OECD TRADE INDICATORS PROJECT Statistical analysis of international trade and production: towards a scoreboard of indicators Lelio Iapadre (University of L’Aquila and National Institute for Foreign Trade, Italy) Alessia Proietti (National Institute for Foreign Trade, Italy) Background The OECD Handbook on Economic Globalisation Indicators (HEGI) – – – – – The concept of economic globalisation and its measurement Foreign direct investment The economic activity of multinational enterprises The internationalisation of technology Aspects of trade globalisation – – – – – International integration Policy restrictiveness Performance and competitiveness Structural indicators Structural decomposition techniques The Trade Indicators Project (TIP): a survey of statistical indicators on international trade and production Enterprise-related data – OECD Statistics on Enterprises by Size Class (SEC) – Eurostat pilot project on enterprise-related trade data Targets Identifying a limited set of statistical indicators, based on their analytical and policy relevance Developing enterprise-related indicators, based on linkages between the existing statistical registers and databases on business international activities Publishing a new statistical product on international trade and production TIP products in 2003 A taxonomy of statistical indicators for the analysis of international trade and production A review of trade policy indicators New indicators for the analysis of intra-regional trade The Scoreboard on Economic Globalisation A final target and a framework for ongoing projects Co-ordination between different projects (HEGI, TIP, SEC) and OECD departments Co-operation with other institutions and research centres Some examples: international performance and competitiveness indicators The taxonomy: – Net trade indicators – Market shares – Price indicators – Composite indicators Net trade performance indicators The normalized trade balance Z = (X – M) / (X + M) –1Z1 where: X = exports M = imports Normalised trade balance, 2003 United States Turkey Portugal Spain Luxembourg Poland United Kingdom Australia Iceland New Zealand Hungary OECD Czech Republic Mexico Slovak Republic Austria France Italy Switzerland Korea Belgium Canada Netherlands Denmark Sweden Japan Germany Finland Norway Ireland -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Source: OECD-Main Economic Indicators, March 2004 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Market shares The share of OECD exports Si = Xi / Σi Xi 0 Si 1 where: Xi = exports of country i i = 1 … n OECD members d ly C an ad a Ita Ki ng do m e Ja pa n St at es Fr an c d an y Sw itz nd ed en er la Sw Sp ai n ex ic o M Ko re a 2001 gi um 1999 Be l 18,0 N et he r la nd s U ni te U ni te G er m Shares of OECD exports 2003 16,0 14,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 Source: OECD-Main Economic Indicators, March2004 la nd ke y Ic el an d 2001 G re ec e Lu xe m bo ur g 1999 Tu r R ep ub lic Fi n k an d ar ay 2,0 H un ga ry Po rtu Sl ga ov l ak R ep ub lic N ew Ze al an d C ze ch Po l D en m N or w Au st ra lia a la nd Au st ri Ire Shares of OECD exports 2003 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1,0 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0,0 Competitiveness indicators The real effective exchange rate q = E P / P* where: E = nominal effective exchange rate (foreign currency per unit of domestic currency) P = index of domestic prices P* = index of foreign prices Real effective exchange rates (based on consumer prices, 1995=100) 140 130 120 110 1998 1999 2001 2000 2003 2002 100 90 80 70 Canada France Germany Italy Japan United Kingdom United States Source: OECD, Main Economic Indicators Some examples: structural indicators The taxonomy – Single-flow indicators of trade intensity and specialization – Net-trade indicators of specialization – Inter/Intra-industry trade intensity – Intra-firm trade indicators – Measures of similarity – Measures of concentration and diversification Single-flow indicators of trade intensity and specialization The symmetric revealed comparative advantage index SRCAik = (RCAik – 1) / (RCAik + 1) RCAik = (xik / Σk xik) / (xwk / Σk xwk) where: xik = country i’s exports of product k xwk = world exports of product k SYMMETRIC REVEALED COMPARATIVE ADVANTAGE INDICES: FURNITURE 2003 Japan Australia Ireland Norway Luxembourg Switzerland United States United Kingdom New Zealand Korea Netherlands Greece France Germany OECD Belgium Finland Sweden Austria Canada Spain Denmark Portugal Slovak Republic Mexico Turkey Italy Poland -80,0 -60,0 -40,0 -20,0 0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 Net trade indicators of specialization The normalized share balance NSBik = [(xik / Σk xik) - (mik / Σk mik)] / [(xik / Σk xik) + (mik / Σk mik)] - 1 NSBik 1 where: xik = country i’s exports of product k mik = country i’s imports of product k NORMALISED SHARE BALANCES: FURNITURE 2003 Ireland Japan Norway Australia Switzerland Luxembourg United Kingdom New Zealand United States Korea Netherlands France Germany Greece OECD Belgium Finland Sweden Austria Canada Spain Denmark Portugal Slovak Republic Mexico Turkey Italy Poland -100,0 -80,0 -60,0 -40,0 -20,0 0,0 20,0 40,0 60,0 80,0 100,0 The Grubel-Lloyd index of intra-industry trade xijk mijk xijk mijk n xijk mijk GLijk 1 xijk mijk GLij k 1 n k 1 xijk mijk n k 1 Definition of intra-industry trade: balanced two-way trade in goods produced by the same industry – Inspiration: studies on trade bilateralism in the Thirties – Relation with measures of similarity The Vona index of intra-industry trade xijk mijk m V ij k n1 xijk mijk k 1 Definition of intra-industry trade: twoway flows of goods produced by the same industry, independently of their balance The CEPII approach: the overlap threshold Indices of Intra Industry Trade, HS: 94*, Furniture, 2002 (percentage values) ITALY GERMANY Vona Grubel and Lloyd Vona Grubel and Lloyd Australia 71,9 0,9 63,7 2,0 Austria 100,0 55,2 100,0 47,9 Belgium 99,8 9,5 99,9 34,8 Canada 85,9 1,7 84,0 16,1 Czech Republic 94,6 32,3 100,0 40,3 Denmark 99,7 17,4 100,0 24,2 Finland 86,7 8,8 97,2 23,5 France 100,0 14,1 99,8 46,5 Germany 100,0 23,2 - - Greece 82,2 0,7 79,6 19,4 Hungary 92,9 28,0 99,9 42,0 Iceland 12,8 0,1 17,1 0,8 Ireland 28,9 0,8 82,2 12,1 - - 100,0 30,1 75,3 64,9 57,7 55,3 98,8 17,1 76,9 97,5 80,3 89,0 99,7 99,4 99,9 87,3 100,0 99,6 2,0 82,2 45,6 90,1 90,2 100,0 35,5 97,9 100,0 87,3 99,9 98,5 97,8 99,9 99,5 99,8 99,9 12,8 Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States * 92 elementary items (NC8) 3,1 5,4 3,5 7,1 1,0 4,3 28,3 13,4 29,0 30,2 12,7 25,6 13,1 5,9 4,3 10,5 3,4 61,0 32,4 7,9 26,7 18,3 41,1 27,9 61,0 36,8 45,4 23,8 31,2 31,7 Measures of similarity The Finger-Kreinin index of similarity between trade distributions FKij = 1 – [½ Σk |(xik / Σk xik) - (xjk / Σk xjk)|] where: xik = country i’s exports of product k xjk = country j’s exports of product k Finger-Kreinin index of similarity of export distributions by product, 2003 Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Ireland Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States AUS AUT BEL CAN DAN 100,0 36,5 43,4 56,2 48,3 31,8 40,5 37,4 41,7 28,2 39,6 23,3 28,6 29,7 37,1 45,9 43,9 48,1 35,4 33,8 31,1 38,9 34,5 29,0 30,3 44,8 40,7 100,0 63,2 59,1 64,1 64,7 71,3 76,9 48,9 46,8 76,1 64,2 68,6 65,7 67,0 69,3 36,1 25,3 74,5 66,9 66,2 65,8 81,0 55,9 54,5 73,4 74,9 100,0 60,3 58,8 48,0 70,6 65,6 52,9 46,9 62,6 51,6 56,9 47,9 55,1 66,5 34,5 27,3 61,4 58,7 61,0 69,5 64,9 59,7 55,0 68,5 60,4 100,0 53,8 50,1 59,8 66,4 45,1 31,4 53,1 49,4 46,6 40,9 60,1 54,6 39,1 44,7 58,6 59,3 64,1 66,4 63,0 37,1 45,8 58,6 54,7 100,0 53,5 63,4 65,4 55,2 55,0 64,4 46,2 50,3 51,2 59,2 72,3 45,7 35,6 63,1 54,6 55,4 57,3 64,5 54,1 43,5 68,6 59,0 FIN 100,0 54,2 54,3 38,2 36,0 48,8 60,4 64,0 52,4 59,9 54,6 33,7 27,2 60,8 50,5 52,7 48,5 69,7 41,8 41,3 54,4 55,8 FRA GER GRE 100,0 76,5 50,4 49,5 68,7 60,6 61,0 52,9 60,8 67,9 35,3 26,4 66,7 64,0 61,5 72,0 70,7 55,7 54,6 75,4 72,8 100,0 45,5 54,3 73,5 73,3 64,8 60,8 66,8 70,7 30,5 27,2 63,8 64,5 66,0 73,2 76,0 59,6 50,6 78,0 75,6 100,0 31,0 51,7 29,8 37,7 39,8 41,1 55,8 39,8 33,4 49,9 49,7 42,8 55,9 43,7 40,8 58,0 50,8 43,1 IRE ITA JPN KOR LUX MEX NLD NZL NOR 100,0 48,2 47,1 38,9 42,8 40,2 55,1 24,9 20,0 37,1 32,4 30,7 36,4 48,8 68,4 24,1 56,5 52,7 100,0 57,9 60,5 59,6 60,9 65,4 35,7 26,2 67,8 65,7 60,5 69,3 65,9 55,7 59,8 70,3 68,4 100,0 75,3 56,4 72,3 57,3 22,5 19,4 53,1 53,6 60,5 61,1 65,8 49,1 43,4 63,5 68,4 100,0 55,6 72,7 59,6 26,5 22,9 62,3 54,8 55,8 55,8 66,0 46,8 51,3 64,7 66,8 100,0 49,6 58,4 28,8 21,5 56,5 49,0 53,9 47,1 60,3 46,2 45,3 56,3 58,1 100,0 64,1 28,6 29,3 61,9 63,7 62,0 59,8 67,3 43,4 49,7 67,8 63,8 100,0 28,2 37,5 34,3 29,0 39,7 33,4 26,9 33,2 31,2 35,4 100,0 39,1 32,3 63,6 54,3 53,8 62,8 64,9 59,3 46,6 75,9 71,7 POL POR SLO SPA SWE CHE TUR UK USA 100,0 26,8 100,0 24,3 66,3 100,0 25,9 70,7 66,7 100,0 27,9 65,8 69,9 72,6 100,0 26,4 65,9 65,2 64,2 63,5 100,0 20,2 44,2 39,6 39,3 45,9 56,2 100,0 21,6 59,2 65,2 57,1 61,0 50,0 35,1 100,0 31,1 62,1 57,7 55,9 62,3 73,8 64,9 48,5 100,0 23,8 60,1 57,1 51,6 59,4 68,9 60,8 47,6 77,9 100,0 Measures of concentration The Herfindahl index of export concentration by product Hi = x x where: xik = country i’s exports of product k 2 k ik k ik Herfindahl index of export concentration by product* Australia Austria Belgium Canada Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Iceland Ireland Italy Japan Korea Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United Kingdom United States OECD * HS - 2 digits 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 23,7 27,3 23,1 30,2 25,9 22,3 35,0 25,2 30,3 20,9 36,7 56,8 37,1 26,2 39,6 33,0 29,2 36,9 25,0 33,0 52,6 n.a. 25,3 27,0 28,8 31,5 28,7 22,5 29,0 30,1 27,2 26,2 27,6 23,2 29,3 27,5 22,7 36,8 25,4 30,4 22,6 37,9 54,5 38,5 25,5 40,3 34,9 30,8 37,6 25,9 34,9 64,6 n.a. 24,7 28,4 27,8 31,7 28,7 22,2 29,0 30,9 27,8 26,3 27,7 23,6 29,0 n.a. 23,0 34,4 25,6 30,5 20,8 n.a. 52,9 37,8 25,5 39,3 33,4 33,1 37,3 25,7 33,4 63,8 n.a. 25,1 27,1 27,4 28,9 29,1 21,8 29,2 29,6 27,0 26,1 27,5 24,1 29,1 n.a. 23,0 34,1 24,8 30,7 20,1 n.a. 52,0 37,1 25,1 39,7 35,4 32,6 36,6 24,6 35,4 63,6 23,1 25,0 27,7 27,1 28,8 29,2 23,3 28,3 28,8 26,7 25,9 27,1 24,0 29,5 n.a. 22,9 33,1 24,5 30,5 19,7 n.a. n.a. 35,1 25,5 39,7 36,4 36,2 36,0 24,4 36,4 63,2 23,2 24,8 33,2 28,0 28,9 29,3 23,4 27,1 28,1 26,4 The need for enterpriserelated statistics A clear understanding of phenomena such as intra-firm trade and international production networks requires enterprise-related data Available statistical sources – The AFA and FATS databases – Enterprise-related trade statistics Italian exports value by enterprise size - 2001 30,8% 1-49 employees 50-99 employees 100-249 employees 250-499 employees more than 500 employees 31,2% 10,8% 15,9% 11,3% Italian exporting firms by number of markets - 2001 26 - 40 3% 16 - 25 5% more than 40 1% 11 - 15 5% 1 45% 6 - 10 10% 3-5 17% 2 14% 1 2 3-5 6 - 10 11 - 15 16 - 25 26 - 40 more than 40 SHARES OF THE UNITED STATES MARKET Foreign affiliates employees Merchandise imports 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Italy 1987 Italy 1998 France 1987 Source: OECD, Measuring Globalization and IMF-DOTS. France 1998 Germany 1987 Germany 1998 United Kingdom 1987 United Kingdom 1998 Conclusions Main features of the Scoreboard on Economic Globalization – An integrated analysis of international trade and production – Emphasis on enterprise-related data – A user-friendly tool, giving access to a wide range of different data-bases – A laboratory for new data production techniques, based on linkages between different archives