Image-Based Rendering David Luebke University of Virginia

Image-Based Rendering
David Luebke
University of Virginia
But first…
A funky cactus
Image-Based Rendering
You’ve been learning how to turn
geometric models into images
– Specifically, images of compelling 3D objects
and worlds
Image-based rendering: a relatively new
field of computer graphics devoted to
making images from images
Ex: Quicktime VR
Images with depth
Quicktime VR is really just a 2D
panoramic photograph
– Spin around, zoom in and out
But what if we could assign depth to
parts of the image?
Ex: Tour Into the Picture
Tour Into the Picture
Software for:
– Selecting parts of an image
– Assigning a vanishing point for depth of
background objects
– Assigning depth to foreground objects
– “Painting in” behind objects
Depth per pixel
What if we could assign an exact depth
to every pixel?
Ex: MIT Image-Based Editing system
Depth per pixel continued
What if we had a “camera” that
automatically acquired depth at every
Ex: deltasphere
Ex: Monticello project