CS 416 Artificial Intelligence Lecture 6 Informed Searches

CS 416
Artificial Intelligence
Lecture 6
Informed Searches
Local Search Algorithms and
Optimization Problems
Characterize Techniques
Uninformed Search
• Looking for a solution where solution is a path from start to
• At each intermediate point along a path, we have no
prediction of value of path
Informed Search
• Again, looking for a path from start to goal
• This time we have insight regarding the value of intermediate
Now change things a bit
What if the path isn’t important, just the goal?
• So the goal is unknown
• The path to the goal need not be solved
• What quantities of quarters, nickels, and dimes add up to
$17.45 and minimizes the total number of coins
• Is the price of Microsoft stock going up tomorrow?
Local Search
Local search does not keep track of previous
• Instead it keeps track of current solution (current state)
• Uses a method of generating alternative solution candidates
• Use a small amount of memory (usually constant amount)
• They can find reasonable (note we aren’t saying optimal)
solutions in infinite search spaces
Optimization Problems
Objective Function
• A function with vector inputs and scalar output
– goal is to search through candidate input vectors in order
to minimize or maximize objective function
• f (q, d, n) = 1,000,000 if q*0.25 + d*0.1 + n*0.05 != 17.45
= q + n + d otherwise
• minimize f
Search Space
The realm of feasible input vectors
• Also called state-space landscape
• Usually described by
– number of dimensions (3 for our change example)
– domain of each dimension (#quarters is discrete from 0 to 69…)
– nature of relationship between input vector and objective function
 no relationship
 smoothly varying
 discontinuities
Search Space
Looking for global
maximum (or minimum)
Hill Climbing
Also called Greedy Search
• Select a starting point and set current
• evaluate (current)
• loop do
– neighbor = highest value successor of
– if evaluate (neighbor) <= evaluate (current)
 return current
– else current = neighbor
Hill climbing gets stuck
Hiking metaphor (you are wearing glasses that
limit your vision to 10 feet)
• Local maxima
– Ridges (in cases when you can’t walk along the ridge)
• Plateau
– why is this a problem?
Hill Climbing Gadgets
Variants on hill climbing play special roles
• stochastic hill climbing
– don’t always choose the best successor
• first-choice hill climbing
– pick the first good successor you find
 useful if number of successors is large
• random restart
– follow steepest ascent from multiple starting states
– probability of finding global max increases with number of starts
Hill Climbing Usefulness
It Depends
• Shape of state space greatly influences hill climbing
• local maxima are the Achilles heel
• what is cost of evaluation?
• what is cost of finding a random starting location?
Simulated Annealing
A term borrowed from metalworking
• We want metal molecules to find a stable location relative to
• heating causes metal molecules to jump around and to take on
undesirable (high energy) locations
• during cooling, molecules reduce their movement and settle
into a more stable (low energy) position
• annealing is process of heating metal and letting it cool slowly
to lock in the stable locations of the molecules
Simulated Annealing
“Be the Ball”
• You have a wrinkled sheet of metal
• Place a BB on the sheet and what happens?
– BB rolls downhill
– BB stops at bottom of hill (local or global min?)
– BB momentum may carry it out of hill into another (local or global)
• By shaking metal sheet, your are adding energy (heat)
• How hard do you shake?
Our Simulated Annealing Algorithm
“You’re not being the ball, Danny” (Caddy Shack)
• Gravity is great because it tells the ball which way is downhill
at all times
• We don’t have gravity, so how do we find a successor state?
– Randomness
 AKA Monte Carlo
 AKA Stochastic
Algorithm Outline
Select some initial guess of evaluation function parameters:
Evaluate evaluation function,
Compute a random displacement,
• The Monte Carlo event
• If v’ < v; set new state,
• Else set
with Prob(E,T)
– This is the Metropolis step
Repeat with updated state and temp
Metropolis Step
We approximate nature’s alignment of molecules by allowing
uphill transitions with some probability
Prob (in energy state E) ~
– Boltzmann Probability Distribution
– Even when T is small, there is still a chance in high energy state
Prob (transferring from E1 to E2) =
– Metropolis Step
– if E2 < E1, prob () is greater than 1
– if E2 > E1, we may transfer to higher energy state
The rate at which T is decreased and the amount
it is decreased is prescribed by an annealing schedule
What have we got?
Always move downhill if possible
Sometimes go uphill
• More likely at start when T is high
Optimality guaranteed with slow annealing schedule
No need for smooth search space
• We do not need to know what nearby successor is
Can be discrete search space
• Traveling salesman problem
More info: Numerical Recipes in C (online)
Chapter 10.9
Local Beam Search
Keep more previous states in memory
• Simulated Annealing just kept one previous state in memory
• This search keeps k states in memory
Generate k initial states
if any state is a goal, terminate
else, generate all successors and select best k
Isn’t this steepest ascent in parallel?
Information is shared between k search points
• Each k state generates successors
• Best k successors are selected
• Some search points may contribute none to best successors
• One search point may contribute all k successors
– “Come over here, the grass is greener” (Russell and Norvig)
• If executed in parallel, no search points would be terminated
like this
Beam Search
Premature termination of search paths?
• Stochastic beam search
– Instead of choosing best K successors
– Choose k successors at random