groups included many items that have long since disappeared -- Model T Fords and wooden railway bridges for example. In addition relative factor prices have changed considerably since the 1930s and this may have affected discard practices. For example, in Winfreys day cross-ties for rail tracks were replaced individually as they wore out; this is a labour intensive operation and a common practice now is to replace complete sections of rail tracks at fixed intervals. The rather flat discard patterns that Winfrey observed for cross-ties will now have been replaced by a more peaked distribution.. 66. To summarise: A delayed linear pattern is easy to implement and it avoids giving the appearance of spurious precision. Its very simplicity is a signal to users that estimating capital stocks is a precarious undertaking. Winfrey curves were designed for the purpose at hand but may no longer be appropriate for modern capital stocks and factor prices. Weibull functions are easy to implement and studies at Statistics Netherlands have shown that they can satisfactorily replicate observed discard patterns. The problem is that very few countries have any information on discard patterns and so cannot select appropriate parameters for the Weibull function. For countries with no direct empirical evidence on discard patterns, it may be best to use a moderately peaked symmetrical Winfrey curve -- say S-2 or S-3 -- or a Weibull function with a similar shape to these. 42 Consumption of fixed capital 67. Consumption of fixed capital is not generally observable and is usually estimated on the assumption that asset prices decline in a systematic way over the course of the asset’s service lives. Note that consumption of fixed capital almost always has to be estimated in this way whether the gross capital stock is obtained by the PIM or by some kind of survey method. 68. Several techniques have been developed for estimating consumption of fixed capital and these are explained in the next chapter. When there is empirical evidence about how particular kinds of assets lose their value, that information should obviously determine the choice of depreciation method. In the usual situation where there is little or no information about actual depreciation, it is argued that the “sum of the digits” methods will produce estimates that are least likely to be wrong. 69. Once an appropriate method has been selected, consumption of fixed capital is calculated by applying the depreciation factor to the gross capital stock. The simplest method, straight-line depreciation, depends only on the initial value of the asset and the estimated service life. The other two methods, sum of the digits and geometric depreciation depend also on the age of the asset because they assume that depreciation falls as the asset ages. A numerical example of the calculation of consumption of fixed capital was given in Chapter 2 and is not repeated here. Net capital stock 70. The net capital stock is defined as the value of fixed assets at their market prices, either at the average prices of a selected year or at the average prices of the current year. These market prices are lower than the “as new” prices used for the gross capital stock because of wear and tear, obsolescence and other components of consumption of fixed capital. These market values are estimated by deducting accumulated consumption of fixed capital from the gross capital stock. The net capital stock has to be estimated in this way whether the gross capital stock is obtained by the PIM or through a survey. A numerical example of the calculation of the net capital stock was given in Chapter 2 and is not repeated here. Alternative application of the PIM 71. In 1997, the United States Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) published revised estimates of the capital stocks and consumption of fixed capital, which were based on a perpetual inventory model, but which omitted the first step of explicitly calculating the gross capital stock. This alternative approach goes directly to the calculation of consumption of fixed capital which is then cumulated and subtracted from the sum of past investments to obtain the net capital stock. 72. Because the step of calculating the gross capital stock is missed out, there is no explicit use of a mortality function. However, a mortality function still has to be incorporated in the model because the value of a group of assets declines because some members of the group are discarded each year and not only because those that remain in use suffer wear and tear, obsolescence and accidental damage. A mortality function must, therefore, be built into the depreciation factor. The depreciation factors used by BEA are based on studies of the prices of assets that are being traded on the second hand market and of the prices of the assets that have been discarded. In these studies, the unobservable (zero) prices of the latter assets are added to the observed prices of the former assets on the assumption that discards follow a symmetrical Winfrey distribution. 43 73. Table 2 is a worksheet showing how this version of the PIM is implemented. Table 2. Direct calculation of consumption of fixed capital and net capital stock without calculating gross capital stock year 1 Gross fixed capital formation at year 1 prices: In year 1 In year 2 In year 3 Net stock at end of: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year 8 etc 74. 3 4 5 6 7 8 etc 10 20 5 Depreciation factor (1-d) Consumption of fixed capital on assets purchased in: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total consumption of fixed capital Accumulated consumption of fixed capital 2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 5.000 2.500 10.000 5.000 5.000 12.500 17.500 1.250 5.000 2.500 8.750 26.250 0.625 2.500 1.250 4.375 30.625 0.313 1.250 0.625 2.188 32.813 0.156 0.625 0.313 1.094 33.906 0.078 0.313 0.156 0.547 34.453 0.039 0.156 0.078 0.273 34.727 ... ... ... ... ... 10 10 + 20 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 10+ 20 + 5 minus minus minus minus minus minus minus minus minus 5.000 17.500 26.250 30.625 32.813 33.906 34.453 34.727 ... equals equals equals equals equals equals equals equals equals 5.000 12.500 8.750 4.375 2.188 1.094 0.547 0.273 ... To understand the worksheet: The worksheet shows expenditures on a particular type of asset in years 1, 2 and 3 amounting to 10, 5 and 20 respectively. The expenditures were converted to the constant prices of year 1 before being entered in the worksheet. The depreciation factor (d) is shown as 0.5. This was obtained by the double declining balance method as d = 2/L where (L) -- the average service life -- is 4 years (BEA uses a modified version of the double declining method in which 2 is replaced by numbers that are derived from studies of second-hand asset prices). Consumption of fixed capital in year 1 is obtained by multiplying the expenditure on the asset in year 1 by the depreciation factor 1-d = 0.5. (Note that this worksheet implies that the asset was purchased at the beginning of the year so that it falls in value by a whole year’s depreciation. It would be more realistic to assume, as does the BEA, that assets are purchased in the middle of the year so that only half of a full year’s capital consumption would be charged in the first year.) Consumption of fixed capital in all subsequent years is obtained by multiplying the previous year’s consumption of fixed capital by the depreciation factor. The net capital stock at the end of a given year is the sum of all past expenditures on the asset minus the consumption of fixed capital accumulated up to the end of that year. For example, the net capital stock at the end of year 2 is the sum of the expenditures in 44 years 1 and 2 (10+20 = 30) minus the consumption of fixed capital accumulated up to the end of year 2 (17.5). (From year 4 onwards the total expenditures on the asset remain at 10+5+20 = 35 because in this example there were no further purchases of this asset after year 3.) Note that the worksheet takes no explicit account of the average service life of the assets. Even though the average service life of these assets is here assumed to be only four years, they continue to contribute to consumption of fixed capital and to the net capital stock for all future periods. These contributions decline asymptotically and in this example they become negligible after a few years because the worksheet uses assets with a very short service life. For buildings and other long-lived assets, however, contributions to capital consumption and the net capital stock may continue to be significant for many years after their average service lives. Finally, the price index for this asset is used to inflate capital consumption and net stocks to obtain estimates at current replacement cost. (This stage is not shown in the worksheet). 45 CHAPTER 5 MEASURING CONSUMPTION OF FIXED CAPITAL Introduction 1. Hitherto the term consumption of fixed capital has been used in accordance with the terminology used in the System of National Accounts. As it is defined in this System, consumption of fixed capital is in fact identical with depreciation as this term is understood in economics. In this chapter the two terms are used interchangeably. 2. The aim of this chapter is to identify the depreciation methods that are most likely to reflect the ways in which assets lose their value over time. The chapter is divided into four sections: The first reviews the empirical evidence about how assets lose their value during the course of their service lives. This evidence comes from studies mainly carried out in North America on the prices of second-hand assets. The next section shows that there are many capital service value profiles that will produce age-price profiles for assets that are consistent with the empirical evidence drawn from the prices of second hand assets. The best known of these is probably the “geometric” profile in which the value of the capital service falls at a constant rate over the lifetime of the asset, but there are several other capital service profiles that are consistent with the empirical evidence on asset prices. Each of these capital service profiles implies a particular pattern of depreciation. The third section describes three common depreciation methods, which are used by both national accountants and business accountants. These are straight-line, sum-of-the-digits and geometric depreciation. The fourth section tests how well these three depreciation methods measure depreciation for assets which have capital service profiles that are consistent with the age-price profiles that have been observed for second-hand assets. 3. The conclusions reached in this chapter on the best way to measure consumption of fixed capital are equally relevant whether capital stocks are being measured by surveys methods or by the PIM. Consumption of fixed capital cannot generally be observed and so it has to be estimated by assuming that assets decline in value over time in a systematic way. 46 Empirical evidence 4. If the price level is stable, consumption of fixed capital is simply the change, in the market value of an asset, or group of assets, from one accounting period to the next. The prices of second-hand assets will therefore cast light on depreciation. Specifically, second hand asset prices, adjusted to eliminate changes in price levels, can be used to establish age-price profiles for particular types of asset that were produced or installed in a given year. For example they can be used to show how farm tractors of a particular make and model and produced in a given year lose their value as they become older. 5. Virtually all studies of second hand asset prices have been made in the United States, perhaps because second-hand asset markets are more highly developed in that country. It is not certain that the age-price profiles identified for assets in the United States are also typical for other countries, although the few studies carried out elsewhere, Canada, United Kingdom and Japan, for example, have found similar age-price profiles. 6. Ideally, these studies should use actual transaction prices. A few studies have done this by using auction prices. This is often the case in studies of farm equipment because auctions are a common way of disposing of assets when farms go out of business. Other studies have tried to obtain transaction prices from second-hand asset dealers through surveys. Most studies, however, have been based on “list prices”. These are the offer prices published by dealers and, because bargaining is common in asset markets, they may overstate actual transaction prices. In almost all cases, the first price in the age-price profile -- the new price of the asset -- is almost always a list price even when the subsequent observations are real transaction prices. Finally, at least one study has used insurance values. This was a study of fishing boats and because they run substantial risks of accidental loss, both owners and insurers have a keen interest in ensuring that insured values are realistic; this is not always the case for assets which face lower accident risks. 7. Questions have sometimes been raised whether assets traded on second-hand markets are representative of the entire asset stock, including the large majority of assets that remain in the possession of their original owners until they are scrapped. In particular, it has been suggested that assets are put on the second-hand market because they are defective in some way; this is sometimes referred to as the “lemons” theory. Even if most second hand assets are in fact not “lemons”, so long as some prospective buyers fear that there may be some defective ones among the assets on offer, prices will be depressed and the prices of assets traded on second-hand markets will understate the market values of assets not so traded. The opposite suggestion has also been made; namely that used assets are usually put on the market in order to raise finance and so firms will sell their best assets rather than their worst ones. Attempts to determine the validity of these and other theories about the extent to which second-hand assets are representative of the total asset stock are inconclusive. 8. A significant source of bias, about which there is no dispute, arises from the fact that second-hand asset prices necessarily refer only to assets that have not yet been retired from the capital stock. Within the entire group of farm tractors of a given make, model and year of manufacture, there will be some whose second-hand prices are zero because they have been scrapped. A minority of studies has tried to correct for this bias by adding some (unobserved) zero prices to the observed set of non-zero prices. It is usually assumed that the assets with zero prices were withdrawn following a bellshaped mortality function. While this is a reasonable assumption, it means that the studies are no longer strictly empirical since they include assumptions about the pattern of discards. 47 9. As regards age-price profiles, three main conclusions can be drawn: First, different kinds of assets exhibit a very wide range of age-price profiles. If price is plotted on the vertical axis and age horizontally, studies have found age-price profiles that are concave to the origin, that are horizontal lines, that fall in a straight line and that are convex to the origin. The studies have covered a wide range of industrial, agricultural and construction machinery, commercial and industrial buildings and transport equipment and it is therefore no surprise that they have not identified a single, standard pattern for the age-price profile of assets. Second, notwithstanding the above, by far the commonest age-price profile is a line which falls over time with some convexity towards the origin. This is particularly the case for machinery and equipment and is generally the case for buildings. Third, the downward sloping convex curve, which is most often detected in these studies, does not follow any simple mathematical law. Many of the studies have tested whether their observed age-price profiles follow one of two simple models -- geometric (i.e. asset prices falling by a constant rate each year) or straight-line (i.e. asset prices falling by a constant amount each year) Statistical “goodness of fit” tests almost invariably reject both of these simple models, although straight-line is usually rejected more firmly than the geometric model. Some studies have successfully fitted Box-Jenkins curves to the asset price data; these are flexible functions which can take a range of forms including straight lines and geometric curves. The fact that Box-Jenkins curves may fit the data quite well is simply confirmation that age-price profiles follow complex paths. This is again not a cause for surprise. It would be astonishing if the multitude of factors that may influence asset prices -- shifts in demand, relative factor prices, technological developments to mention a few -- combined to produce age-price profiles that follow some simple mathematical model. Capital service value profiles, asset prices and depreciation 10. The relationship between the value of the capital services produced by an asset (f) and the price of that asset (V) is described by equation (1) which was introduced in Chapter 2. T Vt t ft 1 r t S (1) 1 r T t 11. In what follows the second term on the right-hand side of (1) -- the discounted value of the scrap value -- will be ignored. This is done to simplify the arithmetic but it may not be unreasonable in practice. Note that S is the amount that can be recuperated when an owner sells the asset to be broken down, recycled or otherwise reduced to its component parts. S does not refer to the much higher values that may be realised when an asset is sold to other producers for continued use in production. Note too that the scrap value of an asset can be negative as well as positive; the cost of dismantling or removing an asset from its site may be higher than the value of any parts or materials that can be salvaged. (See box). 48 Assets with very high scrapping costs Some assets may have very high scrapping costs. Two obvious examples are nuclear power stations and marine oil-rigs. The high costs of dismantling such assets will mean that towards the end of their service lives, and certainly in the last year of operation, their net values are likely to be negative; as the end of their service lives approaches, the discounted value of the S term in equation (1) will exceed the sum of the remaining capital service values. In principle, the fact that scrap values may be negative does not cause any particular problem for measuring asset values or depreciation provided the true scrapping costs were correctly anticipated and built into the initial asset price. In practice, the costs of scrapping may not have been known at the time the assets were first acquired. In the case of the earliest generation of nuclear power stations, for example, the costs of decommissioning have increased significantly since the time when they were first brought into service because governments and the general public now demand higher safeguards against the the long term health risks of contamination. In the case of oil-rigs, the original disposal plans appear to have been to sink them in deep water, but this scrapping method is meeting growing opposition from environmental lobbies in many countries. Oil companies are being forced to incur very high costs of dismantling the rigs and extracting waste products. If the true costs of scrapping turn out to be substantially higher than were originally thought at the time when the assets were acquired, formula (1) implies that the assets were overvalued at the time they entered the capital stock as gross fixed capital formation. This overvaluation should be corrected by negative entries in the “other changes in assets account”, with the adjustment being made at the time when it becomes apparent that substantially higher scrapping costs will be incurred than had originally been expected. These negative entries are similar to unforeseen obsolescence. 12. In this section, (1) is used to show how the age price profile of an asset will change from year 1 to T (the last year of its service life) under alternative assumptions about the profiles of the service values generated by the asset over its lifetime. The purpose is to identify service value profiles which seem plausible on a priori grounds and which generate age-price profiles which are consistent with the empirical evidence discussed above -- namely that these profiles are usually downward sloping and with some convexity towards the origin. 13. Table 1 shows the calculation of the age-price profile of an asset, which produces service value that declines geometrically by 10% per year. The discount rate (r) is assumed to be 5% per year and the asset has a lifetime of 15 years. To understand the table: The service value generated each year is shown in the second column: It is 100 in the first year and falls by 10% to 90 in the second year, by a further 10% to 81 in the third year and so on throughout its life. Because these service values are generated in sequence and are not all available in the first year, their present value (i.e. what the future service flows are worth at the beginning of year 1 when the asset is installed) has to be obtained by discounting each year’s service value by the discount factor (1+r), i.e. 1.05 in this example. The third column shows the value in year 1 of the service values, which are expected to be received in each of the 15 years of the asset’s life. This example assumes that service values are received at the end of each year and so the first year’s value of 100 is only 49 worth 100/1.05 = 95.2 at the beginning of year 1. Similarly the service value of 90 which is expected at the end of year 2 is worth only 90/1.052 = 81.6 at the beginning of year 1. The total of these discounted service values gives the value of the asset at the beginning of year 1, i.e. 600.6. The fourth column shows the service values generated by the asset now that it is one year old. The first year’s value of 100 has been used up so the price of the asset will be lower for this reason although this is partly offset by the fact that by the beginning of the second year all the capital services expected from year 2 through to year 15 are now one year nearer and so will be discounted one less time. The total of these discounted service values gives the price of the asset at the beginning of year 2, i.e. 530.7. The last row in the table is depreciation and it is obtained as the difference between consecutive asset values. Depreciation in the first year is therefore 600.6 - 530.7 = 70.0 (rounded) Table 1. Calculation of Asset Value and Depreciation Service value (f) declines by 10% annually. Discount rate is 5% Year Annual service value (f) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 100.0 95.2 2 90.0 81.6 85.7 3 81.0 70.0 73.5 77.1 4 72.9 60.0 63.0 66.1 69.4 5 65.6 51.4 54.0 56.7 59.5 62.5 6 59.0 44.1 46.3 48.6 51.0 53.6 56.2 7 53.1 37.8 39.7 41.6 43.7 45.9 48.2 50.6 8 47.8 32.4 34.0 35.7 37.5 39.3 41.3 43.4 45.6 9 43.0 27.7 29.1 30.6 32.1 33.7 35.4 37.2 39.0 41.0 10 38.7 23.8 25.0 26.2 27.5 28.9 30.4 31.9 33.5 35.1 36.9 11 34.9 20.4 21.4 22.5 23.6 24.8 26.0 27.3 28.7 30.1 31.6 33.2 12 31.4 17.5 18.3 19.3 20.2 21.2 22.3 23.4 24.6 25.8 27.1 28.5 29.9 13 28.2 15.0 15.7 16.5 17.3 18.2 19.1 20.1 21.1 22.1 23.2 24.4 25.6 26.9 14 25.4 12.8 13.5 14.2 14.9 15.6 16.4 17.2 18.1 19.0 19.9 20.9 22.0 23.1 24.2 15 22.9 11.0 11.6 12.1 12.7 13.4 14.0 14.7 15.5 16.3 17.1 17.9 18.8 19.8 20.7 21.8 600.6 530.7 467.2 409.6 357.1 309.4 265.8 226.0 189.4 155.9 124.9 96.3 69.7 45.0 21.8 70.0 63.5 57.6 52.4 47.8 43.6 39.9 36.5 33.6 30.9 28.6 26.6 24.8 23.2 21.8 Value of the asset Depreciation 50 14. As noted, Table 1 shows asset values and depreciation for an asset, which capital service value that declines geometrically by 10% each year. This particular service profile has often been used in theoretical studies of asset prices and depreciation because it has the property, in certain circumstances, of producing asset values and depreciation both of which also decline geometrically2. However, the fact that it is a convenient assumption for analytic purposes is not a relevant consideration in the present context. The important question here is whether geometric decline in service values is a realistic assumption in practice. 15. In considering alternative profiles of the capital service values, it is helpful to decompose them into their quantities and prices. Denoting the value of capital services provided in period t by ft and their price and quantity by pt and qt respectively, we have ft = ptqt. The capital service value profile is then: p1q1,, p2q2,, p3q3,, …….., pTqT. This value profile can be decomposed into the capital service price profile: p1,, p2,, p3,, ……….., pT and the capital service quantity profile, q1,, q2,, q3,, ……….., qT. 16. This last profile is also referred to as the efficiency profile of an asset as it is a measure of the technical performance of an asset in production. Many types of assets produce a nearly constant flow of service quantities over their lifetimes, but a constant quantity, or efficiency, profile does not imply a constant value profile since this also depends on the price profile. For example a computer may be able to produce a constant quantity of services almost indefinitely but its service value profile may fall rapidly because the market price of those services is being constantly eroded by competition from more technically advanced equipment. 17. A constant efficiency profile needs to be carefully interpreted. It means that the asset provides a constant quantity of services for the same amount of inputs; an efficiency profile is not constant if the asset can only maintain the same level of physical output through ever increasing inputs of materials or labour. The efficiency profile of an asset may vary for several reasons: Most assets suffer from what can be termed “input decay” meaning that they require more labour or material inputs to maintain their performance. For, example a freight truck may use more oil as it ages or require more extensive maintenance work and therefore more inputs of labour. Input decay will result in a declining efficiency profile. Assets may also suffer from “output decay” as they age. This may take several forms. An older asset may produce more defective products which have to be rejected, or its 2. One example of geometric depreciation in which depreciation and asset prices are never geometric is when the rate of decline in service values is set to zero. This is the “one-hoss shay” case and, as can be seen from Figure 1 below, depreciation is an upward sloping curve and asset prices follow a declining path which is concave to the origin. In order for depreciation and asset prices to decline geometrically several conditions are required – both the decline in service values and the rate of return must be positive and relatively high (for example, if both are 8% or more) and the asset must have an infinite life. This last condition is approximately met for assets whose service lives exceed 20 years. 51 productive capacity could be lowered because it needs to spend more time under repair and less time in production. Some assets may require a running-in period during which technical adjustments are made to maximise performance. Others may require the operators to learn new skills. In either situation the efficiency profile could be expected to rise during the early period of use. This could be described as “negative” decay. 18. A constant service value price profile also need careful interpretation. It means that the relative price of the capital service remains constant, i.e. after removing the effects of changes in the overall price level. Relative prices of capital services may change for several reasons such as falling demand for the goods or services produced by the asset and, especially important for technically advanced assets, because of obsolescence; the asset faces competition from newer models which produce a more desirable output. 19. With these considerations in mind, we next consider five standard service value profiles: Constant service value. This is sometimes referred to as the “one-hoss shay” pattern after the mythical horse-drawn cart in “The Deacon’s Masterpiece”, a poem by Oliver Wendell Holmes (see Box). The deacon built his cart so well that it ran perfectly for a hundred years without need for repair, thus providing a constant value of transport services until the day when it suffered catastrophic failure. During its service life the one-hoss shay neither input decay nor output decay reduced the quantity of services provided and it must be assumed that the relative price of the transport services it provided also remained constant. There are probably rather few assets that produce the same value of capital services every year throughout their working lives. Light-bulbs are sometimes cited as potential one-hoss shays, but light-bulbs are too short-lived to be classified as capital goods. More serious contenders might be bridges or dams. With a constant level of maintenance these structures may continue to provide constant service values for very long periods always assuming, of course that the service price profile also remains constant. In general, however, the one-hoss shay, is regarded as a textbook curiosity with few examples in the real world. Service values fall at a constant rate each year. This is usually referred to as geometric decline. In the example discussed below, the service value falls by 10% per year. There is some evidence that assets that are particularly vulnerable to obsolescence exhibit service value profiles of this kind. Obsolescence results in rapid falls in the service price profile as newer, more technically advanced models produce improved outputs. Computer equipment is sometimes cited as an example of geometric decline in service values. Note that geometric decline implies that the service values generated by the asset fall by a decreasing absolute amount each year. In the example given in Table 1, the service value fell by 10 units in the second year but by only 2.5 units in the last year. Since input decay can be expected to increase in absolute terms with age (thereby reducing the efficiency profile), this suggests that the geometric profile may not be relevant for assets that experience significant input decay. Service values fall by a constant amount each year. A linear fall in service values could occur with linear falls in the efficiency profile and the price profile or with various combinations of non-linear efficiency and price profiles. The linear pattern means that 52 14The Deacon’s Masterpiece or the Wonderful “One-Hoss Shay” Oliver Wendell Holmes’ poem tells of a Deacon who decides to build a “shay” that would have no weak spots so that it would never break down. (Shay is a corruption of the French chaise, which is an old English abbreviation of “post-chaise” or stagecoach.) Now in building of chaises, I tell you what, There is always somewhere a weakest spot,In hub, tire, felloe, in spring or thill, In panel or cross-bar, or floor or sill, In screw, bolt, thoroughbrace, - lurking still, Find it somewhere you must and will. First of November fifty-five, This morning the parson takes a drive…. The parson was working his Sunday’s text,Had got to “fifthly”, and stopped perplexed… All at once the horse stood still. Close by the meet’n’-house on the hill. First a shiver and then a thrill, Then something decidedly like a spill,And the parson was sitting upon a rock, At half-past nine by the meet’n’-house clock,Just the hour of the Earthquake shock! Notice that, while the one-hoss-shay suffered neither input decay nor output decay during its hundred year service life, this does not mean that it was immune to wear and tear. It clearly did suffer wear and tear, which is why it suddenly fell apart. The wear and tear took the form of metal fatigue and similar subtle changes in the molecular structure of the wood and leather. These changes were imperceptible to the naked eye (although they could have been discovered by microscopic investigation), and they in no way affected the ability of the shay to provide a steady flow of unchanged transport services. But the changes nevertheless guaranteed that, sooner or later, the shay would fall apart. The Deacon assembles the hardest timbers, the finest steel, the toughest leather and the work begins. Seventeen hundred and fifty-five, Georgius Secundus was then alive.Stuffy old drone from the German hive. That was the year when Lisbon town Saw the earth open up and gulp her down,…. It was on that terrible Earthquake day That the Deacon finished the one-hoss shay. The shay outlives the Deacon: She was a wonder and nothing less, Colts grew horses, beards turned gray Deacon and deaconess dropped away, Children and grandchildren - where were they? But there stood the wonderful one-hoss shay As fresh as on Lisbon Earthquake day! This point is not trivial because it is sometimes alleged that one-hoss shays, such as light-bulbs, lose their value only because the failure point grows nearer as each year passes. From this it has been concluded that the passage of time is a cause of depreciation in itself, in addition to the causes identified in the SNA, namely wear and tear, obsolescence and accidental damage. This is a mistake. If the light-bulb is not suffering wear and tear - through leakage of the inert gas or oxidisation of the filament, for example - it will go on working forever and the passage of time becomes irrelevant. Ageing, or exhaustion as it sometimes called, may be a useful rule of thumb for determining how much wear and tear has occurred but is not, in itself, a cause of depreciation. But still, nothing last for ever, and by its hundredth year: There are traces of age in the one-hoss shay, A general flavour of mild decay, But nothing local as one may say. There couldn’t be- for the Deacon’s art Had made it so like in every part That there wasn’t the chance for it to start. Finally, disaster: 53 service values fall at a faster rate as the asset ages. In the example below, the service value is assumed to fall steadily by 5 units per year. Service values falls hyperbolically. With this profile, service values decline slowly in the earlier period and at an increasing rate towards the end of the assets life. There is some evidence from the United States that this may be a common efficiency profile for many kinds of assets including both structures and plant and machinery. It will produce a hyperbolic value profile if the relative output prices are stable or themselves falling hyperbolically. The value of the capital service (f) in year t is obtained as: f t V0 T t / T t where V 0 is the initial value of the asset, T is the service life and takes a value between 0 and 1. In the example given below is set at 0.5. Two-step service value. In many countries there is an increasing trend towards integrated production systems in manufacturing. There may be many separate pieces of equipment in such a system, each of which must operate without failure since the entire system will shut down if any single component malfunctions or produces defective outputs. Many of these systems are robotised with little human intervention and they may be operated almost continuously rather than in shifts. The successful operation of such systems requires that maintenance is minimised and is carried out to a strict schedule. Typically, the component machines in such a system will be expected to operate without failure for several years, at which point the investment manager will decide either to undertake necessary repair work in order to keep the machines in the integrated system or to remove it from the main production system. In the latter case it may either be sold to another producer or it may be assigned a less demanding role, such as developing prototypes or filling special orders. Assets incorporated into integrated production systems may be expected to have a capital service profile that: Increases in the first period as the system is run-in, i.e. “negative” output decay. Remains constant during the several years in which it is a part of an integrated system, i.e. a one-hoss shay profile. Declines abruptly when the machine is withdrawn from the integrated system. In the example given below, the service value is assumed to rise by 5% in the first year, to remain steady for the next 7 years when it operating in an integrated system and to then become substantially lower and decline linearly for the remainder of the asset’s service life. This “two-step” value profile may be appropriate for an increasing proportion of plant and machinery in manufacturing industries. 20. The calculations shown in Table 1 above have been repeated using the five service value profiles described above; the same service life (15 years) and discount assumptions (5% interest rate) are used as in Table 1. The time profiles of service values, asset values and depreciation are shown in Figure 1 with all three flows scaled to equal 100 in the first year. 54 Figure 1. Asset values and depreciation profiles implied by five standard income profiles Capital service value 250 Constant service value. Asset Value Depreciation 200 150 100 50 0 1 120 2 120 Service value falls by 10% per year. 100 100 80 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 Service value falls by 5 units per year. 0 0 1 2 120 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 2 3 160 Service value falls hyperbolically. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Two step: constant then falling. 140 100 120 80 100 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 15 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 21. The empirical evidence on second hand assets that was reviewed in the first section of this chapter shows that asset values generally fall over time with some convexity towards the origin. The first service value profile in Figure 1 -- Constant service value -- gives a time profile for the asset value which is the opposite shape -- i.e. it is concave to the origin. It can therefore be concluded that one-hoss shays are rare in the real world. The other four service value profiles, however, all produce time profiles for asset values that are consistent with the empirical evidence. The two-step service profile gives a time profile for the asset value that has an inflection towards the origin rather than the smooth convexity produced by the other service value profiles but it is still broadly consistent with the empirical evidence 22. As explained, the calculations underlying Figure 1 used a service life of 15 years and a discount rate of 5%. How far are these results sensitive to these two assumptions? Annex 5 graphs the 55 results of calculations based on service lives of 15 and 50 years and discount rates of 5% and 10%. These alternative calculations show that the overall shape of the time profiles of asset prices is not affected by a longer service life or by a higher discount rate. The only exception is with the hyperbolic profile where the asset price loses its convexity when the service life is extended to 50 years and the discount rate is set at 10%. The other interesting finding from Annex 5 is that while the geometric decline in service values produces both asset price and depreciation profiles that are close to geometric when the service life is lengthened, with a service life of 15 years neither depreciation nor asset prices follow a geometric path. 23. The conclusion of this section is that there are several capital service value profiles that are consistent with the empirical evidence based on studies of second hand asset prices. In reality, it is unlikely that any assets produce service flows that correspond precisely with any of these patterns. It is much more likely that they produce flows of capital services that are combinations of these, and other, patterns during different parts of their life cycles. There will, therefore, be an infinite number of service profiles and depreciation profiles that are consistent with the empirical evidence on asset values. Depreciation methods 24. In calculating depreciation, business accountants face the same problem as national accountants; except in the usually rare circumstance where they are buying or selling used assets, they do not know the market values of their company’s asset stock. They have, therefore, devised a number of methods for estimating how asset values decline over their lifetimes. Some of these methods use information about the usage or performance of the asset; for example, depreciation may be assumed to be proportional to the hours of usage in the accounting period compared to the total hours that the asset was expected to be in use when it was originally purchased; another method essentially involves an annual updating of the present value of expected capital service flows over the remaining service life of the asset using the standard equation for the value of an asset (equation (1) above ). In the vast majority of cases, however, business accountants use one of the following three depreciation methods which all assume a systematic decline in the value of an asset over time and which depend only on the initial value of the asset and its expected lifetime: Sraight-line depreciation. Sum-of-the-digits depreciation. Geometric depreciation. 25. With straight-line depreciation , the market value of an asset is assumed to decline by the same amount each period. This amount is equal to 1/Tth of the initial value of the asset, where T is the average service life for that type of asset. 26. With the sum-of-the-digits method, the market value is assumed to fall by an amount which declines linearly over the lifetime of the asset. Specifically, depreciation (D) in year t is calculated as: Dt = V[T-t+1] / [T(T+1)/2], where V is the initial price of the asset and T is the service life. For example, if the service life is 15 years, depreciation in the first year will be 15/120th of V, in the second year it will be 14/120th of V, etc. The denominator is the standard formula for the sum of an arithmetic progression -- i.e. 15 + 14 + 13 +...+ 1 = 120. This gives the method 56 its name and ensures that the total depreciation calculated over the lifetime of the asset fully exhausts its initial value. 27. With geometric depreciation, the market value is assumed to decline at a constant rate in each period. The depreciation factor can be written as R/T where T is the service life and R is the “declining balance rate”. Depreciation for period t is obtained by multiplying the written down value of the asset in the period t-1 by the depreciation factor, R/T. There are several ways of calculating the declining balance rate (R): A method commonly used by commercial accountants is known as the “double declining balance” method. With this method, R is set at 2. The effect of this is that, in the first period, depreciation will be twice as large as depreciation calculated by the straight-line method. (It is for this reason that the method is referred to as double-declining.) Another approach is to set R at a value that ensures that the asset’s initial value will have been reduced to a predetermined percentage (g) of that value by the time it reaches the end of its expected service life. In other words, a value of R is required such that: V (1 - R/T)T = gV. Dividing by V and solving for R gives: R = T(1 - g1/T). With g set at 0.1 (i.e. 10% of the initial value remains at time T) a service life of 15 years gives R = 2.135 which implies slightly more rapid depreciation than the double-declining method; R increases as service lives get longer and for a 50 year service life, R rises to 2.250. 28. A third approach is to use evidence drawn from empirical studies of second-hand asset prices to determine the declining balance rate appropriate to each asset. This has been done in the United States where the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) uses R values that range from 0.8892 for most office and commercial buildings to 2.1832 for office machinery. An R value of 1.6500 is used for most types of industrial machinery and equipment. 29. It is interesting to note that the R values used by BEA are generally lower for long-lived assets compared with assets that have short lives. As noted above, when R is set so that a predetermined share of the initial value remains at the average service life, R is an increasing function of the service life. The R values used by BEA mean that, for assets with long lives, quite large percentages of the initial value still remain in the stock after the assets have reached their average service life. In the case of commercial warehouses, for example, over 40% of the initial value still remains in the stock when the average service life of 40 years has been reached. 30. Geometric depreciation will never exhaust the full value of an asset because the depreciated value of the asset falls asymptotically, approaching, but never reaching, zero. This is a disadvantage for commercial accountants because accounting rules almost always require that, whatever system of depreciation is used, total depreciation calculated over the expected life of the asset must equal the initial price of the asset. It can also be seen as a disadvantage for national accountants because it is clearly not the case that a group of assets installed in a given year will continue contributing to production in all future periods. There are at least three ways of dealing with this problem. 57 31. The first is to ignore it. The new PIM-based estimates by the United States BEA calculate consumption of fixed capital using the standard “infinite” version of geometric depreciation. They acknowledge that it is unreasonable to assume that assets continue contributing to production ad infinitum but argue that, because of the high R values assigned to short-life assets, this contribution becomes negligible soon after the asset reaches the average service life. Long-life assets, however, such as buildings and other structures, which are assigned much lower R values will continue to significantly influence the levels of depreciation and the net capital stock for up to twice the average service life. 32. The use of infinite geometric depreciation may also introduce a bias into time series of net capital stock and depreciation. The early part of a time series of depreciation will necessarily exclude depreciation on assets that were installed prior to the year of the earliest observation even though an asset stock must have existed before that point in time. The most recent part of the time series, however, will include depreciation on all assets installed since that time. In the case of the United States this may not be a serious problem, at least for the more recent part of the time series, because the time series of capital formation on which their estimates are based covers a long historical period. It could however be seen as a serious drawback for countries that do not have long time series on capital formation. 33. The second approach is to treat all the remaining value of the asset as depreciation in the last year of the asset’s service life. This is the standard approach of commercial accountants and is also used by several countries that use geometric depreciation for their PIM estimates. These countries also set the declining balance rate (R) so that a predetermined portion of the original asset value remains at the end of the service life. Ten percent -- i.e. g = 0.1 -- is usually selected as the share of the original asset value that is to remain at age T. 34. The third approach is to arbitrarily adjust the rate of geometric depreciation so that the full initial value of the asset is exhausted when it reaches the end of its service life. The box describes the method used in Canada but there are several other adjustment techniques that could be used. What all these methods have in common, however, is that they necessarily change the depreciation pattern so that it is no longer geometric. If it succeeds in fully exhausting the initial asset value, the adjusted depreciation pattern must be faster than geometric over at least some part of the asset’s lifetime. How well do depreciation methods perform in practice? 35. The question addressed in this section is how well the depreciation methods discussed above will approximate the depreciation that should, theoretically, occur for assets whose age-price profiles are consistent with the evidence on second-hand asset prices. “Theoretically” means that these are the amounts calculated using the standard equation for the value of an asset (equation (1) above). Assets that were earlier shown to be consistent with this evidence are assets that generate one of four service value profiles -- geometric, linear, hyperbolic and “two step”. 36. Three depreciation models will be considered: Straight line. Sum-of-the-digits. Geometric. 58 37. For the geometric method, the declining balance factor (R) is set to leave 10% of the initial value of the asset at the end of its service life and all the remaining value of the asset is treated as depreciation in the last period. This form geometric depreciation is often used in practice. Statistics Canada’s version of “finite geometric” depreciation In the following example the asset is assumed to have a service life of 10 years and an initial value of 100. Depreciation is first calculated by the normal method which implies an infinite life and infinite depreciation. The double declining formula is used so that the geometric depreciation factor is 12/10 = 0.8. The amounts of depreciation are shown in the second column of the table. In the third column, these values have all been reduced by the amount of depreciation calculated for the 11th year -- i.e. 2.147. In the final column, the amounts shown in column 3 have been scaled up to 100 by dividing them by 67.788/100. Age Depreciation Column 2 Adjusted minus "geometric" by the depreciation depreciation double- in 11th year calculated declining (column 3 i.e. 2.147 divided by formula total of column 2 times 100) 1 20.000 17.853 26.336 2 16.000 13.853 20.435 3 12.800 10.653 15.715 4 10.240 8.093 11.938 5 8.192 6.045 8.917 6 6.554 4.406 6.500 7 5.243 3.095 4.566 8 4.194 2.047 3.019 9 3.355 1.208 1.782 10 2.684 0.537 0.792 11 2.147 0.000 : etc total 67.788 total 100.000 Note that the adjusted “geometric” depreciation shown in the fourth column falls more sharply than the original infinite geometric depreciation shown in the second column. Clearly the adjusted depreciation is no longer geometric in the strict sense. 38. Table 2 shows the amounts of annual depreciation for four assets which each last for 15 years and each produce 100 units of service value in the first year, but which thereafter generate different service profiles -- geometric decline by 10% per year, linear decline by 5 units per year, hyperbolic decline with = 0.5, and the two-step service profile described above. The amounts shown as depreciation in the first case (10% geometric decline) are taken from Table 1. The amounts of depreciation shown for the other service value profiles were calculated in the same way, all using a 5% discount rate. (The service value profiles and corresponding asset values and amounts of depreciation are given in Annex 6). 59 39. Table 2 compares the amounts of actual (or “theoretical”) depreciation with the estimates of depreciation that will be obtained using each of the three depreciation methods. The success of each method in approximating actual depreciation is evaluated by calculating the absolute mean of the differences between the actual and estimated amounts of depreciation. 40. The test results are given in Table 3, which also gives the ranking of each depreciation method for each service value profile. 41. The mean of the absolute differences in Table 3 shows the average of the annual errors in estimates of depreciation when each of the three methods is used. The smaller the number, the better is the depreciation method at measuring actual (i.e. theoretical) depreciation. 42. The sum-of-the-digits method is clearly the best. It gives the smallest errors compared with straight line and geometric in all cases except for the asset with a linear decline in service values. Moreover, sum-of-the-digits gives mean differences that are substantially lower in cases a), c) and d) than those obtained using the other methods. 43. The straight line method is best in case b), linear decline in service value, but in the other three cases there is little to choose between straight line and geometric. They both perform badly compared with sum-of-the-digits. Table 3. Relative performance of three depreciation models Mean of absolute differences value Geometric by 10% per year Straight Sum line of the Geometri digits Linear decline c Straight Sum line of the Geometri digits Hyperbolicc decline Straight Sum line of the Geometri digits Two step: cconstant then linear decline Straight Sum line of the Geometri digits rank 13 7 11 3 1 2 9 13 19 1 2 3 16 7 18 2 1 3 24 17 23 3 1 2 44. The relatively poor performance of the geometric method may appear to be due to the fact that depreciation in the last year of the asset’s life includes the 10% of the asset’s original value as well as the amount of depreciation calculated for that year. However, it should be noted that an “infinite” geometric method would not result in a better performance than the “finite” version used here. The only difference when geometric depreciation is taken to infinity is that instead of the asset value remaining at year T all being treated as depreciation in that year, this same amount is spread over the period from T+1 to infinity. Since the asset no longer exists after T, and actual depreciation 60 must therefore be zero, the absolute error summed to infinity is the same as when the finite version is used. 45. To see why the sum-of-the-digits method performs better than the straight line and geometric methods, it is helpful to turn back to Figure 1 which shows the time-paths of actual depreciation for each of the four assets. In all cases, depreciation is lower at the end of the period than at the beginning. This works against the straight line method, which gives constant depreciation throughout the period. For the assets where capital services decline linearly and hyperbolically depreciation follow curves which are concave to the origin. This works against the geometric method, which gives a convex depreciation pattern. The sum-of-the-digits method captures the downward trend of actual depreciation shown by all four models but does not presuppose either convexity or concavity. 46. One point in favour of the geometric method is that, unless the discount rate is constant over time, it is the only one of the three methods that, in theory, allows simple aggregation of different vintages of assets over time. This is because only geometric depreciation gives a constant rate of depreciation in all periods. When the discount rate is changing, it can be shown that the use of either the straight line or sum-of-the-digits methods, assets of different ages should be aggregated using a superlative index, such as Fisher or Tornquist. In practice, the errors introduced by failure to aggregate different vintages using a superlative index will not be large unless changes in the discount rate are large or erratic and they are likely to be swamped by the numerous other errors inherent in the measurement of capital stocks. Summary 47. Four capital service value profiles have been identified that generate age-price profiles for assets that are consistent with the empirical evidence about the prices of second hand assets. 48. The sum-of-the-digits method best approximates the actual (or “theoretical”) ways in which these four assets depreciate over time. Sum-of-the-digits is commonly used by commercial accountant but has not so far been used by national accountants in estimating consumption of fixed capital. 49. Straight line and geometric methods are widely used by national accountants but, according to the test described above, they are clearly inferior to the sum-of-the-digits. Straight line is the simplest method and performs at least as well as geometric. The geometric method has the theoretical advantage that it allows simple aggregation of assets of different vintages but has the awkward property of never exhausting the initial value of the asset without resorting to one of the artificial methods described above. 61 CHAPTER 6 SURVEYS AND OTHER DIRECT MEASUREMENT METHODS Introduction 1. Most countries estimate capital stocks and related flows by the perpetual inventory method (PIM), which was described in Chapter 4. The PIM is a cheap and convenient method, but it requires many assumptions and the estimates obtained are probably less reliable than most other official statistics. This chapter reviews other, possibly more reliable, procedures that may be used to estimate capital stocks. 2. One possible procedure would be to make an inventory of all the objects considered to be capital assets through physical inspection by teams of enumerators. This was one of the methods used to compile the Domesday Book in England, but seems not to have been tried since then. Four possible data sources are reviewed in this chapter: Use of published company accounts. Enterprise surveys used in centrally planned economies to measure the “balance of fixed assets”. Statistical surveys carried out in market economies. Administrative records on the stocks of particular types of assets. Published company accounts 3. In almost all countries enterprises are required to keep accounts for tax purposes and these accounts normally include balance sheets showing the opening and closing stocks of capital assets owned by companies and used in the production of goods and services. Can these statistics, which are readily accessible, be used to estimate capital stocks for national accounts purposes? 4. A first problem is that accounts including balance sheets are usually only available for corporate enterprises. Unincorporated enterprises are not generally required to keep accounts for their capital assets and so even if company accounts can be used for the corporate sector it would be necessary to devise other methods to cover capital stocks of unincorporated enterprises. 5. In general, capital assets are defined in company accounts as covering physical objects of the kind defined in the SNA as tangible fixed assets. There are some differences from SNA definitions, and between countries, in the treatment of capital repairs and transfer costs and in the capitalization of interest payments on loans used to purchase assets. These differences, however, are relatively minor and do not rule out the use of company accounts for direct estimates of capital stocks. 62 6. A more serious problem lies in the way that assets are valued. In virtually all countries the standard method of valuing assets is “depreciated historical cost”. A few countries that have experienced long periods of high inflation specify that assets must be revalued to current purchasing power using the consumer price index or other general inflation measure; current purchasing power is a different concept from current replacement cost as required for national accounts. Most countries also allow companies to revalue assets to current replacement cost. Usually companies have considerable freedom to decide whether to revalue assets to replacement values, but several place tight restrictions on this option and only allow revaluations after extended periods of high inflation, or as part of the restructuring of a company following a merger or bankruptcy. 7. Methods by which historical costs are depreciated in the accounts also vary. Most countries allow companies to use any method to depreciate fixed assets provided that it will exhaust the full value of the asset and will do it in a systematic way. In practice “straight-line”, “sum-of-the-digits” and “double-declining balance” are the commonest methods. 8. Finally, in many countries it appears that assets often continue to be used in production for several years after they have been fully written-off in the company accounts. It may sometimes be that this is because the accountants have used conservative estimates of the probable service lives when the assets were initially installed. However, this can also be due to various “accelerated depreciation” schemes that governments use to encourage capital investment . Allowing countries to write off their assets over short periods reduces net profits and, therefore, taxes is a strong incentive to invest. 9. It is clear from the above that asset values reported in company accounts cannot simply be aggregated to obtain estimates of the net capital stock. Historical costs are not suitable for national accounts purposes because assets are then being valued at a mixture of prices, and the use of different depreciation methods adds a further element of non-comparability from one company to another. The same problems also render depreciation reported in company accounts unsuitable for national accounts purposes. 10. The above comments refer to the published accounts of companies. Of course, companies keep many other records relating to the purchase and use of capital assets and these have been found, in several countries, to be suitable for capital stock estimates appropriate for national accounts purposes. As explained below, these records provide the essential basis for statistical survey methods. Balance of Fixed Assets 11. The “balance of fixed assets” is the term used to describe the annual enquiries traditionally carried out by the centrally planned economies of central and eastern Europe. They were comprehensive surveys of all fixed assets used in state enterprises. These enterprises accounted for most production in these countries so that the total balance of fixed assets was virtually the same as the nation’s total capital stock. The main omission was assets used on private farms, where these were permitted. Several transition countries have continued these surveys. 12. To obtain the “balance of fixed assets”, enterprises were required to report the stock of fixed assets at the beginning of the year, the acquisitions during the year (including new assets), withdrawals (including liquidation) of fixed assets and the value of the stock of fixed assets at the end of the year. The balance is compiled at both full (non-depreciated) replacement value and remaining replacement value, i.e. after subcontracting consumption of fixed capital. The full replacement value is defined as the value of expenditures which is needed to acquire and put into operation new fixed assets in the present circumstances. 63 13. The “balance of fixed assets” could be seen as an ideal form of the perpetual inventory method in which companies rather than statistical offices keep a running total of additions to, and withdrawals from the capital stock. It is an “ideal” form because it uses information on actual retirements of assets and does not require assumptions about service lives and mortality functions. 14. Until the changes which started in 1990s, the prices of domestically produced assets were “plan prices” which would reflect the “plan cost” of producing them. Imported assets were valued at the prices paid, which could be market prices if imported from market economies. Prior to transition, prices were relatively stable so that for many assets there was little difference between historic costs and current prices. In the early 1990s, however, most of these countries experienced rapid inflation and it became necessary to revalue assets each year to current replacement costs. The revaluations are carried out by the enterprises themselves either using coefficients supplied to them by the statistical agency or on the basis of information about the current market prices of the assets. The coefficients varied from one type of an asset to another but not from one enterprise to another. Thus, the gross value of an asset at the beginning of each would either be equal to its original price of acquisition multiplied by the cumulative product of all the revaluation coefficients applied up to that point of time or, alternatively, it would be equal to the estimated current market price of a replacement asset. 15. These countries used a definition of capital consumption that was narrower than the one required for national accounts. It covered only wear and tear and excluded any fall in value due to obsolescence. Estimates of capital consumption obtained from these surveys is not, therefore, suitable for national accounts purposes but, provided revaluations were carried out regularly, the balance of fixed assets could, in principle, be used as an estimate of the gross capital stock. 16. In practice, there are at least three problems with these data: First, the coverage of the surveys has deteriorated with the growth of private sector enterprises. These new enterprises may be included in the surveys but are often unwilling or unable to supply detailed data on their asset stocks. Second, the very high rates of inflation in the early years of transition made it very difficult for the statistical agencies to provide realistic coefficients for revaluing assets. The current replacement costs at which the balance of fixed assets is supposed to be valued are highly suspect in many of the countries concerned. (The unreliability of asset price indices will affect PIM estimates in exactly the same way). Third, doubts have been raised about the true values of many of the assets held by state enterprises. Much of the older plant and equipment in heavy industries may no longer have been used in production but was still being included in the balance of fixed assets at its revalued historic costs. This said, even if these statistics are now of doubtful value, the balance of fixed assets which was calculated in the early 1990s before inflation became rampant could be used as bench-mark estimates of the gross capital stock and could then be updated by the PIM for the current period. Statistical surveys in market economies 17. In addition to the centrally planned economies, two other counties, Japan and Korea, have traditionally carried out surveys of the capital stock. Both are described as “National Wealth Surveys” and are designed to provide estimates of the national balance sheet. In addition to fixed assets they 64 also covered inventories and net foreign financial assets. Both surveys were carried out at approximately 10-year intervals. The last Japanese survey was held in 1983 and there are no plans to repeat the survey; the Korean surveys are continuing and the latest was held in 1998. 18. The Korean survey covers all sectors, including general government, government business enterprises, incorporated and unincorporated enterprises and non-profit institutions serving households. It has a reasonably detailed coverage of fixed assets, including buildings, other structures, machinery and equipment, ships, vehicles and other transport equipment, tools and furniture, and construction work in progress. Almost 8 000 incorporated enterprises, and 160 000 unincorporated enterprises were sampled in the last survey, along with 62 000 households. A comprehensive survey of the government sector is conducted. 19. The Netherlands is the only other country that carries out capital stock surveys on a regular basis. The survey is annual and covers mining and manufacturing. However the survey does not cover all mining and manufacturing activities each year. Instead, different subsectors are covered each year in such a way that all activities within mining and manufacturing are surveyed every five years. Stock estimates for the inter-survey years are derived by adding gross fixed capital formation and subtracting discards. Discard figures are obtained using the discard survey. For national accounting purposes the Netherlands intends to use the survey results as benchmarks for the PIM. 20. The survey uses eight asset classes: sites (only purchase and sale), industrial buildings, civil engineering works, external means of transport (e.g. excavators), internal means of transport (e.g. assembly lines), computers, other machinery and other equipment, and other tangible fixed assets (e.g. furniture, silos, etc). 21. Both the Korean and Netherlands surveys collect the following information: Type of asset. Original (historic) value. Year when the asset was installed or constructed. Whether the assets were purchased new or second hand. Whether the assets are owned or leased. In both cases, revaluation to replacement values is done by the statistical agencies using asset price indices. Annex 4 contains the questionnaire used by Korea for non-financial enterprises. 22. Note that because these surveys distinguish between owned and leased assets, they can provide estimates of the capital stock on both an ownership and user basis. This is an advantage compared with the PIM which gives stock estimates only on ownership basis, because this is how capital formation is normally reported. 23. Like all statistical inquiries, the reliability of the results depends on the quality of the survey procedures and on the ability of respondents to supply the information requested. 24. Both the Korean and Netherlands surveys involve visits by enumerators. Experience has shown that it is not usually possible to collect the necessary information by mail questionnaire. For the Korean survey, the work of enumeration is so great that is divided up between several government 65 agencies. In the Netherlands the high cost of on-site investigation by skilled enumerators is the main reason that the five-year “rolling benchmark” method is used. 25. The ability of respondents to provide the information depends on the quality of their accounting records. The following problems have been encountered in the Netherlands: Companies do not always capitalize major alterations to assets. Most companies use value cut-off points in deciding whether expenditure is capital or current. In some cases these are so high that they exclude some items that should be treated as capital assets according to the SNA. Company records do not always distinguish new from second-hand assets. Some companies pick arbitrary dates, such as the end of the Second World War, as installation dates for very old assets; others may report the year of a revaluation as the installation date for assets that were actually installed before that date. Large installations consisting of several separate pieces of equipment, which were actually acquired at different times, may be assigned a single installation date. Replacement parts may be capitalized but the part it replaces may not be recorded as a discard. An asset may cease to be used in production but is not physically removed from the site and so is not recorded as a discard. 26. In the Netherlands, capital stocks are estimated by updating the stock (adding gross fixed capital formation, subtracting discards) for years between the five-year survey benchmark estimates. When new survey results become available quite large discrepancies have been found for some industries between the PIM projection and the survey results. These discrepancies have been interpreted as showing the weaknesses of the PIM, but it is clear that some of them may also be due to errors in the survey results arising from problems with the accounting records. 27. Some of these difficulties may be alleviated in the future by an interesting development reported in the United Kingdom. Most large companies now maintain computerized asset registers using standard software developed for this purpose. These records may improve the accuracy of the records and, equally important, may make it possible to measure capital stock without the need for onsite investigation by enumerators. The high cost of doing this is one of the main impediments to the wider use of surveys to measure capital stocks. 28. Finally, mention should be made of a survey procedure being developed in Canada, called the “Fixed Asset Accounting Simulation Model” (FAASM). The starting point is a survey in which enterprises are asked to report the gross values of their fixed assets at historic costs. These are then aggregated by type of asset and kind of activity. Long time series of gross fixed capital formation are then aggregated in the same way and are compared to the gross capital stocks at historic prices to determine what the service lives of the assets must have been in order to reconcile capital formation with the gross capital stocks. In making this reconciliation, it is assumed that assets are retired from the stock following a truncated normal distribution around the average service life but this particular “mortality” pattern is not an essential feature of FAASM and other patterns could be used, such as Winfrey curves or the Weibull distribution. Gross capital stocks are then revalued from historic prices 66 to current and constant prices and the estimated service lives are used to calculate consumption of fixed capital and net capital stocks. FAASM has been tested in Canada and the results are said to be encouraging. Administrative records 29. In most countries, administrative records are maintained on the stocks of certain types of assets. This may be done because ownership or use of the asset in question is taxed; examples are motor vehicles and residential buildings. Administrative record may also be kept on assets that represent health hazards or whose use is regulated for safety or environmental reasons; examples include nuclear fuel rods, passenger aircraft and fishing vessels. 30. These records usually give the numbers rather than values of the assets concerned, but if the records give additional information on their technical specifications they can be valued either at current values to obtain the net capital stock or at historic values updated to the current year to obtain the gross stock. Several countries use administrative sources where they are available and estimate other asset stocks by the PIM. 31. In some cases administrative records may be available only for selected years. For example, detailed information on the housing stock may be available only for population census years. In these cases the stock of assets in the inter-censal periods can be obtained by the PIM. Using a combination of benchmark estimates and PIM estimates provides an opportunity to test the critical parameters of the PIM mode, notably service lives and mortality functions. Summary 32. There are a number of alternatives to the PIM for estimating capital stocks. The first method considered, use of published company accounts, is clearly an inferior method and is not recommended here. Although accounting practices vary between countries a common feature is that stock and depreciation are calculated using historic costs. For national accounts purposes current or constant replacement costs must be used. Several countries do in fact use data from company accounts, particularly for their estimates of consumption of fixed capital, but these will, at best, be crude approximations to what is required for the national accounts and will often be highly misleading. 33. A survey method that is well established in central and eastern Europe is the balance of fixed assets. Provided that prices are correctly revalued each year, this method can, in principle, provide suitable estimates of the gross capital stock. In practice, there are severe practical difficulties in applying this method at the present time; these include growing rates of non-response, difficulties in measuring asset prices under high inflation and the over-valuation of older assets. It may, of course, be possible to overcome these problems by redesigning the surveys and improving enumeration procedures and these surveys would then be a valid alternative to the PIM. 34. Korea and the Netherlands are the only two other countries that use statistical surveys at the present time. Both appear to be successful although the costs are high, particularly for the National Wealth Survey carried out in Korea. The success of survey methods depends crucially on the quality of the asset records maintained by companies. These vary so significantly from country to country that generalizations cannot be made about the potential of survey methods for any particular country. 35. There is no doubt that capital stock surveys can be expensive and the results can be of questionable quality. It is probably not cost effective to apply it to all sectors, for all asset types for 67 every time period. The most cost-effective strategy is likely to be using survey methods selectively and periodically, and use them in combination with the PIM. This is essentially the approach adopted by the Netherlands. 36. FAASM is an original approach but is still in the experimental stage. As with other surveys, much depends on the quality of the records maintained by enterprises. FAASM appears to be feasible in Canada but may not be exportable to other countries. 37. Administrative records can be used in some countries to estimate stocks of certain types of assets, notably road vehicles, dwellings, aircraft, and nuclear fuel rods. Such estimates are usually to be preferred to estimates based on the PIM, but they will only cover a small part of the total stock. 68 CHAPTER 7 CAPITAL SERVICES Introduction 1. This chapter considers how to measure the contribution of capital to the production of goods and services. The contribution of labour is relatively easy to measure because both the quantities provided (hours worked) and the prices paid (wages and salaries) are readily observable. But in the case of capital assets, quantities and prices of inputs can only be observed when a producer rents an asset so that there is a purchase and a sale of a capital service which can, in principle, be recorded by the statistical agency. 2. The definition and measurement of the contribution of capital to production has been a controversial issue in economics, but a measure of agreement has been reached in recent years on some of these issues. The sections below identify areas of agreement and describe the solutions that have been suggested for the outstanding issues. Stocks or flows 3. The term “growth accounting” is used to describe attempts to determine the causal factors of economic growth. Growth accounting requires a measure of the contribution to economic growth made by capital assets and the theoretical development of ways to measure this contribution is due to the work of economists, mainly working in North America, who are commonly referred to as “growth accountants”. 4. Although some prominent growth accountants have long argued that a measure of capital services is required, most growth accounting studies have used the gross capital stock to represent the contribution of capital. A few experimented with the net capital stock and, occasionally, an average of the net and gross stocks was used. The gross stock was generally preferred because it was believed that valuing assets at their “as new” prices was more likely to reflect their contribution to production over time; if they are properly maintained, most assets retain their original efficiency for much of their working lives. The depreciated prices used for the net stock were thought to undervalue the productive capacity of assets. 5. One problem in using stocks, whether net or gross, is that the other variables in the growth accounting model are all flows. These include labour inputs and intermediate consumption as independent variables and value added or gross output as dependent variables. The “dimensions “ of the variables are therefore inconsistent. In practice, almost all growth accounting models relate the changes in the independent variables -- such as capital and labour -- to changes in the dependent variable -- value added or gross output. Changes in the capital stock can, of course, be regarded as 69 flows; the change in the gross capital stock is gross fixed capital less discards and the change in the net capital stock is gross fixed capital less consumption of fixed capital or “net capital formation” as it is usually termed. But the dimension problem remains because a first-order flow – namely a change in a stock -- is now being used together with second-order flows, namely changes in the flow of labour inputs or the flow value added. 6. Growth accountants have recognised this problem and have often explained that what they were really looking for were measures of the services provided by capital assets. They used the capital stock as an approximation to the service measure they really needed. One solution that has been occasionally tried is to use capital consumption in place of capital stocks. This overcomes the problem of inconsistent dimensions because capital consumption is a first order flow on a par with the other variables in the model. Below it is shown that, while consumption of fixed capital may be a better measure of capital services than capital stocks, it is an incomplete one. Capital services 7. Chapter 2 introduced the standard equation that relates the price of an asset to the value of the services that it is expected to provide over its working life. This equation was then manipulated to show that these services can be expressed as the product of the capital stock and the sum of the rate of depreciation and the net rate of return to the asset owner. Specifically, Chapter 2 showed that: ft = (dt + r) Vt , (1) where ft is the value of the capital service provided in period t, Vt is the value of the asset in period t, dt is the rate of depreciation in period t, and r is the rate of return. 8. Equation (1) shows why consumption of fixed capital alone is not a good measure of the services provided by capital assets. It measures only a part of these services and omits the net return (rVt) that the asset provides in addition to depreciation. 9. Measuring capital services (f) using equation (1) requires estimates of depreciation (dt), the rate of return (r) and the value of the asset stock (Vt). The previous chapter has discussed the various ways to measure depreciation. Measurement of the rate of return and the appropriate way to represent the asset stock in equation (1) are addressed below. Rate of return (r) 10. There are essentially two approaches to the measurement of the rate of return -- the use of national accounts statistics on property incomes or the use of market interest rates. 11. The income and outlay accounts record payments by institutional sectors of interest and dividends and other types of property income. These can be related to the capital stock to obtain a measure of the actual, ex-post, rates of return earned by capital. The System of National Accounts, as well as most national systems, record transactions in property incomes for institutional sectors such as 70 “general government” and “non-financial enterprises” because payments and receipts of property income are made by institutional units and not by production units. This means that national accounts data can only be used to calculate rates of return at a rather aggregated level. For many purposes, estimates of capital services are required according to kind of activity. An average rate of return calculated for an institutional sector such as non-financial corporations may not be appropriate for the many different kinds of activities in which non-financial enterprises engage, including agriculture, mining, manufacturing, utilities and services. 12. An alternative is to estimate the rate of return from market interest rates. The logic behind this is that interest rates play a key role in determining rates of return. First, the decision to purchase a capital assets is based on a comparison between the rate of return that the asset is expected to earn and the income that could be earned from alternative uses of the funds. These alternative uses include investment in financial assets. Second, investment in capital assets is often financed through borrowing and a producer will not borrow to buy an asset unless the expected rate of return exceeds the interest that has to be paid on the loan. 13. The fact that both the interest that could be earned and the interest that would have to be paid seem equally relevant for investment decisions poses a problem. Which should be used for estimating the rate of return? One possibility is to use the average of these two rates as an estimate of the rate of return. This average can be seen as an estimate of the “pure” rate of interest, i.e. the compensation that lenders demand for postponing consumption to a future period. The difference between this and the interest actually paid can be regarded as a service charge levied by financial intermediaries for arranging loans to borrowers and managing the accounts of lenders. 14. An advantage of calculating rates of return from market interest rates is that, in some countries, statistics on interest payments are available according to activity categories. It would, therefore, be possible to estimate activity-specific rates of return rather than using overall averages for broadly defined institutional sectors. Capital Stock (Vt) 15. Equation (1) shows that Vt , which is the current market value of assets, i.e. the net capital stock, is required for calculating capital services. That is the logical conclusion starting from the standard equation which relates the value of assets to the value of the capital services they are expected to provide. Some analysts, however, have argued that when a measure of capital services is required for productivity analysis, the capital stock should not be valued at current market prices but at prices which reflect their efficiency in production. Researchers at the BLS have developed an alternative measure of the capital stock, which they use for measuring capital services in their extensive work on productivity in the business sector. This alternative is referred to by BLS as the “productive capital stock”. 16. The difference between the productive capital stock and the net capital stock (which BLS refers to as the “wealth capital stock”) is that in the former, assets are valued at prices which reflect their efficiency in production, while in the latter, assets are valued at prices which reflect their current market values. These two sets of prices are identical in the year when the assets are installed but may follow quite different paths during the remainder of their service lives. 17. The evidence on second hand asset prices reviewed in Chapter 5 shows that, when asset prices are plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis, market prices of assets usually fall along a path that is convex to the origin. The absolute fall in market prices is larger in the earlier 71 period than towards the end of the asset’s service life. The efficiency profile (the sequence of of the qt’s), on the other hand, is likely to decline in a quite different way over time. A one-year old asset will usually be just as efficient, in terms of the quantities of output produced, as when it was new. Indeed, if there is a learning process involved the asset may be even more productive a few years after installation than when it was first acquired. Investigations by BLS and discussions with production engineers and managers in manufacturing industries have confirmed that most assets lose their productive efficiency by smaller amounts in the early part of their lives compared with later year. In other words, when productive efficiency is plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis, efficiency profile declines along a path that is concave to the origin. 18. In passing, it should be noted that there is no inconsistency between these contrary timeprofiles for productive efficiency on the one hand and market prices on the other. Figure 1 in Chapter 5 gives examples of assets whose efficiency profiles were assumed to decline by smaller amounts in the early years compared to later periods but which generate asset values that fall by larger amounts in the early years compared to later periods; i.e. the efficiency profile is concave but the profile of ass et prices is convex. Figure 1 of Chapter 5 shows that this is the case with hyperbolic decline in service values and two-step model. 19. The BLS calculates the productive capital stock using a hyperbolic function of the kind that was used in Chapter 5 in the discussion of capital service value profiles. In calculating the productive capital stock BLS defines the value (Vt), of each asset in the stock at time t as: Vt = V0 (T - t)/(T - t), with 0 < > 1. (2) Here V0 is the initial value of the asset and T is the service life. BLS currently sets at 0.50 for most types of plant and equipment and at 0.75 for structures. 20. The gross capital stock is the starting point for calculating the productive capital stock. Instead of reducing the value of assets by one of the depreciation methods described in Chapter 5, the gross stock is “depreciated” using the hyperbolic function in (2). Inverted commas are needed because the productive capital stock does not represent the depreciated value of the asset stock as this term is generally understood. The writing down of the gross stock to arrive at the productive capital stock reflects the decline in the productive efficiency of assets. It has nothing to do with the decline in market values. 21. In the BLS methodology, the components of the productive capital stock are multiplied by the capital services they are assumed to provide, i.e. by (dt + r). (These capital services are estimated by BLS from national accounts statistics on property income transactions.) The BLS describes the result as the productive capital stock (weighted by capital services). As was noted in Chapter 2, when two vectors are multiplied, either vector can be described as the weights and the term preferred in this manual is capital services (weighted by the capital stock). Summary 22. As regards the definition and measurement of capital services, there are two areas of agreement: The contribution of capital to the production of goods and services should be represented by the services they provide rather than by the value of the asset stock. 72 These services cannot usually be observed but they can be indirectly estimated. Starting from the standard equation which shows how asset prices are determined by the values of the capital services expected during the asset’s service life, the value of capital services (ft) can be derived as ft = (dt + r) Vt . Here d is the rate of depreciation, r is the net rate of return to the asset owner and Vt is the value of the asset. 23. Two areas may still be open to debate: The net rate of return (r) can be estimated either from national accounts statistics on transactions in property incomes as a ratio of the capital stock, or they can be based on market interest rates. With the second approach, an average of the borrowing and lending rates faced by producers seems to be a practical solution that is consistent with the way that the 1993 SNA distinguishes between pure interest and charges for financial services. The choice between using property income flows from national accounts or averages of interest rates may be a practical rather than a theoretical issue. Perhaps it should be decided by data availability. The standard equation for the price of an asset seems to require that capital services should be calculated by reference to the net capital stock, i.e. to the current market prices of the stock of assets. Casual observation, backed up by a canvass of expert opinion in the United States, strongly suggests that the efficiency profile of assets declines much more slowly in the early years than their market prices. This has lead BLS to devise an alternative measure of capital, which they refer to as the “productive capital stock”. Is this a better measure to use in calculating capital services rather than the net capital stock which seems to be required in theory? 73 LIST OF ANNEXES 1. Glossary of Terms: Capital Stocks and Related Statistics. 2. Methods of adjusting capital stock estimates for transactions in used assets. (Not yet available) 3. Service lives of assets used in four countries. 4. Examples of questionnaires: New Zealand survey of asset lives; Netherlands questionnaires used for discard and stock, discard and investment surveys. 5. Graphs of asset service lives implied by five capital service profiles: service lives 15 and 50 years; interest rate 5% and 10%. 6. Asset prices and depreciation implied by four capital service value profiles. 74 Annex 1. Glossary of Terms: Capital Stocks and Related Statistics Introduction This Glossary is divided into two parts. Part 1 lists terms used in the 1993 System of National Accounts. It is based on the complete “Glossary of Terms in the 1993 System of National Accounts”, OECD, Paris, 1999. Part 2 is based on the “Dictionary of Usage on Capital Measurement”(Jack Triplett, Brookings Institution, United States) presented at the Second Meeting of the Canberra Group on Capital Stock Statistics, September 1998, Paris. This part of the Glossary contains terms that are not found in the SNA but which are commonly used in the literature on capital measurement. The Dictionary itself is organised in an analytic framework which distinguishes between terms related to physical concepts and those related to value concepts, but in Part 2 below, the terms are listed in simple alphabetic order. The Dictionary also contains detailed notes on how the terms have been used (and mis-used) by different authors. These are not reproduced here but they are a valuable guide for readers interested in the development of concepts in the area of capital measurement. Part 1. Terms Used in the 1995 System of National Accounts Term Assets Definition Assets are entities that must be owned by some unit, or units, and from which economic benefits are derived by their owner(s) by holding or using them over a period of time. SNA paragraph 1.26 Balance sheet A balance sheet is a statement, drawn up at a particular point in time, of the values of assets owned by an institutional unit or sector and of the financial claims - liabilities - against the owner of those assets. 13.1 [1.11, 2.93, 10.1] Catastrophic losses The volume changes recorded as catastrophic losses are unanticipated losses resulting from large scale, discrete, and recognisable events that may destroy assets within any of the categories of assets. 12.35 Computer software Computer software consists of computer programs, program descriptions and supporting materials for both systems and applications software. (AN.1122) - Annex to chapter XIII Consumption of fixed capital Consumption of fixed capital represents the reduction in the value of the fixed assets used in production during the accounting period resulting from physical deterioration, normal obsolescence or normal accidental damage. 10.27 [6.179, 10.118] Dwellings Dwellings are buildings that are used entirely or primarily as residences, including any associated structures, such as garages, and all permanent fixtures customarily installed in residences; movable structures, such as caravans, used as principal residences of households are included. (AN.1111) - Annex to chapter XIII 75 Entertainment, literary or artistic originals Entertainment, literary or artistic originals are the original films, sound recordings, manuscripts, tapes, models, etc, on which drama performances, radio and television programming, musical performances, sporting events, literary and artistic output, etc are recorded or embodied. (AN.1123) - Annex to chapter XIII Existing fixed asset An existing fixed asset is one that has already been acquired by at least one resident user, or produced on own account, and whose value has, therefore, already been included in the gross fixed capital formation of at least one user at some earlier point in time in the current or some previous accounting period. 10.39 Fixed assets Fixed assets are tangible or intangible assets produced as outputs from processes of production that are themselves used repeatedly or continuously in other processes of production for more than one year. 10.33 [1.49, 10.7, 10.26, 13.15, (AN.11) Annex to chapter XIII] Gross capital formation Gross capital formation is measured by the total value of the gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories and acquisitions less disposals of valuables for a unit or sector. 10.32 Gross capital stock Gross capital stock is the value of all fixed assets still in use when a balance sheet is drawn up, at the actual or estimated current purchasers’ prices for new assets of the same type, irrespective of the age of the assets. 6.199 Gross fixed capital formation Gross fixed capital formation is measured by the total value of a producer’s acquisitions, less disposals, of fixed assets during the accounting period plus certain additions to the value of non-produced assets (such as land or subsoil assets) realised by the productive activity of institutional units. 10.33 [10.26] Historic cost accounting Historic cost accounting is a valuation method which requires goods or assets used in production to be valued by the expenditures actually incurred to acquire those goods or assets, however far back in the past those expenditures took place. 1.60 Intangible fixed assets Intangible fixed assets are non-financial produced fixed assets that consist of mineral exploration, computer software, entertainment, literary or artistic originals and other intangible fixed assets intended to be used for more than one year. (AN.112) - Annex to chapter XIII Land Land is the ground, including the soil covering and any associated surface waters, over which ownership rights are enforced. (AN.211) - Annex to chapter XIII [13.54] Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc. Livestock for breeding, dairy, draught, etc consist of livestock that are cultivated for the products they provide year after year. (AN.11141) - Annex to chapter XIII Machinery and equipment Machinery and equipment consist of transport equipment and other machinery and equipment other than that acquired by households for final consumption. (AN.1113) - Annex to chapter XIII Major renovations or enlargements Major renovations or enlargements are activities which increase the performance or capacity of existing fixed assets or significantly extend their previously expected service lives; the decision to renovate, reconstruct or enlarge a fixed asset is a deliberate investment decision which may be undertaken at any time and is not dictated by the condition of the asset. 6.162 76 Mineral exploration Mineral exploration consists of the value of expenditures on exploration for petroleum and natural gas and for non-petroleum deposits. (AN.1121) - Annex to chapter XIII Net capital stock The sum of the written-down values of all the fixed assets still in use when a balance sheet is drawn up is described as the net capital stock 6.199 Net fixed capital formation. Net fixed capital formation consists of gross fixed capital formation less consumption of fixed capital. 10.27 Net value of a fixed asset The net (or written-down) value of a fixed asset is equal to the actual or estimated current purchaser’s price of a new asset of the same type less the cumulative value of the consumption of fixed capital accrued up to that point in time. 6.199 Net worth Net worth is the value of all the non-financial and financial assets owned by an institutional unit or sector less the value of all its outstanding liabilities; it is a measure of the wealth of a unit or sector at a point in time. 3.68 and 10.1 [13.10, 13.82] Non-produced assets Non-produced assets are non-financial assets that come into existence other than through processes of production. (AN.2) - Annex to chapter XIII, 10.6 [10.8, 13.17] Non-residential buildings Non-residential buildings are buildings other than dwellings, including fixtures, facilities and equipment that are integral parts of the structures and costs of site clearance and preparation. (AN.11121) - Annex to chapter XIII Other buildings and structures Other buildings and structures consist of non-residential buildings and other structures, such as civil engineering works. (AN.1112) - Annex to chapter XIII Other changes in the volume of assets account The other changes in the volume of assets account records the changes in assets, liabilities, and net worth between opening and closing balance sheets that are due neither to transactions between institutional units, as recorded in the capital and financial accounts, nor to holding gains and losses. Other intangible fixed assets are new information, specialised knowledge, etc, not elsewhere classified, whose use in production is restricted to the units that have established ownership rights over them or to other units licensed by the latter. Other machinery and equipment consist of machinery and equipment not elsewhere classified. 12.4 [1.9, 3.58 - 3.61] Other intangible fixed assets Other machinery and equipment Other structures Other structures consist of structures other than buildings, including the cost of the streets, sewers and site clearance and preparation other than for residential or non-residential buildings. Perpetual inventory method (PIM) The perpetual inventory method (PIM) requires an estimate to be made of the stock of fixed assets in existence and in the hands of producers; this is done by estimating how many of the fixed assets installed as a result of gross fixed capital formation undertaken in previous years have survived to the current period. Produced assets are non-financial assets that have come into existence as outputs from processes that fall within the production boundary of the SNA. Straight-line depreciation is a depreciation profile based on a constant annual amount of capital consumption over the life of the asset. Produced assets Straight-line depreciation Tangible fixed assets Tangible fixed assets are non-financial produced assets that consist of dwellings; other buildings and structures; machinery and equipment and cultivated assets. 77 (AN.1129) - Annex to chapter XIII (AN.11132) - Annex to chapter XIII (AN.11122) - Annex to chapter XIII 6.189 10.6 [13.14, (AN.1) - Annex to chapter XIII] 6.193 (AN.111) - Annex to chapter XIII Transport equipment Transport equipment consists of equipment for moving people and objects. Written-down (net) value of a fixed asset The written-down (net) value of a fixed asset is the actual or estimated current purchaser’s price of a new asset of the same type less the cumulative value of the consumption of fixed capital accrued up to that point in time. (AN.11131) - Annex to chapter XIII 6.199 Part 2. Terms not used in the SNA but commonly found in the literature on capital stock and related flows. Age-price profile--a schedule showing the decline (normally) in the value of an existing capital good as it ages. In principle, the age-price profile might look like a used-car price book, if no quality change occurred in automobiles. A 1997 price book, for example, might contain prices for 1996, 1995, 1994, and so forth model cars. From such a schedule, an owner of a fleet of vehicles of a variety of ages could calculate the current value of the fleet by looking up each vehicle and valuing it according to the age-price profile. Capital services--the productive input, per period, that flows to production from a capital good. If two or more types (or ages) of capital asset are aggregated, the capital service measure is also an aggregation, combining services provided by the separate kinds of assets. Capital service is the appropriate measure of capital input for estimates of multi-factor productivity (MFP) measurement. Capital service price-- the unit cost for the use of a capital good for one period--that is, the price for employing or obtaining one unit of capital services. The service price is also referred to as the "rental price" of a capital good, or the “user cost of capital”. Capital used up in production--the loss of capital services, over all the remaining periods of the capital good’s lifetime, from the combined influences of output decay, input decay and exhaustion that occurs when the capital good is employed in the current period. This concept arises out of the historical concern in the national accounts literature with defining situations where capital is kept “intact” in the Hicksian sense. If capital used up in production is just replaced by new investment, then the capital stock is maintained intact, in the sense that it will be consistent with long-run sustainability of the current consumption or income flow. Decay--the decline in capital services yielded by an individual capital good as it ages. A light bulb that lasts for 10 periods with no loss in brightness or increases in energy consumption is an example of zero decay. Most capital goods, however, lose productiveness as they age, and so exhibit some form of decay. The concept is also termed “efficiency decline”, “efficiency decay,” or “loss of efficiency” in the literature. Decay can be decomposed into “input decay” and “output decay”. (See below) Deterioration--the loss in potential capital services from the combination of “output decay”, “input decay” and “retirements” for a group of assets, from one period to the next. When deterioration is just offset by new investment, the current-period productiveness of the capital stock remains intact in the following period, in the sense that it yields an unchanged volume of capital services. Note that deterioration is usually defined with respect to a single period (that is, one period to the next), or as a rate of decline per unit of time. Discards--synonym for “retirements”. Efficiency decline--synonym for “decay” 78 Exhaustion--the capital services lost because of decline in the life expectancy of an asset. Each period’s use of an asset shortens its remaining service lifetime. This physical capital concept appears somewhat less frequently in the capital literature. Consider a group of light bulbs, all purchased in one period. Suppose the light bulbs exhibit no decay, last for 10 periods, and all expire at the same moment. After one period, no decline in productive services is experienced, but the asset owner now has a stock of bulbs with 9 periods of use remaining, instead of a stock of 10-periods’ use. Input decay--input decay occurs when an asset requires increased usage of other inputs as it ages. A car, for example, might use more oil as it gets older, though everything else about its performance remains "good as new." An older machine tool may need more maintenance and repair, which implies that more labor must be used with it to obtain the same output. Lemons--the idea that, owing to asymmetric information among buyers and sellers, used capital goods prices estimated from resale markets understate the value of similar capital goods that do not change hands. This might occur because the defective capital goods are more likely to appear on resale markets, or because buyers think or fear this is so and lack the information to determine whether the used capital good is a “lemon.” Obsolescence--loss in value on an old asset because a newly introduced asset of the same class contains improvements in productiveness or efficiency or suitability in production. Obsolescence in an old capital good is closely linked to quality change in newer capital goods of the same class, though there are some types of obsolescence that are not properly associated with technical improvements in new goods. Suppose one found a new, unsold 1980 vintage computer, overlooked for nearly 20 years in some corner of a warehouse. The 1980 computer experienced neither decay nor (by definition) exhaustion. Because of the rapid pace of technological change in computers, the 1980-era computer (state of the art in its day) is substantially inferior to a computer of the present vintage, and so the 1980 computer would likely sell at a substantial discount relative to a 1998-vintage computer (we ignore the possibility of curiosity or antique value that affects some obsolete goods). Obsolescence affects only the value of a capital good: It does not affect the physical services provided by the capital good. "One hoss shay"--a colorful term, taken from the once famous poem, "The Deacon's Masterpiece," by Oliver Wendell Holmes (both the second and third words are rendered in nineteenth century American dialect), to designate a capital good that exhibits neither input decay nor output decay during its lifetime. In economic literature, the one hoss shay asset is usually taken as a polar case in empirical analysis, or sometimes is introduced as a simplifying assumption in theoretical work. Output decay--the decline in services rendered by the capital good as it ages. Suppose, for example, one measures the services of a light bulb in terms of its brightness, perhaps in "lumens per period," or a truck (lorry) in terms of “ton miles of hauling capacity per period.” Output decay is the decline in lumens per period as the light bulb ages, or in ton-miles as the truck ages. Productive capital stock--This concept is best defined by an example. Consider a cohort of new capital goods, not all of which necessarily survive to the subsequent period. After one period’s use, their productiveness will have declined by one period’s deterioration (input and output decay and retirements. The productive capital stock thus consists of all the capital goods that exist, each one reduced by the proportionate deterioration that has occurred since it was new. 79 Retirements--also known in the literature as "discards" or "scrapping." All of these terms designate assets withdrawn from service. Note that retirements, discards and scrapping are not synonymous with “disposals”; this latter term includes sales of assets to other producers for continued use in production. Scrapping – synonym for “retirements”. User cost of capital--a synonym for the capital service price. Wealth capital stock—This is synonym for the “net capital stock”. The term is widely used in North America. Elsewhere the SNA term “net capital stock” seems to be preferred. 80 Annex 3. Service lives of assets used in four countries The service lives shown for these four countries – United States, Canada, Czech Republic and the Netherlands – appear to be based on information that is generally more reliable than is usually available in other countries. 81 United States The table on the following page shows the service lives and “declining balance rates” used by the US Bureau of Economic Analysis for its capital stock estimates. This rate is set at 2 for the commonly used method of geometric depreciation known as “double declining” balance. See Chapter 5 for further explanation. 82 Part (a) Private nonresidential equipment and structures Service Declininglife balance (years) rates Private nonresidential equipment Office, computing, and accounting machinery (1): Years before 1978 Construction machinery, except tractors Mining and oil field machinery Service life (years) Decliningbalance rates 10 1.5498 11 1.6500 8 2.1832 Service industry machinery: 7 2.1832 Wholesale and retail trade 10 1.6500 Other industries 11 1.6500 Business services 11 1.6500 Household appliances 10 1.6500 Other industries 15 1.6500 Other electrical equipment 9 1.6500 Instruments 12 1.6203 Other 11 1.6230 Photocopy and related equipment 9 1.6203 Private nonresidential structures Industrial buildings 1978 and later years Communications equipment: Nuclear fuel (2) 4 .. 31 0.9747 Other fabricated metal products 18 1.6500 Mobiles offices 16 0.8892 Steam engines and turbines 32 1.6500 Office buildings 36 0.8892 Internal combustion engines 8 1.6500 Commercial warehouses 40 0.8892 Metalworking machinery (3) 16 1.9600 Other commercial buildings 34 0.8892 Special industrial machinery, n.e.c 16 1.6500 Religious buildings 48 0.9024 General industrial, including materials handling equipment Electrical transmission, distribution, and industrial apparatus Trucks, buses, and truck trailers: 16 1.7150 Educational buildings 48 0.9024 33 1.6500 Hospital and institutional buildings 48 0.9024 Hotels and motels 32 0.8990 Local and interurban passenger transit Trucking and warehousing; and auto repair, services, and parking Other industries 14 1.7252 30 0.8990 10 1.7252 Amusement and recreational buildings All other nonfarm buildings 38 0.9480 9 1.7252 Railroad replacement track 38 0.9480 Autos (4) .. .. Other railroad structures 54 0.9480 Aircraft: Telecommunications 40 0.9480 Transportation by air, Depository institutions, and business services Years before 1960 Electric light and power 16 1.6500 Years before 1946 40 0.9480 20 1.6500 1946 and over 45 0.9480 Gas 40 0.9480 Years before 1960 12 1.6500 Petroleum pipelines 40 0.9480 1960 and later years 38 0.9100 Years before 1973 16 0.9008 1973 and later years 12 0.9008 20 0.9008 1960 and later years Other industries 15 1.6500 Farm Ships and boats 27 1.6500 Railroad equipment 28 1.6500 Mining exploration, shafts, and wells: Petroleum and natural gas: Household furniture and fixtures 12 1.6500 Other furniture 14 1.6500 Farm tractors 9 1.3064 Construction tractors 8 1.3064 Local transit 38 0.8990 Agricultural machinery, except tractors 14 1.6500 Other 40 0.8990 Other 83 Part (b) Government nonresidential equipment Service life (years) Decliningbalance rates Federal: Service life (years) Decliningbalance rates .. .. 7 1.6500 10 1.6500 Electronic equipment: National defense: Computers and peripheral equipment (7) Electronic countermeasures Aircraft: Airframes: Other Bombers 25 1.6500 F-14 type 19 1.6500 Medical 9 1.6500 Attack, F-15 and F-16 types 20 1.6500 Construction 10 1.5498 F-18 type 15 1.6500 Industrial 18 1.6500 Electronic warfare 23 1.6500 Ammunition plant 19 1.6500 Cargo and trainers 25 1.6500 Atomic energy 12 1.6500 Helicopters 20 1.6500 Weapons and fire control 12 1.6500 6 1.6500 General 10 1.6500 Other 12 1.6500 Years before 1982 14 1.6500 Nondefense: 1982 and later years 10 1.6500 Engines Other: Missiles: (5) Other equipment: General government: Strategic 20 .. Computers and peripheral equipment (7) Aerospace equipment .. .. 15 1.6500 Tactical 15 .. Vehicles 5 2.2664 Torpedoes 15 .. Others 10 1.6500 Fire control equipment 10 .. Space programs 20 .. .. .. 7 2.2664 15 1.6500 33 1.6500 33 1.6500 25 1.6500 Enterprises: U.S. Postal Service: Ships: Surface ships 30 1.6500 Computers and peripheral equipment (7) Vehicles Submarines 25 1.6500 Other Government furnished equipment: Tennessee Valley Power Authority Bonneville Power Authority Electrical 9 1.6500 Propulsion 20 1.6500 Hull, mechanical 25 1.6500 Ordnance 10 1.6500 Other 10 1.6500 Power tools, lawn and garden equipment Miscellaneous metal products 10 1.6500 18 1.6500 20 1.6500 Agricultural machinery and equipment Construction machinery and equipment Metalworking machinery and equipment General purpose machinery and equipment Special industry machinery and equipment Integrating and measuring instruments 9 1.6500 10 1.6500 16 1.6500 11 1.6500 11 1.6500 12 1.6500 Vehicles: Tanks, armored personnel carriers, and other combat vehicles Noncombat vehicles: Trucks 6 1.7252 Autos (6) .. .. Other 7 1.7252 84 Other State and local: Service life (years) Part (b) (continued) Government nonresidential equipment Motors, generators, motor generator 32 sets Switchgear and switchboard equipment 33 Decliningbalance rates Service life (years) Decliningbalance rates Household appliances 11 1.6500 1.6500 Home electronic equipment 11 1.6500 1.6500 Motor vehicles 10 1.6500 Electronic components and accessories Miscellaneous electrical machinery 9 1.6500 Motorcycles 10 1.6500 12 1.6500 Aircraft 15 1.6500 Calculating and accounting machines 7 1.6500 Railroad equipment 28 1.6500 Typewriters 7 1.6500 Sporting and athletic goods 10 1.6500 .. .. 10 1.6500 10 1.6500 Computers and peripheral equipment (7) Machine shop products 8 1.6500 Wood commercial furniture 14 1.6500 Metal commercial furniture 14 1.6500 Part (c) Government nonresidential structures Federal, State and Local: Photographic and photocopying equipment Mobile classrooms, mobile offices, etc. Musical instruments 9 1.6500 12 1.6500 Highways and streets 60 0.9100 60 0.9100 60 0.9100 Other equipment Nonbuildings: National defense: Buildings: Industrial 32 0.9100 Conservation and development Sewer systems Educational 50 0.9100 Water systems 60 0.9100 Hospital 50 0.9100 Other 60 0.9100 Other 50 0.9100 80 0.9100 Mobile homes 20 0.9100 1-to-4-unit structures-additions and alterations 1-to-4-unit structures-major replacements 40 0.9100 Other structures 40 0.9100 25 0.9100 Equipment 11 1.6500 5-or-more-unit structures-new 65 0.9100 5-or-more-unit structures-additions and alterations 5-or-more-unit structures-major replacements 32 0.9100 20 0.9100 Part (d) Residential capital (private and government) 1-to-4-unit structures-new (1 ) Depreciation rates for these assets are taken from Oliner. See The Measurement of Depreciation in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Survey of Current Business, BEA, July 1997. (2) The depreciation rates for nuclear fuel are based on a straight-line rate pattern and a Winfrey retirement pattern. (3) The service life listed is the average for nonmanufacturing industries; the service lives used for manufacturing industries differ by industry. (4) The depreciation rates for autos are derived from data on new and used auto prices. (5) Depreciation rates for missiles are based on straight-line patterns of depreciation and Winfrey retirement patterns. (6) Depreciation rates for government-owned autos are derived from data on autos that are privately owned. (7) Depreciation rates for these assets are taken from Oliner. See The Measurement of Depreciation in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Survey of Current Business, BEA, July 1997. 85 Canada This table shows the service lives used by Statistics Canada. The lives for the recent period are based on information regularly supplied by enterprises on the service lives of discarded assets. The lives for the earlier period were based on a number of less reliable sources. The declines in service lives over the period are based on assumption rather than observation. Building construction Engineering construction Machinery and equipment 1961-65 1961-65 1991-94 1961-65 Activity/Sector 1991-94 1991-94 Agriculture, forestry and fishing Agriculture and related services 29 24 29 24 10 8 Fishing and trapping 25 25 25 25 12 11 Logging and forestry 19 19 17 12 9 8 Mining (metal, non-netal, coal, petroleum) 20 17 20 15 12 9 Quarry, sand-pit and service industries 28 35 20 15 12 8 food and beverages 35 30 33 27 16 11 tobacco 35 30 31 24 12 11 rubber products 38 33 27 20 12 11 plastic products 37 32 28 21 13 12 leather 39 34 28 21 12 11 Mining and quarrying Manufacturing: textiles 34 29 35 29 14 9 clothing 29 28 35 29 14 10 wood 25 22 20 14 15 12 furniture and fixtures 37 37 paper and allied products 31 25 31 primary metal industries 36 35 fabricated metal products 33 28 machinery industries 34 transport equipment 13 8 24 19 18 32 26 18 17 32 26 13 10 29 33 28 11 8 33 30 32 27 14 9 electrical and electronic products 31 28 27 21 12 8 non-metal mineral products 26 22 27 22 16 13 Refined petroleum and coal products chemicals and chemical products 26 21 26 20 18 16 33 27 24 17 16 13 other manufacturing industries 34 34 23 18 10 9 25 25 30 30 10 10 Construction industries 86 Building construction Engineering construction Machinery and equipment 1961-65 1961-65 1991-94 1961-65 1991-94 Activity/Sector 1991-94 Transport and storage Air transport and related services 31 28 43 40 16 16 Rail transport and related services 38 33 53 52 21 18 Water transport and related services 36 31 40 37 23 18 Truck transport 39 33 45 39 9 8 Public passenger transit systems 37 32 32 26 11 10 Other transport and related systems 39 33 45 39 9 8 Pipeline transport 35 30 35 30 14 14 Grain elevator industry 36 28 .. .. 19 15 Other storage and warehousing 38 33 .. .. 12 7 Broadcasting industries 37 32 18 13 11 9 Telecommunication carriers 39 35 37 31 17 14 Postal and courrier services 42 38 45 39 8 6 Electric power and gas distribution 49 48 49 47 32 31 Water systems 31 25 54 49 12 7 Wholesale trade and retail trade 33 27 25 18 11 8 Finance, insurance, real estate and business services Deposit accepting intermediary industries 45 43 .. .. 19 7 Consumer and business financing 43 40 .. .. 8 6 Insurance industry 45 43 .. .. 10 7 Real estate and insurance agents 45 43 .. .. 10 7 Business service industries 42 39 .. .. 8 6 Government service industries 39 35 39 33 12 9 Federal government 39 35 39 34 12 9 Provincial and territorial 39 34 39 33 11 8 Local government 39 35 39 33 13 10 Elementary and secondary 44 42 .. .. 13 10 Post secondary, non-university 44 42 .. .. 13 10 University 53 53 .. .. 13 10 Museums and archives 42 39 .. .. 8 6 Hospitals 45 43 .. .. 13 11 Other health and social services 43 40 .. .. 16 14 Communications Electricity, gas and water Education and museums Health and social services 87 Building construction Engineering construction Machinery and equipment 1961-65 1961-65 1961-65 Activity/Sector 1991-94 1991-94 1991-94 Accommodation, food and beverage services Accommodation services 42 39 .. .. 8 6 Food and beverage services 42 39 .. .. 8 6 Other 52 42 .. .. 9 6 Amusement and recreation services 42 39 .. .. 8 6 Membership organization industries 56 51 .. .. 19 16 88 Czech Republic These service lives are based on an annual survey of ages of assets when discarded. Transport Equipment Activity Other Machinery and Equipment of which Computers Agriculture Forestry Mining – coal – other Manufacturing - Food, beverages, tabacco Textiles and clothing Wooden products, paper and pulp Chemicals, rubber and plastic Metal products, including vehicles, office machinery, etc, Electricity, gas, water Construction Sale and repair of motor vehicles Wholesale and retail trade Hotels and restaurants Air Transport Post and telecommunications Financial and insurance services Public administration and defence Education Health and welfare services 13 12 19 13 15 13 15 16 9 6 9 8 13 16 7 11 15 18 16 10 10 14 18 9 11 12 11 11 9 7 13 11 ... 13 13 12 18 18 15 15 12 11 14 16 9 15 15 15 11 11 9 9 8 7 11 16 7 7 12 8 89 Netherlands These service lives, used in the Netherlands, are “best source” estimates. For mining and manufacturing they are mainly based on a survey of discards and on other indirect sources for other assets. dwellings Buildings other construction external transport machinery computers other assets Agriculture/forestry 45 35 12 15 5 10 Fishing 50 35 25 15 5 10 Mining and quarrying 40 35 10 20 12 25 Food and beverages 43 35 10 28 13 27 Textile/leather 47 35 10 28 15 40 Paper/paper products 55 35 10 29 10 36 Petroleum + products 46 35 10 37 10 38 Chemical industry 39 35 10 32 13 38 Basic metal + products 47 35 10 49 16 19 Other manufacturing 47 35 10 32 12 34 Publ. Utilities 47 35 10 32 12 34 Construction 47 35 10 20 12 34 Trade 60 35 8 15 5 10 Hotel restaurants etc. 60 35 8 15 5 10 Water 60 35 25 15 5 10 Air 60 35 25 15 5 10 Rail 60 35 25 15 5 10 Other 60 35 10 15 5 10 Banking and insurance 60 35 8 15 5 10 60 35 8 15 5 10 Rented buildings 60 35 8 15 5 10 Commercial services 60 35 8 15 5 10 Government 60 35 8 15 5 10 Health care 60 35 8 15 5 10 Transport Rented dwellings 75 90 Annex 4. Questionnaire forms used by New Zealand and the Netherlands These four PDF files comprise four pages (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4) of a questionnaire used by the Department of Statistics, New Zealand for measuring the ages of assets at time of discard. The following three PDF files contain forms and questionnaires used by interviewers from Statistics Netherlands : The first form is used to collect information on the stock of company's assets ; The second PDF file comprises a questionnaire used by Statistics Netherlands for its survey of asset discards ; and The third file contains a survey of capital investment. Annex 5. Graph Showing Impact of Different Service Lives and Interest Rates on Asset Values Implied by Five Capital Service Value Profiles. (Service Lives 15 and 50 Years; Interest rate 5% and 10%) This PDF file contains 20 graphs that illustrate the impact of 15 and 50 year service lives and interest rates (at five and ten per cent) on asset values implied by five capital service value profiles: constant service value, a service value fall by 10 per cent per year, a service value fall by five units per year, hyperbolic fall of service value, and a constant then falling two step income. Annex 6. Asset prices and depreciation implied by four capital service value profiles. The attached PDF file contains capital service value, asset value and depreciation for four capital service value profiles: capital service values fall by ten per cent each year; capital service fall by five units per year, capital service fall hyperbolically (b = 0.5) and two step fall in capital service values (constant then linear decline). 91