MSU Policy 3.214 states that at least once per year during the anniversary month of employment, or more often if necessary, supervisors will conduct a performance review on each of their
assigned employees. Please complete this review form and forward to the next higher level of supervision within ten working days after receipt.
The purpose of this Performance Review form is to provide the supervisor with a means of evaluating an employee’s past job performance during a performance interview. Performance factors are to be
discussed in terms of demonstrated strengths and areas for improvement. For each performance factor, the employee should be informed of what is expected and what he/she can do to meet or exceed those
expectations. The eleven performance factors listed below are common to most staff positions. Comments for each applicable factor are encouraged, but explanatory comments/examples are
required for factors rated “Outstanding” or “Does Not Meet Expectations.” If a factor is not applicable, enter N/A. If additional space is needed, continue comments on a standard 8-1/2 x 11 sheet of
paper. For guidance in rating an employee’s performance for each factor, refer to the back side of this form.
Does Not Meet
1. COMPLIANCE: Consider the employee’s knowledge
of and compliance with university policy.
2. QUALITY OF WORK: Consider accuracy, thoroughness,
and neatness of work regardless of volume.
3. QUANTITY OF WORK: Consider the amount of work
completed and the extent to which work is kept on schedule.
4. KNOWLEDGE OF WORK: Consider job knowledge
gained through experience, education, and training.
5. INITIATIVE: Consider the amount of supervision required,
resourcefulness, and judgment.
6. DEPENDABILITY: Consider the employee’s reliability
and the degree of supervision necessary.
7. ATTENDANCE: Consider the employee's attendance record with
regard to tardiness, unexcused absences, and appropriate notice/request
to supervisor for the use of leave accruals and compensatory time.
to which the employee recognizes the needs of other people, treats
customers, and works to resolve problems without conflict.
9. DIVERSITY: Consider to what extent the employee supports
diversity initiatives, treats other people, and respects and values
individual differences.
10. SAFETY: Consider the employee’s ability to work safely,
recognize and report potential problems, and be concerned
for the safety of others.
11. SUPERVISION OF OTHERS: (Supervisors only): Consider the
individual’s ability to supervise, train, and obtain results from
subordinates while maintaining an environment of mutual respect.
OVERALL EVALUATION: My overall evaluation of this employee’s performance is:
Outstanding: An exceptional employee who completes assigned tasks with little or no supervision and consistently exceeds expectations.
Exceeds Expectations: An above average employee who completes assigned tasks with limited supervision and exceeds expectations.
Meets Expectations: A competent employee who consistently meets the requirements of the position.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Performance is unsatisfactory in one or more areas; improvement is necessary for continued employment.
SUPERVISOR (To be completed by the supervisor at the end of the appraisal interview)
EMPLOYEE (Please check one.)
_________ I understand this evaluation, OR
_________ I disagree with portions of this evaluation. I am aware that I may file a written rebuttal within 15 calendar days for inclusion in my file. I understand that
my signature is required but that signing this form is not necessarily an indication that I agree with its contents.
Comments: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Human Resources Department will return the supervisor & employee copies once all signatures have been received.
REVISED: 07/11
Managers and supervisors should use the following standards in evaluating employee performance. Ratings of “Outstanding” or
“Does Not Meet Expectations” require explanation and/or examples.
Outstanding: Possesses extensive knowledge of all university policies and complies without exception.
Exceeds Expectations: Exhibits knowledge of university policies and is diligent in compliance.
Meets Expectations: Maintains working knowledge of university policies and strives for compliance.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Demonstrates disregard of university policies.
Quality of Work:
Outstanding: Performs assigned duties accurately and thoroughly with only minimal errors.
Exceeds Expectations: Produces work of high quality with few errors.
Meets Expectations: Produces acceptable work, but with occasional errors.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Produces unacceptable or marginal work with excessive errors; makes the same errors repeatedly.
Quantity of Work:
Outstanding: Consistently completes work ahead of schedule; seeks additional tasks; recognized as an exceptional performer.
Exceeds Expectations: Completes most tasks ahead of schedule; above average output.
Meets Expectations: Completes the majority of work within specified time limits; meets goals.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Does not complete work within time limits; generally unsatisfactory output.
Knowledge of Work:
Outstanding: Consistently demonstrates exceptional knowledge and skills in the most complex aspects of the job.
Exceeds Expectations: Demonstrates better-than-average knowledge and skills in handling complex job duties.
Meets Expectations: Demonstrates acceptable knowledge and skills to perform job duties.
Does Not Meet Expectations. Lacks the knowledge and skills necessary to perform certain job duties.
Outstanding: Consistently exhibits independent action and resourcefulness; exercises outstanding judgment; highly motivated.
Exceeds Expectations: Exhibits independent action and resourcefulness; exercises sound judgment; above-average worker.
Meets Expectations: Generally demonstrates independent action with minimal supervision; dependable worker.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Rarely exhibits independent action as required by the job; requires constant supervision.
Outstanding: Consistently completes assigned tasks with little or no supervision required; self-motivated; conscientious.
Exceeds Expectations: Demonstrates above-average ability to complete assigned tasks with limited supervision.
Meets Expectations: Completes assigned tasks with average supervision.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Often fails to complete assigned tasks; frequently misses deadlines or production goals; considered
by co-workers and others as being generally unreliable.
Outstanding: Seldom misses work; is rarely tardy; keeps supervisor informed of necessary absences/tardiness in timely manner;
always considers the needs of the department/program in scheduling vacation time; always correctly reports time worked/
missed on time sheet.
Exceeds Expectations: Misses work only rarely for legitimate reasons; is seldom tardy; adheres to sick leave policies; willingly
concedes to the needs of the department/program in scheduling vacation time; does not submit incorrect time sheets.
Meets Expectations: Seldom reports to work late; does not misuse sick leave; submits generally accurate time sheets; keeps
supervisor informed of necessary absences/tardiness; does not fail to report to work for unacceptable reasons.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Misuses sick leave; often submits incorrect time sheet reports of time worked/missed; fails to advise
supervisor when an absence/tardiness is necessary; fails to report for or leaves work for reasons that are not acceptable.
Cooperation/Customer Service:
Outstanding: Consistently anticipates and meets the needs of customers; communicates/works well with co-workers and others.
Exceeds Expectations: Frequently anticipates the needs of customers; generally communicates/works well with co-workers and
Meets Expectations: Meets customer needs; communicates/works acceptably with customers and co-workers.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Frequently fails to meet customer needs; needs improvement with communication skills with
customers and co-workers.
Outstanding: Works diligently and consistently to foster an open and inclusive environment; actively involved in diversity
initiatives; always displays behavior that respects and values individual differences.
Exceeds Expectations: Provides support for an open and inclusive environment; encourages diversity initiatives; frequently
displays behavior that respects and values individual differences.
Meets Expectations: Contributes to promoting an open and inclusive environment; participates in diversity initiatives; generally
displays behavior that respects and values individual differences.
Does Not meet Expectations: Needs encouragement to support a diverse and inclusive environment; fails to display behavior that
respects and values individual differences.
Outstanding: Always follows sound safety practices and shows concern for the safety of others; frequently makes recommendations
on improving safety practices, procedures and conditions.
Exceeds Expectations: Observes sound safety practices with few instances of safety violations; shows concern for the safety of
coworkers and others; reports unsafe conditions or practices.
Meets Expectations: Observes acceptable safety practices and procedures with only occasionally minor violations.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Frequently violates safety rules; has a documented history of safety violations; condones or ignores
safety violations by others.
Supervision (Supervisors only):
Outstanding: Excels in leadership/supervision; coaches and trains employees for advancement; provides for accurate feedback.
Exceeds Expectations: Provides above-average leadership/supervision; coaches and trains most employees they supervise;
provides for frequent feedback.
Meets Expectations: Provides leadership/supervision; encourages development; provides some coaching, delegation and training;
provides periodic feedback.
Does Not Meet Expectations: Rarely provides constructive leadership or supervision; discourages employee participation in
development activities; provides no or limited coaching, training or feedback.