Draft Handbook on National Accounting System of National Accounts”

Draft Handbook on National Accounting
“Financial Production, Flows and Stocks in the
System of National Accounts”
OECD WP on National Accounts
25-28 October 2011,
Paris, France
Herman Smith
Outline of the presentation
Context and purpose of the handbook
Comments on the handbook
Way forward
Context and purpose (i)
Joint publication of the UNSD and the Directorate
General Statistics of the ECB
Drafting of the Handbook was initiated in 2004 as part of
the United Nations series of handbooks on national
Work on the Handbook was delayed by further
discussions on the measurement of financial services.
A draft of the Handbook was only circulated in May 2011
to a number of experts for a first review
Context and purpose (ii)
Aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the
compilation of the full set of the sequence of integrated
economic accounts for all sub-sectors of the financial
corporations sector, and where applicable also
guidance on estimating financial production for
moneylenders in the household sector.
The Handbook includes guidance on the compilation of
the interrelationship of the financial stocks and flows for
all the institutional sectors and rest of the world (FromWhom-to-Whom approach).
Context and purpose (iii)
Intended audiences:
National statistical offices,
National central banks,
International organisations,
Other institutions engaged in collecting, compiling and
disseminating national accounts data on financial
corporations, and
Users who require a better understanding of these
Structure (i)
Chapter 1 (The SNA architecture)
• Overview of the 2008 SNA accounting framework
• Valuation and recording principles
• Sequence of accounts by institutional sector
Structure (ii)
Chapter 2 (Financial corporations within the SNA
• Description of sub-sectors of financial corporations
sector within 2008 SNA framework
• Guidance on other ways to group sub-sectors
Monetary policy purposes
Financial intermediaries, financial auxiliaries, and
other financial institutions
Control (public, private, and foreign controlled)
Structure (iii)
Chapter 3 (Financial production and income)
• Nature of financial services and measurement of
• Four main ways in which financial services are
provided and charged
Explicit charges
Interest charges on loans and deposits
Acquisition and disposal of financial assets and liabilities in
financial markets
Insurance and pension schemes
• A number of worked examples to illustrate (b), (c), and
(d), and computation of price and volume measures
• Property income of financial corporations
Structure (iv)
Chapter 4 (Financial assets and liabilities)
• Conceptual treatment of financial assets, claims, and
• Classification of financial assets and liabilities by
Type of financial instrument
Type of income
Type of interest rate
Structure (v)
Chapter 5 (Valuation and accrued interest)
• Valuation of financial assets and liabilities in 2008 SNA
Valuation of stocks
Other changes in volume of assets and liabilities
Valuation of financial transactions
• Accrued interest
Debtor approach and creditor approach of recording
• Worked examples
Structure (vi)
Chapter 6 (From a table on financing and investment
to from-whom-to-whom accounts)
• Basics and principles of three-dimensional “fromwhom-to-whom” framework
• Allows full articulation of accounts
• Counterparties of transactions can be identified
Structure (vii)
Chapter 7 (Data sources for compiling financial
accounts and balance sheets by institutional
• Existing data sources as building blocks
• Need for new data sources
• Compilation of institutional sector accounts
Structure (viii)
Chapter 8 (Presentation of the accounts)
• Tables and charts to present accounts under “fromwhom-to-whom” framework
• Presentation of two types of tables on assets and
Without any counterpart information
With full counterpart information
• Presentation of data in flow charts or networks
Structure (ix)
Chapter 9 (Use of institutional financial account and
balance sheets)
• Use of accounts under “from-whom-to-whom”
framework for policy and other purposes including
Monetary and financial analysis
Analysis of financial structures
Macro-prudential and financial stability analysis
• Examples of quarterly sector accounts
Structure (x)
Chapter 10 (Financial corporations within an
economic or a monetary union)
• Compilation of accounts under “from-whom-to-whom”
framework within an economic or a monetary union
• Moving from national accounts to economic or
monetary union accounts
• Compilation of rest of the world accounts
Meeting in July 2011
• Constructive comments were received from the
reviewers of the Handbook and from the participants
at the meeting
• Confirmed the need for compilation guidance on the
topics covered by the Handbook.
• The importance of consistency between the guidance
provide in the Handbook and the recommendations
of the 2008 SNA, BPM6, MFSM, GFSM and related
manuals was stressed
• More examples and references to source material
were requested.
• The outcome of the ISWGNA Task Force on FISIM
should also be included in the Handbook
Way forward
• Incorporate the comments on the Handbook and to
circulate the revised draft by the end of 2011.
• Set up mechanism for ensuring consistency in the
guidance provided in the areas where the Handbook
and the MFSM overlap
• The ISWGNA to monitor the updating of the MFSM
and the finalisation of the Handbook.
• To incorporate the recommendations of the FISIM
Task Force when they become available during 2012.
• To finalise Handbook by the end of 2012
Thank you