Proprietary Fund Operations

Proprietary Fund Operations
For activities similar to profit-seeking
 Provides goods and services on a fee or
user charge basis
 Should be self-supporting
 Accrual basis and Economic Resources
 Fixed assets, depreciation, and long-term
debt are recorded in each proprietary fund
Financial Statements
Statement of Net Assets (Balance Sheet)
Working capital approach (Current/Non-current)
 Net Assets: Capital, restricted, and unrestricted
Statement of Revenue, Expenses and
Changes in Net Assets
Distinct operating income (Loss) section
 Non-operating income section (interest expense)
 Transfers-in, transfers-out, and capital
contributions section
Statement of Cash Flows
Four sections instead of normal three
Operating, non-capital financing, capital and
related financing, and investing
Must use ‘direct’ approach
 Must include reconciliation section from
operating income (loss) to cash flow from
operating activities
Proprietary Funds
Internal Service
Provides services to
one or more internal
departments of the
same government
Used when services
can be performed
more efficiently
and/or more timely
Enterprise Funds
Provides services to
other parties, both
and outside
government for a
Known as businesstype services
provided by the
government entity
Internal Service Funds
Provides goods or services to other
intergovernmental funds on a costreimbursement basis
 Examples include computer services,
print services, and motor pool
 Revenue accounts: charges for services,
 Expense accounts: similar to for-profits
 Transfers-in (out) and capital
contributions are not revenue
Internal Service Funds, Concluded
Risk management activities
Self-insurance programs may use either the
general fund or an internal service fund
 Inter-fund premiums are inter-fund services
provided or used in internal service funds
 When claims are paid or accrued, an operating
expense is charged if in an internal service fund
 Deficits in internal service fund at end of year
should be made up over a reasonable time and
disclosed in notes to financial statements
Enterprise Funds
Used to account for governmental units that
provide services to the general public on a
user-fee basis (Water departments)
 Must be established when one of following is
Debt is backed solely by fees and charges
 Legal requirement costs be covered through fees
and charges
 When the government has a policy to establish fees
and charges to cover the cost of providing services
Classes of Long-Term Debt
Revenue Bonds
Payable solely from revenue earned by the
 Recorded directly in the accounts of the
enterprise fund
General Obligation Bonds
Issued by pledging full faith and credit of the
government in addition to the enterprise fund
 If payment to be made from enterprise fund, these
liabilities should also be recorded in enterprise
Solid Waste Fund Notes
Post-Closure Costs
Liability must be estimated and accrued as landfill
is in actual use
 Estimated costs include liners, monitoring wells,
periodic inspections, engineering fees for 30
years after closure
 Estimated costs are expensed and the related
long-term debt is recorded based on actual use in
each period.