Situation of data and metadata in ANA

Situation of ANA
data and metadata
in 2008
• Transmission to the OECD :
progress report
Annual National Accounts Situation
• Joint OECD-Eurostat questionnaires are
sent to
• Data Availability:
See table 1 of document.
• Improvements have been achieved but
still lack of data on fixed assets tables.
• Indication of sizeable methodology
changes with data transmission.
Dissemination of data
• Paper, CD-Rom and OLISnet (OECD.Stat)
• Volume I: Main aggregates of national
accounts –Available in January of each
year—New version forthcoming.
• Volume II: Detailed tables of national
accounts—Available in July of each year–
New version forthcoming.
• Volume IV: General Government
accounts– Available in January—Will be
included into the new version of Volume II.
Methodological changes
• Allocation of FISIM to industries and
institutional sectors for almost all OECD
countries; except Japan, Mexico, New
Zealand and Turkey.
• Turkey has moved from SNA68 to
• All OECD member countries now compile
according to SNA93.
Status of New OECD-Eurostat
National Accounts Questionnaire.
• New questionnaire finalised, sent to nonEU countries in September 2007. New EU
questionnaire sent in October 2007.
• Countries not using the new questionnaire
yet: Australia.
• Good co-operation between Eurostat and
Accession countries
• Chile, Estonia, Israel, the Russian
Federation and Slovenia.
• SNA data for Slovenia, Estonia and
Israel have been processed and updated
in ANA database.
• Chile’s and Russian’s data have been
received but have not been processed yet.
Access to data
• NSOs and Governments have free access
to data and metadata via OLISnet
• Possible to view data and metadata on
• When do Japan, Mexico, New Zealand and
Turkey intend to send allocated FISIM data?
• Special effort is required to supply tables 2000
(fixed assets by type of industries and by asset
• Non-EU countries to consider providing the
second digit level of the COFOG classification.
• Countries are encouraged to supply their data
via NAWWE.
• Indication of any changes in methodology is
Esther Bolton
COFOG part updated by Chantal Nicq
NAWWE part updated by Lars Thygesen
National Accounts World Wide Exchange
Status Update
NAWWE Project:
2006: XML Schemas and Structure Files Created
Data and Metadata structure definitions have been created based on
SDMX-ML V 2.0 XML schemas.
Concepts included in the Metadata structure definition have
been drawn from a draft version of the SDMX cross domain
metadata concepts.
2007: Questionnaire Content
EuroStat confirmed the final version of the new national accounts
questionnaires at the end of October 2007.
NAWWE Data structure definition was updated with the new
questionnaire content.
2007: NAWWE Registry
A registry was put in place on the NAWWE web site for NSOs to
register SDMX-ML data files
2008: Data Registration
The Bureau of Economic Analysis (USA) have registered an
SDMX-ML data file in the NAWWE registry.
Data Flow
OECD Web Server
SDMX V 2.0
XML Schemas
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http:..XML"...>
<xs:element name="Code">
XML Files
Structural XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
</Data> STRUCTURE</Value>
XML Files
By Schema
Web Application
Upload to
ANA Database
or Output to
Other Format
Data and Metadata
Structure Definitions
XML Files
Copied to
Cached Data XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Process Checks for
Updated XML Files
<?xml version="1.0"?>
XML Files
Transformed XML
Potential to reduce the
number of steps for
validating and loading of
NSO data into OECD
Next Steps:
NAWWE Data Flows
SDMX-ML Data Files
NSOs to provide, host and register NAWWE data files in SDMX-ML
Tools for creating or converting to SDMX-ML format: Metadata
Technology conversion tools; Excel generic SDMX-ML generator.
NAWWE Web Application
Development to transform NAWWE SDMX-ML into different formats:
CSV and data visualisation.
Future support for web service registration as well as than static
hosted XML files.
NAWWE Web Site
Technical Team: Russell Penlington & Abdelwahab Imarachen