Household wealth What we can learn from micro data registers Gitte Frej Knudsen Søren Brodersen Household wealth The use of micro based registers Explaining variables at micro level Registers Individuals • Income • Social status • Family type • Education • Working place Micro based registers in the wealth project • Dwellings • Household cars Enterprises • Activity code • Number of employees • Turnover Other micro based registers • Debt • Financial assets 2 Use Research Statistics Analysis Example: Analysis of owner occupiers’ net wealth Household wealth Main results Share of households’ real assets 95,5% 4,2% 0,3% + Households’ real assets Billion DKK (current prices) 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Owner occupied dwellings 2.446 2.837 3.107 3.913 4.000 3.561 Co-operative dwellings 134 152 253 228 244 208 Housing assets, total 2.580 2.989 3.361 4.141 4.244 3.769 GDP 1.466 1.545 1.632 1.691 1.737 1.660 176 193 206 245 244 227 Housing assets, % of GDP Household cars Yachts Aircrafts owned by households Real assets, total 3 132 188 10 1 4.443 Household wealth Register: Market value for owner occupied dwellings 1. Geography dimension Real estate value register Real estate no. Official real estate valuation (tax value) Merging Key: Real estate no. Building and estate register Real estate no. Postal code Municipal code Region 2. Real estate sales Official valuation and geography dimension Real estate no. Official real estate valuation Postal code, municipality, region 5 Merging Key: Real estate no. Estate sales register Real estate no. Actual sale values Household wealth Register: Market value for owner occupied dwellings 3. Sector delimitation: Household sector Owners of real estate Real estate no. Personal ID no. Business register no. Owner share Business register Business register no. Type of ownership Filter: Persons and sole proprietorships Owners belonging to the household sector Real estate no. Personal ID no. Business register no. Owner share 4. Official estate valuations broken down by individuals and geography Official real estate valuations Real estate no. Official estate valuations Postal code, municipality, region Actual sale values 6 Merging (basic register) Key: Real estate no. Owners belonging to the household sector Real estate no. Personal ID no. Business register no. Owner share Household wealth Estimation of actual market values for owner occupied dwellings 1. Estimation of coefficients relating actual sale values to official real estate valuations J Market val ue coefficien t k (sale values ) J 1 j ,k J (Official J 1 real estate valuation ) j ,k k is a geographical area, e.g. a postal code j is an owner occupied dwelling (type j), traded in the geographical area k 2. Estimation of market value at micro level Market value = Official estate value * market value coefficient 7 Household wealth Estimation of market values for owner occupied dwellings One family houses only Coefficients of actual sales values to official real estate values 1,30 West denmark Copenhagen region Zealand 1,20 1,10 1,00 0,90 0,80 2006 8 2007 2008 2009 Household wealth Market values for co-operative dwellings Challenges • • No central registration of owners No official real estate valuation of co-operative dwellings Assumptions for estimation of market values at micro level • • • All adults at the same address own equal shares of the co-operative dwelling The total real estate value owned by the co-operative is distributed proportionally among dwellings according to square meters Coefficients between actual sales values and official estate value are estimated at regional level only Conclusion Estimates suffer from incomplete information for ownership and actual sales values unlike register information on owner occupied dwellings 9 Household wealth Comparison between micro based market value and national accounts data on household real estate. 4.500 Billion DKK 4.000 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Market value, buildings and land National accounts, buildings National accounts, buildings and land Note: Real estate of households includes dwellings and business real estate of household sector enterprises. 10 Households’ real assets Register: Market value for household cars 1. Sector delimitation: Household sector Vehicle register Owners: Personal ID no. Business reg. no. Vehicle key number Manufacturer Model, variant, age … other technical data 2. Market value Price register from Danish Motorcar Society Vehicle key number Age Market value 11 Business register Business register no. Type of ownership Filter: Persons and sole proprietorships Imputation programme Impute market value when no match is found Merging Keys: Vehicle key number, age Owners belonging to the household sector Personal ID no., Business reg. no. Vehicle key number Manufacturer Model, variant, age … other technical data Owners belonging to the household sector Personal ID no., Business reg. no. Vehicle key number Manufacturer Model, variant, age … other technical data Households’ real assets Register: Market value for household cars 3. Challenges • • • The Price register from Danish Motorcar Society contains only cars No prices for cars older than 20 years 10 percent of the household cars have no match between the Price register and the Vehicle register 4. Assumptions for estimation of market values at micro level • • • No market value for household vans, motor cycles, mobile homes etc. All cars older than 20 years have a market value equal to zero. Imputed market values for 10 percent of the household cars 5. Explaining variables Merged Vehicle register with market value Owner Manufacturer Model, variant, age etc. Market value 12 Merging Keys: Personal ID no. Business reg. no. Registers with explaining variables (Statistics Denmark) Geographical localisation Composition of the owner's family Family income Housing condition …other explaining variables Household wealth Household wealth 2008 (in billion DKK) Household sector National accounts S.14 Financial assets Liabilities Currency AF.21 30 Deposits AF.22 765 492 Securities other than shares AF.3 159 206 Quoted shares AF.511 106 122 Unquoted shares AF.512 232 Other equity AF.513 161 Mutual funds shares AF.52 206 Insurance - technical reserves AF.6 1.781 Other accounts receivable AF.7 61 Securities other than shares AF.3 19 19 Loans AF.4 2.315 2.243 Other accounts payable AF.7 154 Net financial wealth Real assets 16 1.013 -1.426 Dwellings and other real estate 1.707* 4.244 Motor vehicles 245** 188** Yachts and aircrafts owned by households Net Wealth 13 Aggregate micro data 11 2.965 3.017 * Excl. land ** Only Cars Household wealth Summary • Households’ real assets estimated at micro level amounts at the end of 2009 to approximately 2.4 times GDP • Micro registers can be used for distribution analysis (by income, gender, age, family size, occupation etc.) • Reliable estimates of market values for owner occupied dwellings at micro and macro level • Estimates for co-operative dwellings are less reliable but still useful 14