QYIL website is in need of an update –

Website in need of an update
QYIL website is in need of an update –
The site needs to be more user friendly. When you click on a link the “menu” stays dropped
for a second until the page is refreshed to the new link. It looks a bit untidy as in like it’s not
a fully operational site yet. This may be fixed by looking at the layout – having the menu’s
drop from the left hand side of the site. F8 Media
Layout – Are we able to have the tabs on the top of the page (as they currently are). When
you click on a tab, have the menu for that tab appear on the left hand side of the site (in the
‘spare” space on the left hand side). When you click on the “About Us” tab, have the
information that appears on the Mission & Vision page. When you click on the “Get
Involved” tab – we need to have some information compiled for that page ie. How to get
involved or who to contact to get involved. When you click on the “SWL Information” tab –
have the SWL information page come up. When you click on the “Showcase Partnerships” –
have the Showcase partnerships information comes up or perhaps some information about
the partnerships that we are brokering and its successes. When you click on the “Contact
Us” tab – have the map that appears on the right hand side of the site appear in the middle
of the site. When you click on the “Resources” tab – we need to have some information
compiled for that page. F8 Media – Siobhan to compile information
Are we able to have instead of “sign up now” change it to “Upcoming events” On the right
hand side of the site. Have that link (top picture) go to a page that has information on our
upcoming events. Change the picture about the Apprenticeship Information to Structured
Workplace Learning Information.
Are we able to get the photos updated as there is only photos of the Health partnership, we
need to have a few more of other partnerships we have. For example MRYA, YSCDG,
Burpengary.com, and CATAPULT. F8 Media –Ashton and Siobhan to compile
The links (photos) on the right hand side have the writing and colour quite a way down the
photo. Is it possible to get them elongated so that people’s faces are not cut off. Perhaps
making the photos bigger so that the shaded area is above the photo detail. F8 Media
Would like to have the School – Business –Community Partnership Brokers logo on the site.
F8 Media
Need to have the links colour changed – the green is hard to read, perhaps a different shade
of green. F8 Media
Have a link to social media ie facebook, twitter, posterous (the site that was set up for our
cross regional social media partnership), Utube for the videos that we can make and already
have so that it can be up to date with most other sites. Need to also get QYIL hooked up with
social media and make sure it gets updated also. F8 Media (however we do not have a
current facebook site or twitter account)
27/07/2016 4:07 AM